St. Joseph Catholic School

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Mrs. Tiffany Schiff » Posts


February 18 - February 21, 2025 Week at a Glance

Math: Chapter 8 on Fractions and Decimals (one lesson per day) - we will skip around in this chapter to go in a better sequence.

  • Tuesday/Wednesday - We will work on our group differentiated practice tests.  
  • Thursday - Chapter 8 Math Test (1B, 2B, 3B)
  • Friday - Math Game fun!!!!

Science: Chapter 4 - Ecosystems (one lesson per week)

  • Chapter 4 on Ecosystems with Lesson 2 
    • How do organisms interact in ecosystems?
    • How do living things interact with their environments?
      • Learning Objective: 
        • Students will develop and use models that show how organisms interact in an ecosystem. 
  • Keywords.... producer, consumer, decomposer, predator, and prey
  • Words to Know Lesson 2 quiz on Thursday
  • BrainPop on Fungi & Ecosystems on Friday 

Social Studies: finishing the American Revolution

  • Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday - Today, we started watching the Disney movie Johnny Tremain in class to end our American Revolution unit. Ask your child about it. I enjoyed the film when I was younger, and I hope they do too...we will finish the movie by Thursday.
    • Learning Objective:
      •  Johnny Tremain is drawn into the Revolutionary War and becomes a patriot fighting to free the colonies from England. Along the way, he learns about life and himself. 
  • Friday - Capture the Flag - American Revolution style
    • How we’ll play…my lesson plans:

Round 1 

Step 1: Prepare teams for the first round of the game.

  • Have the British team stand in a line and warm up by stretching and jogging in place. Tell the American team not to do anything. Historical analogy: The British military was better trained than the American forces.
  • Move half the British team out of the game. Tell these students they can enter the game only when you tell them to do so. Historical analogy: British reinforcements and supplies had to travel across the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Tell the French team to root for the American team. Historical analogy: France sent financial aid and supplies to the Americans early in the war.

Teacher: Ask the French team, Who do you think will win? Why? 

Step 2: Have students play for approximately two minutes. Do not allow the other half of the British team to enter the game during this round. Blow the whistle to end the round BEFORE the British team can capture the American team’s flag.

Step 3: Allow students one minute to rest and permit British and American players not currently playing the game to enter. Have the remainder of the British team enter the game, and allow any students tagged to reenter the game.

Round 2

Step 1: Prepare teams for the second round of the game.

  • Tell the American team they will receive a prize if they win the game. Do not offer the British team an award for winning. Historical analogy: The Declaration of Independence increased the motivation to win for most Americans.
  •  Tell one student on the American team that even if the American team wins, you cannot guarantee that he or she will receive the British prize for other members of the American team. Allow that student to switch to the British team. Historical analogy: African Americans wondered whether the equality promised in the Declaration of Independence would apply to them. Many doubted it would and chose to fight on the British side. Others hoped they would be treated equally and decided to fight on the American side.

Teacher: Ask the French team, Who do you think will win? Why? 

Step 2: Have students play for approximately two minutes. Blow the whistle to end the round BEFORE the British team can capture the American team’s flag.

Step 3: Allow students one minute to rest and permit British and American players who were tagged to reenter the game.

Round 3 - TWO FLAGS THIS ROUND FOR American 

Step 1: Prepare teams for the third round of the game.

  • Call the American team aside and deliver a brief pep talk. Encourage the American team to keep a positive attitude despite their situation being difficult. Tell them, “These are the times that try men’s souls.” Historical analogy: Thomas Paine’s pamphlet The Crisis encouraged Patriots to keep fighting.
  • Add a second American flag that the British team must capture. Tell both teams that the British team must capture both flags to win. Tell the players on the British squad that one person may NOT capture both flags at once. Historical analogy: American victories at Trenton and Princeton, in the Middle Colonies, showed the British that winning the war would be more complex than they thought and boosted American morale.

Teacher: Ask the French team, Who do you think will win? Why? 

Step 2: Have students play for approximately two minutes. Blow the whistle to end the round BEFORE the British team can capture the American team’s flag.

Step 3: Allow students one minute to rest and permit British and American players tagged to reenter the game.

Round 4

Step 1: Prepare teams for the fourth round of the game.

  • Tell the American team they must not capture the British flag to win the game. They only have to keep the British squad from capturing all the American flags. Historical analogy: Washington realized he did not have to defeat the British to win the war. He only needed to keep the British from defeating and capturing his army.
  • Call the American team aside and explain that if they can hold on for one more round, they will receive help. Historical analogy: The French promised to become active allies after the Americans won the Battle of Saratoga.
  • Allow one volunteer from the French team to join the American team. Historical analogy: Several Europeans, such as Lafayette and von Steuben, volunteered with the British to help the Americans.

Teacher: Ask the French team, Who do you think will win? Why? 

