St. Joseph Catholic School

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Mrs. Tiffany Schiff » Home


5th Grade Team

Hello and welcome back to school! I hope you had an incredible Summer filled with fun and adventures. My name is Mrs. Schiff and I am delighted to write to you as your child’s Math, Science and Social Studies teacher. We're going to learn, explore, and grow together in our wonderful classroom.


A little about myself: I have been married for 22 years and have lived in Libertyville for 24 years. I have four children: Amanda, who has been married for almost two years now; Olivia, who is a Sophomore at Indiana University Kelley School of Business; Ty, who is a Senior at LHS; and Audrina, who is in 5th grade here at SJCS.


Throughout my 13 years at St. Joseph Catholic School, I have been furthering my education. I earned my Education degree from Indiana Wesleyan University in 2019. Last year, I assumed the role of 5th - 8th grade Middle School Resource Teacher and worked with students who hold ISP’s and 504 plans. I am currently working towards earning my Special Education credential as well.


As this new school year starts, I will be working closely with each student to ensure their success. During my time as the 5-8 Resource Teacher, I gained a strong understanding of the Middle School Math, Science, and Social Studies curriculum. I will continue to work closely with these teachers to ensure the 5th graders are prepared for 6th grade.


I am grateful for your trust and support as their teacher, and feel free to contact me with any questions.


Many Blessings!


Also...I have created a new Amazon wish list of items that will help grow our library of knowledge and also improve my new way of teaching math and ensuring that each student continues to grow and learn in many different ways. We will also be learning study skills and I need supplies from my wish list to make this happen as well. Any donation is greatly appreciated. Link is here or under Amazon tab on the side... thank you!




Wednesday, January 8, 2025 Homework

Math - pgs 491 & 492 (Today, we started with PEMDAS (parenthesis, exponents, multiply, divide, addition, subtraction) ... order of operations. It was just a starting lesson, and the students did very well with it. We will expand and do more with these lessons as we go on. Please keep practicing multiplication flashcards at home, as we will do a lot of multiplication in the next few weeks.)
Science - None - Bubis Only  (Today, we read about some physical structures in living things in our textbooks. The students also worked on textbook questions that went along with this topic. Question to ask... What is an exoskeleton? It is a hard skeleton on the outside of their bodies. My class did this yesterday.)
Social Studies - None (Today, I passed our What Was the Holocaust books and comprehension packets. The kids will learn about the Holocaust before they start reading their next novel in Reading, "A Night Divided." We read chapters 3, 4, and 5 today and answered questions. Talk to your child at home about what they learned today. )
- The food pantry collection is on Wednesday, January 15th, and the 5th graders have been given PASTA to donate. Please donate whatever you can, as it is much needed after the long break. Thank you so much!
- I offer office hours Monday - Thursday if your child needs me to reteach something in Math, Science, or Social Studies. Please email me for assistance, and we will meet via the Google Meet link. 
If you are interested in helping out with our classroom needs:
If anyone would like to donate wish list items to our classroom, please use this Amazon link:
Thank you all so much in advance for your continued support. It truly makes a difference in our school community!

Tuesday, January 7, 2025 Homework

Happy New Year to you all! Hoping this year brings much love, happiness, and laughter!
Math - None (Today, we received our volume 2 textbooks for the balance of the year. We started working on numerical expressions today...mainly addition expressions. This was pretty easy and a great way to get back into the swing of things. Please keep practicing multiplication flashcards at home, as we will do a lot of multiplication in the next few weeks.)
Science - None - Schiff Only  (Today, we read about some physical structures in living things in our textbooks. The students also worked on questions in the textbooks that went along with this topic. Questions to ask... What is an exoskeleton? It is a hard skeleton on the outside of their bodies. Miss Bubis's class will do this tomorrow.)
Social Studies - None (Today, I passed our What Was the Holocaust books and comprehension packets. The kids will learn about the Holocaust before they start reading their next novel in Reading, "A Night Divided." We read chapters 1 and 2 today and answered questions as well. Talk to your child at home about what they learned today. )
- I offer office hours Monday - Thursday if your child needs me to reteach something in Math, Science, or Social Studies. Please email me for assistance, and we will meet via the Google Meet link. 
If you are interested in helping out with our classroom needs:
If anyone would like to donate wish list items to our classroom, please use this Amazon link:
Thank you all so much in advance for your continued support. It truly makes a difference in our school community!

