St. Joseph Catholic School

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Mrs. Tiffany Schiff » Home


5th Grade Team

Hello and welcome back to school! I hope you had an incredible Summer filled with fun and adventures. My name is Mrs. Schiff and I am delighted to write to you as your child’s Math, Science and Social Studies teacher. We're going to learn, explore, and grow together in our wonderful classroom.


A little about myself: I have been married for 22 years and have lived in Libertyville for 24 years. I have four children: Amanda, who has been married for almost two years now; Olivia, who is a Sophomore at Indiana University Kelley School of Business; Ty, who is a Senior at LHS; and Audrina, who is in 5th grade here at SJCS.


Throughout my 13 years at St. Joseph Catholic School, I have been furthering my education. I earned my Education degree from Indiana Wesleyan University in 2019. Last year, I assumed the role of 5th - 8th grade Middle School Resource Teacher and worked with students who hold ISP’s and 504 plans. I am currently working towards earning my Special Education credential as well.


As this new school year starts, I will be working closely with each student to ensure their success. During my time as the 5-8 Resource Teacher, I gained a strong understanding of the Middle School Math, Science, and Social Studies curriculum. I will continue to work closely with these teachers to ensure the 5th graders are prepared for 6th grade.


I am grateful for your trust and support as their teacher, and feel free to contact me with any questions.


Many Blessings!


Also...I have created a new Amazon wish list of items that will help grow our library of knowledge and also improve my new way of teaching math and ensuring that each student continues to grow and learn in many different ways. We will also be learning study skills and I need supplies from my wish list to make this happen as well. Any donation is greatly appreciated. Link is here or under Amazon tab on the side... thank you!




Friday, November 15, 2024 Homework

Math - None (Today, we took a break from long division as I have noticed a real struggle with subtraction. If you can't subtract correctly during the process of lng division, your answer will be wrong. We worked on three digit by three digit and four digit by 4 digit subtraction with regrouping. Practice makes progress! Please keep practicing multiplication flashcards at home as we will be doing a lot of multiplication in the next few weeks, even with division.)
Science - None (Bubis only: They each worked on a packet that was focused on Force to expand our knowledge on this subject even deeper. Schiff's class did Science BrainPop lessons.)
Social Studies -  None (Today we did a packet on how Pearl Harbor impacted our country after the attack, which they should be familiar with from our books we read. We read many cool facts throughout this packet. Please ask your child to share at least two of them with you.)
- I offer office hours Monday - Thursday if your child needs me to reteach something in Math, Science, or Social Studies. Please email me for assistance, and we will meet via the Google Meet link. 
If you are interested in helping out with our classroom needs:
If anyone would like to donate wish list items to our classroom, please use this Amazon link:
Thank you all so much in advance for your continued support. It truly makes a difference in our school community!

Thursday, November 14, 2024 Homework

Math - None (Today we worked on check my progress pages in the textbook and they were also given a Check My Progress worksheet. Check My Progress shows me how they understand the lessons taught thus far in this chapter with long division. It was a little bit rough for some, but most did get it. I'm hopeful that they will all get it smoothly soon. Practice makes progress! Please keep practicing multiplication flashcards at home as we will be doing a lot of multiplication in the next few weeks, even with division.)
Science - None (They each worked on a packet that was focused on Force to expand our knowledge on this subject even deeper.)
Social Studies -  D.O.G. packets were passed out on Monday and due by Friday (Today was the 50 States test and all did great! Very proud of them. Grades are in PowerSchool. Please note that there is a 1/2point taken off for spelling errors - they were given a word bank with correct spelling - and 1/2 point taken off if not capitalized.)
- I offer office hours Monday - Thursday if your child needs me to reteach something in Math, Science, or Social Studies. Please email me for assistance, and we will meet via the Google Meet link. 
If you are interested in helping out with our classroom needs:
If anyone would like to donate wish list items to our classroom, please use this Amazon link:
Thank you all so much in advance for your continued support. It truly makes a difference in our school community!