Step 2: Have students play for approximately two minutes. Blow the whistle to end the round BEFORE the British team can capture the American team’s flag.

Step 3: Allow students one minute to rest and permit British and American players tagged to reenter the game.

Round 5 - THREE FLAGS FOR American TEAM 

Step 1: Prepare teams for the fifth round of the game.

  • Add a THIRD American flag that the British team must capture. Tell both teams that the British team must capture all three American flags to win. Remind the players on the British squad that one person may not capture more than one flag at a time. Historical analogy: Successful hit-and-run tactics used by the Americans in the Southern Colonies brought out the British forces.
  • Have the French team enter the game on the American team’s side. Explain that if the American team wins, the French team will win a prize, too. Historical analogy: France sent troops and naval support to America, which proved decisive at Yorktown.

Step 2: Have students play for approximately two minutes. Blow the whistle to end the round BEFORE the British team can capture the American team’s flag.

Step 3: Allow students one minute to rest and permit British and American players tagged to reenter the game.

Round 6

Step 1: Ask the British team members if they want to continue to play under the current rules. Allow British team members to express their frustration over how the rules have been changed to favor the American team. Expect many British team members to say they are ready to quit and a few to argue to keep playing adamantly. Historical analogy: British popular support for the war decreased dramatically after Yorktown. King George and others, however, refused to accept defeat for months after Yorktown.

Step 2: Declare the American team as the winner. Have a representative from the British squad concede victory by shaking hands with representatives from the American and French teams. Historical analogy: The Americans won the war.

Step 3: Announce the terms of the end of the game. Have the British team hand over its flag to the American team. Give the American and French teams their prizes. Finally, the American team captain should have promised the British squad that British team members would be treated with respect even though they lost the game. Historical analogy: The Treaty of Paris ended the war. By the treaty's terms, Great Britain withdrew its forces and recognized American independence. America promised that it would not seize any additional property from Loyalists.

*Please note that The Week at a Glance is very broad. Please check my nightly Edlio posts to read about what we did in class that day.*

Friday, February 14, 2025 Homework

A huge thank you to all the parents who donated items and their time to make Valentine’s Day special for the students today. They enjoyed their pizza, treats, and crafts.

Math - None - (Today, we worked on a comparing fractions packet that had us practice if the fractions were greater than, less than, or equal. We worked out many examples. Please keep practicing multiplication flashcards at home, as we will do a lot of multiplication in the next few weeks.)

Science - None (We worked on a Valentine’s Day Webquest. They had to search the websites I provided on the packets and answer the questions asked. So many fun facts about Valentine’s were learned. Ask your child to tell you a fun fact)

Social Studies - None (Today, we completed a packet highlighting Abigail Adams. She was essential throughout the American Revolution. As a woman, it was scarce at that time to be so key. Ask your child to tell you a little about her…and maybe who she was married to.)  


- I offer office hours Monday through Thursday if your child needs me to reteach something in Math, Science, or Social Studies. Please email me for assistance, and we will meet via the Google Meet link. 

Upcoming events:

~ Field Trip to Feed My Starving Children on January 30th, during Catholic Schools Week. This will be the 5th grade service project for the year. The room parents will email the chaperone information as the date approaches. Permission forms will be sent home soon.

~ Field Trip on April 30th to Kenosha Public Museum to learn about Native American tribes living in Wisconsin and dissect Owl Pellets. We also have another Field Trip on May 21st to the Civil War Museum in Kenosha. More info is to come for chaperoning by our room parents—field trip forms to go home in April. I am so excited about these enrichment opportunities. 

If you are interested in helping out with our classroom needs:

If anyone would like to donate wish list items to our classroom, please use this Amazon link:

Thank you all so much in advance for your continued support. It truly makes a difference in our school community!

Thursday, February 13, 2025 Homework

Pizza lunch is being served on Friday, February 14th, at our Valentine's Day party. If your child does not like pizza, they may bring their lunch to school. Thank you to the Room Moms. 

Reminder: No Valentine's will be brought in and passed out to each other on Friday. Thank you so much! 

Math - None - (Today, we worked on a fraction packet that had us practice simplifying each fraction down to the simplest form. We worked out many examples. Please keep practicing multiplication flashcards at home, as we will do a lot of multiplication in the next few weeks.)

Science - None (Today, we worked on an Ecosystem vocabulary packet. I provided words related to the ecosystem in a packet, and then they had to find the definitions on their Chromebooks and write them out.)

Social Studies - The American Revolution packet and D.O.G. packet are due by Friday if it is not finished in class (Today, we worked on a packet that reviewed all the key people involved with the American Revolution. Ask your child who their favorite person was.)  


- I offer office hours Monday through Thursday if your child needs me to reteach something in Math, Science, or Social Studies. Please email me for assistance, and we will meet via the Google Meet link. 