January 7 to January 10, 2025 Week at a Glance

Math: Chapter 7  (one lesson per day) 

All Volume 2 Math Books will be passed out to them on Tuesday

  • Tuesday - Chapter 7, Lesson 1 - Numerical Expressions (Learning Objective: Write and evaluate numerical expressions)
  • Wednesday- Chapter 7, Lesson 2 - Order of Operations (Learning Objective: Use the order of operations to evaluate expressions)
  • Thursday - Chapter 7, Lesson 3 - Write Numerical Expressions (Learning objective: Use numbers and operation symbols to write verbal phrases as numerical expressions)
  • Friday - Check My Progress (Learning objective: see how the students are doing this far)

Science: Chapter 3 - Growth and Survival (one lesson per week)

  • Tuesday/Wednesday - Lesson 1 and answer the central question: What are some physical structures in living things?
    • How do plants and animals grow and change?
      • Learning Objective: 
        • Students will compare and contrast the structures and functions of parts of plants and animals
  • Thursday - They will do a Plant Escape Room (they love this)
  • Friday - Lesson 1 Check Quiz and a Function of Plants packet

Social Studies: What was the Holocaust?... this is to prepare them before they read the book “A Night Divided” in Reading class 

Pass out Holocaust books and comprehension packets on Tuesday

  • Tuesday - Read Chapters 1, 2, 3, & 4 in Holocaust books and answer comprehension questions for these chapters  
  • Wednesday - Read Chapters 5, 6, & 7 in Holocaust books and answer comprehension questions for these chapters  
  • Thursday - Read Chapters 8, 9, 10 & 11 in Holocaust books and answer comprehension questions for these chapters  
  • Friday - We will work on a packet on Martin Luther King to honor him before we have his day of celebration off on January 15th

Learning Objectives: 

Informational Text:

- Anchor Standard 1: Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text. 

- Anchor Standard 2: Determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development; summarize the key supporting details and ideas.

- Anchor Standard 4: Interpret words and phrases used in a text, including determining technical, connotative, and figurative meanings, and analyze how specific word choices shape meaning or tone. 

- Anchor Standard 7: Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse media, and formats, including visually and quantitatively, as well as in words. 

- Anchor Standard 10: Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently. 


-Anchor Standard 2: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content. 

Anchor Standard 9: Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. 

*Please note that The Week at a Glance is very broad. Please check my nightly Edlio posts to read about what we specifically did in class that day.*

Friday, December 20, 2024 Homework

We had a special 8:30 am Mass today to bless and send us on our way for the Holiday Break. 
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year!!
Math, Social Studies & Science—None (Today, if we had any of these classes, we played games. We kept it light and fun.)
- I offer office hours Monday - Thursday if your child needs me to reteach something in Math, Science, or Social Studies. Please email me for assistance, and we will meet via the Google Meet link. 
If you are interested in helping out with our classroom needs:
If anyone would like to donate wish list items to our classroom, please use this Amazon link:
Thank you all so much in advance for your continued support. It truly makes a difference in our school community!

Thursday, December 18, 2024 Homework

Math, Social Studies & Science - None (Today, we watched Home Alone 2 and had a fun-filled, relaxing day. The kids truly enjoyed the movie, even though most have seen it. It still makes me laugh to this day too.)
- I offer office hours Monday - Thursday if your child needs me to reteach something in Math, Science, or Social Studies. Please email me for assistance, and we will meet via the Google Meet link. 
If you are interested in helping out with our classroom needs:
If anyone would like to donate wish list items to our classroom, please use this Amazon link:
Thank you all so much in advance for your continued support. It truly makes a difference in our school community!