Wednesday, November 13, 2024 Homework

Math - None (We continued working on long division by dividing by two-digit divisors. It was a little bit of a rough start, but most did get it. I'm hopeful that by the end of the week, they will all get it smoothly. Practice makes progress! Please keep practicing multiplication flashcards at home as we will be doing a lot of multiplication in the next few weeks, even with division.)
Science - None (Today, my homeroom had a visit from Ms. Han and Mrs. Walsh with their monthly Social/Emotional lessons. Miss Bubis's class worked on Science BrainPop or any other homework they had to finish for the week.)
Social Studies - Pearl Harbor comprehension packets are due by Thursday, States by Region Practice Packet due by Thursday too and D.O.G. packets were passed out on Monday and due by Friday (Today we did a packet on how Pearl Harbor was attacked, which they should be familiar with from the book we read. We read many cool facts throughout this short packet. Please ask your child to share at least two of them with you.  Reminder about 50 states test on November 14th...Students must spell the states correctly and make sure they are all capitalized too. If not, they will lose a 1/2 point on each one written incorrectly. They will have a word bank on the day of test, so they have to copy carefully and correctly. I have assigned games/quizzes on google classroom social studies for them to play and practice on too. These were asigned over two months ago and students were aware. We have also been working on worksheets in class. We will be ready for it. No worries!)
- I offer office hours Monday - Thursday if your child needs me to reteach something in Math, Science, or Social Studies. Please email me for assistance, and we will meet via the Google Meet link. 
If you are interested in helping out with our classroom needs:
If anyone would like to donate wish list items to our classroom, please use this Amazon link:
Thank you all so much in advance for your continued support. It truly makes a difference in our school community!

Tuesday, November 12, 2024 Homework

Math - None (We worked on starting long division by dividing by two-digit divisors today. It was a little bit of a rough start, but most did get it. I'm hopeful that by the end of the week, they will all get it smoothly.  Please keep practicing multiplication flashcards at home as we will be doing a lot of multiplication in the next few weeks, even with division.)
Science - Schiff Only - Lesson 1 Check Quiz if not finished in class (Today we read about what forces are. It is a push or pull that acts on an object? We are very well prepared for this unit after reading about Isaac Newton.)
Social Studies - Pearl Harbor comprehension packets are due by Thursday, States by Region Practice Packet due by Thursday too and D.O.G. packets were passed out on Monday and due by Friday (Today we did a packet on how Pearl Harbor impacted American life. We read many cool facts throughout. Please ask your child to share at least two of them with you. Reminder about 50 states test on November 14th...Students must spell the states correctly and make sure they are all capitalized too. If not, they will lose a 1/2 point on each one written incorrectly. They will have a word bank on the day of test, so they have to copy carefully and correctly. I have assigned games/quizzes on google classroom social studies for them to play and practice on too. These were asigned over two months ago and students were aware. We have also been working on worksheets in class. We will be ready for it. No worries!)
- I offer office hours Monday - Thursday if your child needs me to reteach something in Math, Science, or Social Studies. Please email me for assistance, and we will meet via the Google Meet link. 
Upcoming Events:
- Tis the season of giving....Thanksgiving that is!! Food pantry collection on Wednesday, November 13th. Fifth grade is asked to donated canned meals, such as; spam. Any donation is much appreciated though. Thank you in advance.
If you are interested in helping out with our classroom needs:
If anyone would like to donate wish list items to our classroom, please use this Amazon link:
Thank you all so much in advance for your continued support. It truly makes a difference in our school community!

Monday, November 11, 2024 Homework

Math - None (We worked on starting to divide by two-digit divisors today. We started with estimating the quotients. It was a little bit of a rough start, but most did get it. I'm hopeful that by the end of the week, they will all get it smoothly.  Please keep practicing multiplication flashcards at home as we will be doing a lot of multiplication in the next few weeks.)
Science - Bubis Oly - Lesson 1 Check Quiz if not finished in class (Today we read about what forces are. It is a push or pull that acts on an object? We are very well prepared for this unit after reading about Isaac Newton.)
Social Studies - Pearl Harbor comprehension packets are due by Thursday, and D.O.G. packets were passed out today and due by Friday (Today we continued to read Chapters 8, 9, and 10 in our Pearl Harbor books and answered the balance of questions in our comprehension packets. Some finished today and were able to turn in their books and packets to me. They have until Thursday to complete if not done yhet.Ask your child to tell you a fun fact from today's reading. Reminder about 50 states test on November 14th...Students must spell the states correctly and make sure they are all capitalized too. If not, they will lose a 1/2 point on each one written incorrectly. They will have a word bank on the day of test, so they have to copy carefully and correctly. I have assigned games/quizzes on google classroom social studies for them to play and practice on too. These were asigned over two months ago and students were aware. We have also been working on worksheets in class. We will be ready for it. No worries!)
- I offer office hours Monday - Thursday if your child needs me to reteach something in Math, Science, or Social Studies. Please email me for assistance, and we will meet via the Google Meet link. 
Upcoming Events:
- Tis the season of giving....Thanksgiving that is!! Food pantry collection on Wednesday, November 13th. Fifth grade is asked to donated canned meals, such as; spam. Any donation is much appreciated though. Thank you in advance.
If you are interested in helping out with our classroom needs:
If anyone would like to donate wish list items to our classroom, please use this Amazon link:
Thank you all so much in advance for your continued support. It truly makes a difference in our school community!

11/11/24 to 11/15/24 Week at a Glance


Math: Chapter 4 - Divide by a Two-Digit Divisor (one lesson per day)
  • Monday - Chapter 4, Lesson 1 - Estimate Quotients (learning objective: estimate quotients with two-digit divisors)
  • Tuesday - Chapter 4, Lesson 3 - Divide by a Two-Digit Divisor (learning objective: Divide up to three-digit numbers by a two-digit divisor)
  • Wednesday- Check My Progress in class and worksheet as homework 
  • Thursday - Chapter 4, Lesson 4 - Adjust Quotients (learning objective: Adjust the quotient when the estimated digit is too high or too low)
  • Friday - Chapter 4, Lesson 5 - Divide Greater Numbers (learning objective: Divide more significant numbers by multi-digit divisors

Science: Chapter 2 - Forces and Motion (one lesson per week)

  • Chapter 2 - Lesson 1 = Answering the essential question: What are forces?
    • Learning Objective:
      •  Students will investigate forces and argue about force based on the evidence of gravity.
  • Key Vocabulary this week: force, friction, and gravity

Social Studies: Pearl Harbor continued….

  • Monday - We are stepping away from the textbook to enjoy some enrichment about Pearl Harbor. We will read a chapter book and answer questions in comprehension packets. We will read chapters 8 -10 this week and finish the book…
  • Tuesday - How Pearl Harbor Changed American Life packet
  • Wednesday - Attack on Pearl Harbor packet
  • Thursday - 50 States Test
  • Friday - Impact on Pearl Harbor packet
  • D.O.G packet passed out on Monday and due by Friday 
    • Learning Objective of Pearl  Harbor:
  • Be able to explain the sequence of events leading to, during, and following Japan's surprise attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941.
  • Recognize the human dimension of events at Pearl Harbor through the personal accounts of people there.
  • Use a timeline to understand historical events that are related to one another.
  • Analyze the influence of geographic location and geographic features on political events.
  • Become familiar with vocabulary associated with war and military combat.

*Please note that The Week at a Glance is very broad. Please check my nightly Edlio posts to read about what we did in class that day.*

November 7, 2024 Homework

We played with our 1st grade buddies this afternoon and made a very cool Thanksgiving craft. Too cute!
Math - None (After a math test, I do not start any new unit/chapter the day before a weekend, so today was math game fun! Please keep practicing multiplication flashcards at home as we will be doing a lot of multiplication in the next few weeks.)
Science - None (Yesterday got away from us and I had to push our in-class experiment to today. The lab was based on Newton's First Law of Motion...what goes up, must come down. I had them place a penny on their elbow and in one swift motion bring your hand straight down to catch the penny before gravity makes it fall to the ground. We had lots of laughs with this one. After this fun, we worked on a review packet on Isaac Newton.)
Social Studies - None (Today we continued to read Chapters 5, 6, and 7 in our Pearl Harbor books and answer some questions in our comprehension packets. Ask your child to tell you a fun fact from today's reading. Reminder about 50 states test on November 14th...Students must spell the states correctly and make sure they are all capitalized too. If not, they will lose a 1/2 point on each one written incorrectly. They will have a word bank on the day of test, so they have to copy carefully and correctly. I have assigned games/quizzes on google classroom social studies for them to play and practice on too. These were asigned over two months ago and students were aware. We have also been working on worksheets in class. We will be ready for it. No worries!)
- I offer office hours Monday - Thursday if your child needs me to reteach something in Math, Science, or Social Studies. Please email me for assistance, and we will meet via the Google Meet link. 
Upcoming Events:
- No School on Friday, November 8
- Tis the season of giving....Thanksgiving that is!! Food pantry collection on Wednesday, November 13th. Fifth grade is asked to donated canned meals, such as; spam. Any donation is much appreciated though. Thank you in advance.
If you are interested in helping out with our classroom needs:
If anyone would like to donate wish list items to our classroom, please use this Amazon link:
Thank you all so much in advance for your continued support. It truly makes a difference in our school community!