Wednesday, December 18, 2024 Homework

Math—None (Today, we worked on Christmas Crossword puzzles as I am not starting a new book right before the break. They worked hard and had their test yesterday, so it's time for some holiday fun! Please keep practicing multiplication flashcards at home, as we will do a lot of multiplication in the next few weeks.)
Science—None (Today, we took our Chapter 2 Test in class, and they could use the notes they handwrote from when I lectured them Monday/Tuesday. They did great!)
Social Studies - None (Today, we read about the Vietnam War, a subject area the students wanted to learn about, and I could fit it into my lesson plans for this week. They had to read chapter 15. Then they answered the questions in the comprehension packet, which also asked them to tell me what page they found the answer on....this is an essential concept to provide evidence of their answers. We are now done with this book. We will start the Holocaust when we return from break.)
- I offer office hours Monday - Thursday if your child needs me to reteach something in Math, Science, or Social Studies. Please email me for assistance, and we will meet via the Google Meet link. 
If you are interested in helping out with our classroom needs:
If anyone would like to donate wish list items to our classroom, please use this Amazon link:
Thank you all so much in advance for your continued support. It truly makes a difference in our school community!

Tuesday, December 17, 2024 Homework

Math—None (Today, we took our Math test. They did great!! Please keep practicing multiplication flashcards at home, as we will do a lot of multiplication in the next few weeks.)
Science—None—Schiff Only (Today, I lectured about the test, and the students all took handwritten notes. These notes can be used on their Chapter 2 test on Wednesday. Bubis's class took these notes yesterday.)
Social Studies - None (Today, we read about the Vietnam War, a subject area the students wanted to learn about, and I could fit it into my lesson plans for this week. They had to read chapters 13 & 14. Then they answered the questions in the comprehension packet, which also asked them to tell me what page they found the answer on....this is an essential concept to provide me with evidence of their answers.)
- I offer office hours Monday - Thursday if your child needs me to reteach something in Math, Science, or Social Studies. Please email me for assistance, and we will meet via the Google Meet link. 
If you are interested in helping out with our classroom needs:
If anyone would like to donate wish list items to our classroom, please use this Amazon link:
Thank you all so much in advance for your continued support. It truly makes a difference in our school community!

Monday, December 16, 2024 Homework

Math - Practice Test Worksheet (Today, we worked on a Practice Test to prepare for tomorrow's test. I gave them a practice test worksheet to take home tonight for homework. We are ready for our Math Test tomorrow. Please keep practicing multiplication flashcards at home, as we will do a lot of multiplication in the next few weeks.)
Science—None—Bubis Only (Today, I lectured about the test, and the students all took handwritten notes. These notes can be used on their test on Wednesday, our Chapter 2 test.)
Social Studies - None (Today, we read about the Vietnam War, a subject area the students wanted to learn about, and I could fit it into my lesson plans for this week. They had to read chapters 11 &12. Then they answered the questions in the comprehension packet, which also asked them to tell me what page they found the answer on....this is an essential concept to provide me with evidence of their answers.)
- I offer office hours Monday - Thursday if your child needs me to reteach something in Math, Science, or Social Studies. Please email me for assistance, and we will meet via the Google Meet link. 
If you are interested in helping out with our classroom needs:
If anyone would like to donate wish list items to our classroom, please use this Amazon link:
Thank you all so much in advance for your continued support. It truly makes a difference in our school community!