Wednesday, November 6, 2024 Homework

Math - None (Today we did our first differentiated Chapter 3 Math test. Grades are in PowerSchool and tests are coming home tomorrow. Please keep practicing multiplication flashcards at home as we will be doing a lot of multiplication in the next few weeks.)
Science - None (Today we worked on a in-class experiment. The lab was based on Newton's First Law of Motion...what goes up, must come down. I had them place a penny on their elbow and in one swift motion bring your hand straight down to catch the penny before gravity makes it fall to the ground. We had lots of laughs with this one.)
Social Studies - None (Today we continued to read Chapters 2, 3 , and 4 in our Pearl harbor books and answer some questions in our comprehension packets. Ask your child to tell you a fun fact from today's reading. Reminder about 50 states test on November 14th...Students must spell the states correctly and make sure they are all capitalized too. If not, they will lose a 1/2 point on each one written incorrectly. They will have a word bank on the day of test, so they have to copy carefully and correctly. I have assigned games/quizzes on google classroom social studies for them to play and practice on too. These were asigned over two months ago and students were aware. We have also been working on worksheets in class. We will be ready for it. No worries!)
- I offer office hours Monday - Thursday if your child needs me to reteach something in Math, Science, or Social Studies. Please email me for assistance, and we will meet via the Google Meet link. 
Upcoming Events:
- No School on Friday, November 8
If you are interested in helping out with our classroom needs:
If anyone would like to donate wish list items to our classroom, please use this Amazon link:
Thank you all so much in advance for your continued support. It truly makes a difference in our school community!

Tuesday, November 5, 2024 Homework

Happy Election Day! Hope you all got a chance to get out there and vote!!
Math- Practice Test for your Group#  (We worked on the Practice Test in class today. It was also given for homework tonight too...therefore they will have done the Practice Test 3 times before the test tomorrow.  Please keep practicing multiplication flashcards at home as we will be doing a lot of multiplication in the next few weeks.)
Science - Schiff Only - Isaac Newton Webquest if not finished in class (Today we worked on an Isaac Newton Webquest. They had to search the website provided to find the answers to all the questions in packet about Isaac Newton. Miss Bubis's class did this yesterday.)
Social Studies - None (Today we worked on an Election Day packet in honor of the election. We learned about the candidates and what it means to vote and elect a President. Reminder about 50 states test on November 14th...Students must spell the states correctly and make sure they are all capitalized too. If not, they will lose a 1/2 point on each one written incorrectly. They will have a word bank on the day of test, so they have to copy carefully and correctly. I have assigned games/quizzes on google classroom social studies for them to play and practice on too. These were asigned over two months ago and students were aware. We have also been working on worksheets in class. We will be ready for it. No worries!)
- I offer office hours Monday - Thursday if your child needs me to reteach something in Math, Science, or Social Studies. Please email me for assistance, and we will meet via the Google Meet link. 
Upcoming Events:
- No School on Friday, November 8
If you are interested in helping out with our classroom needs:
If anyone would like to donate wish list items to our classroom, please use this Amazon link:
Thank you all so much in advance for your continued support. It truly makes a difference in our school community!

Monday, November 4, 2024 Homework

Math- None  (We worked on the Practice Test in class today. This will be done tomorrow as well and then for homework too...therefore they will have done the Practice Test 3 times before the test on Wednesday.  Please keep practicing multiplication flashcards at home as we will be doing a lot of multiplication in the next few weeks.)
Science - Isaac Newton Webquest if not finished in class(Today we worked on an Isaac Newton Webquest. They had to search the website provided to find the answers to all the questions in packet about Isaac Newton.)
Social Studies - Pearl Harbor Book and packet Chapter 1 if not finished in class (Today we started to read in our Pearl Harbor books and answer some questions in our comprehension packets. Ask your child to tell you a fun fact from today's reading.)
- I offer office hours Monday - Thursday if your child needs me to reteach something in Math, Science, or Social Studies. Please email me for assistance, and we will meet via the Google Meet link. 
Upcoming Events:
- No School on Friday, November 8
If you are interested in helping out with our classroom needs:
If anyone would like to donate wish list items to our classroom, please use this Amazon link:
Thank you all so much in advance for your continued support. It truly makes a difference in our school community!

11/4/24 to 11/8/24 Week at a Glance


Math: Chapter 3 - Divide by a One-Digit Divisor (one lesson per day)
  • Monday and Tuesday - differentiated Practice Tests are worked on in class and as homework (they would have done this 3 times before actual test)
  • Wednesday - We will have our first differentiated Chapter 3 Math Test of the school year
  • Thursday - Math Game fun!
  • Friday - No School

Science: Finishing Isaac Newton's….

  • Monday/Tuesday - Isaac Newton Webquest
  • Wednesday - Isaac Newton's First Law of Motion Lab (penny on elbow)
  • Thursday - Isaac Newton's Third Law of Motion Lab (balloon on string)
  • Friday - No School

Social Studies: 

  • On Monday, we will have a mock election with three parties for which I created and ran candidates. The class will host and provide their points on why a particular candidate/party should win. We will vote on Tuesday.
    • Participate in a mock election to elect a class representative or decide an issue facing the class. 
    • Gain an understanding of how elections work. 
    • Understand the importance of participating in elections to influence our life decisions. 
    • Learning Objectives:
  • Tuesday - We will do an Election Day packet and learn how Elections work
  • Wednesday & Thursday - We are stepping away from the textbook to enjoy some enrichment about Pearl Harbor. We will read a chapter book on it and answer questions in comprehension packets. We will read chapters 1 - 7 this week.
    • Learning Objective of Pearl  Harbor:
  • Be able to explain the sequence of events leading to, during, and following Japan's surprise attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941.
  • Recognize the human dimension of events at Pearl Harbor through the personal accounts of people there.
  • Use a timeline to understand historical events that are related to one another.
  • Analyze the influence of geographic location and geographic features on political events.
  • Become familiar with vocabulary associated with war and military combat.
  • Friday - No School

*Please note that The Week at a Glance is very broad. Please check my nightly Edlio posts to read about what we did in class that day.*

Friday, November 1, 2024 Homework

I am not in school tomorrow and have a Substitute, so I am posting early so you know what is happening on Friday. 
Today, we had a special 8:30am Mass in honor of All Saint's Day. 
Math- None (They did their Halloween Math packet today. Lots of fun puzzles and review problems. So fun! Please keep practicing multiplication flashcards at home as we will be doing a lot of multiplication in the next few weeks.)
Science - None (We worked on a Fossils Webquest today. They had to look up the weblink on the packet and answer questions based on what they find on this website.)
Social Studies - None, but D.O.G. has been passed out and is due by Friday. (Today we focused on the history of All Saint's Day and watched some videos on All Saint's Day as well.)
- I offer office hours Monday - Thursday if your child needs me to reteach something in Math, Science, or Social Studies. Please email me for assistance, and we will meet via the Google Meet link. 
Upcoming Events:
- No School on Friday, November 8
If you are interested in helping out with our classroom needs:
If anyone would like to donate wish list items to our classroom, please use this Amazon link:
Thank you all so much in advance for your continued support. It truly makes a difference in our school community!