12/16/24 to 12/20/24 Week at a Glance

Math: Chapter 5 - Add and Subtract Decimals & Chapter 6 - Multiply and Divide Decimals (one lesson per day) 

  • Monday - Chapter 5 differentiated practice test (also sent home for extra support if needed)
  • Tuesday- Chapter 5 Differentiated Test 
  • Wednesday - Chapter 6, Lesson 1 & 3  - Estimate Products of Whole Numbers and Decimals (learning objective: estimate products of whole numbers and decimals) AND Multiply Decimals by Whole Numbers (learning objective: multiply decimals by whole numbers)
  • Thursday - Chapter 6, Lesson 5 & 6 - Multiply Decimals (learning objective: multiply decimals by decimals) AND Multiply Decimals by Powers of Ten (learning objective: multiply decimals by powers of ten)
  • Friday - No Math due to early dismissal
  • All Volume 1 textbooks are to go home today - we are done with them 

Science: Chapter 2 - Forces and Motion (one lesson per week)

  • Monday/Tuesday - I will lecture the test, and students will take notes on what I say.
  • Wednesday - Chapter 2 Test - They will be able to use their notes from my lecture on the test 
  • Thursday - Physical & Chemical Change Ugly Sweater packet
  • Friday - Christmas Animals packet, if time allows, due to early dismissal 

Social Studies: The Vietnam War finished, and the Christmas Around the World packet

  • Monday - Vietnam War & End of Vietnam War packet
  • Tuesday - America joins Vietnam and Key Figures packet
  • Wednesday - End of Vietnam War Informational Packet 
  • Thursday - Christmas Around the World packet 
  • Friday - No Social Studies due to early dismissal 

Learning Objectives of finishing Vietnam War & Christmas Around the World

  • Analyze how Indochina's history impacted the Vietnam War
  • Explain Ho Chi Minh's role in Vietnam
  • Compare the positions of various American presidents
  • Explain how the Vietnam War began
  • Know the roles of various countries in the Vietnam War
  • Learn about different traditions of Christmas’ around the world 

Friday, December 13, 2024 Homework

I am so proud of the wonderful performance by the entire school, but most importantly, the 5th graders, at the Christmas show last night. They sang their hearts out! Great job!
Math - None (I gave them game time today after a tough week of shortened class periods and many Christmas Show practices. We will continue Math on Monday with a review for our test. Please keep practicing multiplication flashcards at home, as we will do a lot of multiplication in the next few weeks.)
Science - None (Today, we did a packet on wood vs, steel roller coasters. The students loved this packet and learned a lot. It taught us about the forces at amusement parks and rides and the materials they are made out of.)
Social Studies - None (Today, we read about the Vietnam War, a subject area the students wanted to learn about, and I could fit it into my lesson plans for this week. They had to read chapters 9 & 10. Then they answered the questions in the comprehension packet, which also asked them to tell me what page they found the answer on....this is an essential concept to provide me with evidence of their answers.)
- I offer office hours Monday - Thursday if your child needs me to reteach something in Math, Science, or Social Studies. Please email me for assistance, and we will meet via the Google Meet link. 
If you are interested in helping out with our classroom needs:
If anyone would like to donate wish list items to our classroom, please use this Amazon link:
Thank you all so much in advance for your continued support. It truly makes a difference in our school community!

Thursday, December 12, 2024 Homework

Christmas Show is tonight, Thursday, December 12, at 6:30 pm in the Church. As you walk into church and face the risers on the altar, my class is on the right side of the risers...Miss Bubis's on the left side. All students must arrive at their classroom by 6 pm. Parent, please try to take your child's jacket when dropping it off at the school. It's one less thing for us to worry about. Also, pick-up is at the end of the performance in Church by coming up to me and checking them out. Thank you, and I am looking forward to the show. Please review Mr. Showstead's email from a week ago letting you know the proper attire. Thank you.
Math—None (Today, we worked on a Concept Check in our textbooks, which they gave me for grading. Please keep practicing multiplication flashcards at home, as we will do a lot of multiplication in the next few weeks.)
Science - None (Today, we did a packet on the physics of amusement parks. The students loved this packet and learned a lot. It was marked as "Forced" to have fun. It taught us about the forces at amusement parks and rides.)
Social Studies - None, but D.O.G. was passed out and is due by Friday (Today, we read about the Vietnam War, a subject area the students wanted to learn about, and I could fit it into my lesson plans for this week. They had to read chapters 6, 7, & 8. Then they answered the questions in the comprehension packet, which also asked them to tell me what page they found the answer on....this is an essential concept to provide me with evidence of their answers.)
- I offer office hours Monday - Thursday if your child needs me to reteach something in Math, Science, or Social Studies. Please email me for assistance, and we will meet via the Google Meet link. 
If you are interested in helping out with our classroom needs:
If anyone would like to donate wish list items to our classroom, please use this Amazon link:
Thank you all so much in advance for your continued support. It truly makes a difference in our school community!