Thursday, October 31, 2024 Homework

NO HOMEWORK FOR ANY SUBJECT.....Enjoy Halloween tonight! Stay warm!
Math- None (We played Math Games today as a TREAT, not a Trick...haha!! Please keep practicing multiplication flashcards at home as we will be doing a lot of multiplication in the next few weeks.)
Science - None (We worked on a Halloween Science packet where they had to plug in words from a word bank into the Science spooky facts blank lines.)
Social Studies - None, but D.O.G. has been passed out and is due by Friday. (We read and worked on a packet about the history of Halloween and some spooky tales too)
- I offer office hours Monday - Thursday if your child needs me to reteach something in Math, Science, or Social Studies. Please email me for assistance, and we will meet via the Google Meet link. 
Upcoming Events:
- No School on Friday, November 8
If you are interested in helping out with our classroom needs:
If anyone would like to donate wish list items to our classroom, please use this Amazon link:
Thank you all so much in advance for your continued support. It truly makes a difference in our school community!

Wednesday, October 30, 2024 Homework

Today was our fabulous field trip to The Grove and we learned so much. Here is a mini lesson on what we learned.

Native North Americans

Students take part in hands-on activities in our own replica of a Native American longhouse. The Potawatomi Indians used The Grove environs prior to the arrival of the Kennicott family. This unique program explores how this group of people lived and impacted the land, and looks closely at their culture and heritage. Topics include the importance of communal living, procurement and processing of foods and medicine, tool use, singing and dancing, handiwork and games.

Pack Your Wagon

Westward Ho! What items were necessary for a family to go west to settle a new homestead? Students will learn about life in the 1800s and the reasons for westward expansion. Math, logic and problem solving skills will be utilized to determine what will be taken on the journey and what will be left behind. Students will actually pack their supplies into our covered wagon as they learn some of the hardships the pioneers faced during their migration.

Math- None (We were at a Field Trip today and missed Math Please keep practicing multiplication flashcards at home as we will be doing a lot of multiplication in the next few weeks.)
Science - Isaac Newton book and completed packet due by Thursday (We were at a Field Trip today and missed Science)
Social Studies - None, but D.O.G. has been passed out and is due by Friday. (We were at a Field Trip today and missed Social Studies)
- Pizza lunch is served in class tomorrow - Thursday, October 31st as part of the classroom Halloween party. If your child does not like pizza, you can pack a lunch for this day. Thank you!
- I offer office hours Monday - Thursday if your child needs me to reteach something in Math, Science, or Social Studies. Please email me for assistance, and we will meet via the Google Meet link. 
Upcoming Events:
- No School on Friday, November 8
If you are interested in helping out with our classroom needs:
If anyone would like to donate wish list items to our classroom, please use this Amazon link:
Thank you all so much in advance for your continued support. It truly makes a difference in our school community!

Tuesday, October 29, 2024 Homework

Math- None (Today we continued to divide with 3 and 4 digit numbers, but this time skipping the first place value and moving to the second place value to start with. Example: 2946 divided by 8...8 can't go in to 2, but how many times can it go in to 29 first step... We also practiced how important it is to keep our lines straight and organized as we work our way down the problem when dividing. Please keep practicing multiplication flashcards at home as we will be doing a lot of multiplication in the next few weeks.)
Science - Isaac Newton book and completed packet due by Thursday (Today we read pages 71 - 84 in our books on Isaac Newton before we begin the unit on Force in our text books. We also worked on finishing the fifth page of the comprehension packet. Ask your child what they learned about him so far in today's reading.)
Social Studies - None, but D.O.G. has been passed out and is due by Friday. (I am moving mock election to next makes more sense to do it the same time as real election going on. Today, we did a recap on Native Americans and Longhouses beofre our field trip tomorrow to The Grove.)
- Pizza lunch is served in class on Thursday, October 31st as part of the classroom Halloween party. If your child does not like pizza, you can pack lunch for that day. Thank you!
- I offer office hours Monday - Thursday if your child needs me to reteach something in Math, Science, or Social Studies. Please email me for assistance, and we will meet via the Google Meet link. 
Upcoming Events:
- We will have our first field trip to The Grove in Glenview on Wednesday, October 30th. We will see LongHouses from the Native Americans and talk about Pioneers—all lessons we will have finished learning by then. Permission forms came home on Friday, September 13. I can't wait for this extra enrichment for the students.
If you are interested in helping out with our classroom needs:
If anyone would like to donate wish list items to our classroom, please use this Amazon link:
Thank you all so much in advance for your continued support. It truly makes a difference in our school community!