Wednesday, December 11, 2025 Homework

Christmas Show is tomorrow, Thursday, December 12, at 6:30 pm in the Church. As you walk into church and face the risers on the altar, my class is on the right side of the risers...Miss Bubis's on the left side. All students must arrive at their classroom by 6 pm. Parent, please try to take your child's jacket when dropping it off at the school. It's one less thing for us to worry about. Also, pick-up is at the end of the performance in Church by coming up to me and checking them out. Thank you, and I am looking forward to the show. Please review Mr. Showstead's email from a week ago letting you know the proper attire. Thank you.
Math - pgs 365 & 366 (Today, we worked on subtracting decimals. Most are struggling with subtraction, so I took it as slow as I could today. We need to remember to regroup and not subtract bottom up. Please keep practicing multiplication flashcards at home, as we will do a lot of multiplication in the next few weeks.)
Science - None - Bubis only - (Today, we learned how shadows are formed by the reading in our textbooks...we thought about using flashlights and how the sun creates shadows...My class did this yesterday.)
Social Studies - None, but D.O.G. was passed out and is due by Friday (Today, we read about the Vietnam War, a subject area the students wanted to learn about, and I could fit it into my lesson plans for this week. They had to read chapters 4 & 5. Then they answered the questions in the comprehension packet, which also asked them to tell me what page they found the answer on....this is an essential concept to provide me with evidence of their answers.)
- I offer office hours Monday - Thursday if your child needs me to reteach something in Math, Science, or Social Studies. Please email me for assistance, and we will meet via the Google Meet link. 
If you are interested in helping out with our classroom needs:
If anyone would like to donate wish list items to our classroom, please use this Amazon link:
Thank you all so much in advance for your continued support. It truly makes a difference in our school community!

Tuesday, December 10, 2024 Homework

The food pantry collection is on Wednesday, December 11th, and we want to make this one a huge one right before the holidays. 5th grade has been given sugar to donate, but any donation is much needed and appreciated. The food pantry also needs salt, canned fruit, chunky soup, pasta, pasta sauce, and cake mixes. 
Christmas Show is this Thursday, December 12, at 6:30 pm in the Church. As you walk into church and face the risers on the altar, my class is on the right side of the risers...Miss Bubis's on the left side. All students must arrive at their classroom by 6 pm. Parent, please try to take your child's jacket when dropping it off at the school. It's one less thing for us to worry about. Also, pick-up is at the end of the performance in Church by coming up to me and checking them out. Thank you, and I am looking forward to the show. Please take a look at Mr. Showstead's email from a week ago letting you know the proper attire to wear. Thank you.
Math - Check My Progress worksheet (Today, we worked on a check-my-progress lesson in the book to see how we understand lessons 4 through 7. They worked on the textbook pages in class and turned them in to me. The worksheet was sent home as homework. Please keep practicing multiplication flashcards at home, as we will do a lot of multiplication in the next few weeks.)
Science - None - Schiff only - (Today, we learned how shadows are formed by the reading in our textbooks...we thought about using flashlights and how the sun creates shadows...Miss Bubis's class will do this tomorrow.)
Social Studies - None, but D.O.G. was passed out and is due by Friday (Today, we read about the Vietnam War, a subject area the students wanted to learn about, and I could fit it into my lesson plans for this week. They had to read chapters 2, 3, & 5. Then they answered the questions in the comprehension packet, which also asked them to tell me what page they found the answer on....this is an essential concept to provide me with evidence of their answers.)
- I offer office hours Monday - Thursday if your child needs me to reteach something in Math, Science, or Social Studies. Please email me for assistance, and we will meet via the Google Meet link. 
If you are interested in helping out with our classroom needs:
If anyone would like to donate wish list items to our classroom, please use this Amazon link:
Thank you all so much in advance for your continued support. It truly makes a difference in our school community!

Monday, December 9, 2025 Homework

Today, we had shortened class periods due to a special Mass service and a 12:30pm practice of the Christmas Show. Each class was approxiametley 17 minutes long. I knew it would have been hard to teach lessons in this shortened time, so I took every thing from today and did last Friday. Today, we did packets of fun throughout each class period. See below. I appreciate your understanding as we adjust to the daily schedules that change over the next few weeks.
My students will attend the Santa Secret Shop on December 10th at 10:23 a.m., so please have them bring money (if they desire) and their envelopes with a list of people they can shop for. It's so much fun!
The food pantry collection is on Wednesday, December 11th, and we want to make this one a huge one right before the holidays. 5th grade has been given sugar to donate, but any donation is much needed and appreciated. The food pantry also needs salt, canned fruit, chunky soup, pasta, pasta sauce, and cake mixes. 
Math - None (Today, we worked on a December/Christmas Word Search packet. Please keep practicing multiplication flashcards at home, as we will do a lot of multiplication in the next few weeks.)
Science - None  (Today, we worked on a December/Christmas Word Scramble packet.)
Social Studies - None, but D.O.G. was passed out and is due by Friday (Today, we worked on a December/Christmas Crossword puzzle packet.)
- I offer office hours Monday - Thursday if your child needs me to reteach something in Math, Science, or Social Studies. Please email me for assistance, and we will meet via the Google Meet link. 
If you are interested in helping out with our classroom needs:
If anyone would like to donate wish list items to our classroom, please use this Amazon link:
Thank you all so much in advance for your continued support. It truly makes a difference in our school community!

12/9/24 to 12/13/24 Week at a Glance

Math: Chapter 5 - Add and Subtract Decimals (one lesson per day) 

  • Monday - Chapter 5, Lesson 7 - Addition Properties (learning objective: use the Associative, Commutative, and Identity Properties to add whole numbers and decimals mentally)
  • Tuesday- Check My Progress thus far in class
  • Wednesday - Chapter 5, Lesson 10 - Subtract Decimals (learning objective: Subtracting decimals)
  • Thursday - Concept Check for understanding
  • Friday - Practice Test #1 in class to prepare for our test on December 17, 2024…we will do it again on Monday, December 16th, for extra practice too

Science: Chapter 2 - Forces and Motion (one lesson per week)

    • Chapter 2 - Lesson 4 = Answering the essential question: How are shadows formed?
      • Learning Objective: 
        • Students will investigate how shadows form and will communicate the results of their investigation.
  • Key Vocabulary this week: light, shadow, and waves
  • Wednesday - Physics of Amusement Parks packet
  • Thursday - Wood vs Steel Roller Coasters packet
  • Friday - Lesson 4 Quiz Check

Social Studies: The Vietnam War

    • Monday - Read Chapters 1 & 2 in Vietnam War books and answer comprehension questions for these chapters  
    • Tuesday - Read Chapters 3, 4, & 5 in Vietnam War books and answer comprehension questions for these chapters  
    • Wednesday - Read Chapters 6, 7, & 8 in Vietnam War books and answer comprehension questions for these chapters  
    • Thursday - Read Chapters 9, 10, & 11 in Vietnam War books and answer comprehension questions for these chapters  
    • Friday - Read Chapters 12, 13, & 14 in Vietnam War books and answer comprehension questions for these chapters ~ turning in our books and packets because we finished today
  • Learning Objectives:
  • Analyze how Indochina's history impacted the Vietnam War
  • Explain Ho Chi Minh's role in Vietnam
  • Compare the positions of various American presidents
  • Explain how the Vietnam War began
  • Know the roles of various countries in the Vietnam War

*Please note that The Week at a Glance is very broad. Please check my nightly Edlio posts to read about what we did in class that day.*