Upcoming events:

~ Field Trip to Feed My Starving Children on January 30th, during Catholic Schools Week. This will be the 5th grade service project for the year. The room parents will email the chaperone information as the date approaches. Permission forms will be sent home soon.

~ Field Trip on April 30th to Kenosha Public Museum to learn about Native American tribes living in Wisconsin and dissect Owl Pellets. We also have another Field Trip on May 21st to the Civil War Museum in Kenosha. More info is to come for chaperoning by our room parents—field trip forms to go home in April. I am so excited about these enrichment opportunities. 

If you are interested in helping out with our classroom needs:

If anyone would like to donate wish list items to our classroom, please use this Amazon link:

Thank you all so much in advance for your continued support. It truly makes a difference in our school community!

Wednesday, February 12, 2025 Homework

Pizza lunch is being served on Friday, February 14th, at our Valentine's Day party. If your child does not like pizza, they may bring their lunch to school. Thank you to the Room Moms. 

Reminder: No Valentine's will be brought in and passed out to each other on Friday. Thank you so much! 

Math - None - optional IXL lesson BMQ- you must hit the search button, type in BMQ, and then pick the 5th-grade lesson (Today, we continued working on finding the least common multiple between two numbers... For example, 6: 6, 12, 18, 24, 30 & 10: 10, 20, 30... so the least common multiple for 6 & 10 is 30. We worked out many examples. Please keep practicing multiplication flashcards at home, as we will do a lot of multiplication in the next few weeks.)

Science - None (Today, we worked on our Lesson 1 Quiz using our book as a guide to find answers. They also had an extra credit worksheet to do too.)

Social Studies - American Revolution packet and D.O.G. packet due by Friday  (Today, we read chapters 14 & 15 in our American Revolution book and answered our questions in the comprehension packets. If finished, they turned in their books and packets. If not, they have until Friday to finish.)  


- I offer office hours Monday through Thursday if your child needs me to reteach something in Math, Science, or Social Studies. Please email me for assistance, and we will meet via the Google Meet link. 

Upcoming events:

~ Field Trip to Feed My Starving Children on January 30th, during Catholic Schools Week. This will be the 5th grade service project for the year. The room parents will email the chaperone information as the date approaches. Permission forms will be sent home soon.

~ Field Trip on April 30th to Kenosha Public Museum to learn about Native American tribes living in Wisconsin and dissect Owl Pellets. We also have another Field Trip on May 21st to the Civil War Museum in Kenosha. More info is to come for chaperoning by our room parents—field trip forms to go home in April. I am so excited about these enrichment opportunities. 

If you are interested in helping out with our classroom needs:

If anyone would like to donate wish list items to our classroom, please use this Amazon link:

Thank you all so much in advance for your continued support. It truly makes a difference in our school community!

Tuesday, February 11, 2025 Homework

Pizza lunch is being served on Friday, February 14th, at our Valentine's Day party. If your child does not like pizza, they may bring their lunch to school. Thank you to the Room Moms. 
Reminder: No Valentine's will be brought in and passed out to each other on Friday. Thank you so much! 
Math - Comparing Fractions packet - optional IXL lesson 7VD- you must hit the search button, type in 7VD, and then pick the 5th-grade lesson (Today, we started working on comparing fractions and I showed the students the easiest way to do this...their minds were blown..haha! For example, 3/4 = 6/8. We worked out many examples. Please keep practicing multiplication flashcards at home, as we will do a lot of multiplication in the next few weeks.)
Science - None - Schiff Only  (Today, we started chapter 4, lesson one on Ecosystems. We learned how living things interact with their environments. We read pages 150 -157 and answered the questions along the way. Miss Bubis's class did this yesterday.)
Social Studies - The American Revolution packet, and D.O.G. packet are due by Friday if not finished in class (Today, we read chapters 13 & 14 in our American Revolution book and answered our questions in the comprehension packets. Ask your child what they read about today and share at least three facts with you.)
-The food pantry collection is tomorrow - Wednesday, February 12th, and the 5th grade has been asked to donate CHUNKY SOUP. I would greatly appreciate any food donation. Thank you so much for your attention and participation.
- I offer office hours Monday through Thursday if your child needs me to reteach something in Math, Science, or Social Studies. Please email me for assistance, and we will meet via the Google Meet link. 
Upcoming events:
~ Field Trip to Feed My Starving Children on January 30th, during Catholic Schools Week. This will be the 5th grade service project for the year. The room parents will email the chaperone information as the date approaches. Permission forms will be sent home soon.
~ Field Trip on April 30th to Kenosha Public Museum to learn about Native American tribes living in Wisconsin and dissect Owl Pellets. We also have another Field Trip on May 21st to the Civil War Museum in Kenosha. More info is to come for chaperoning by our room parents—field trip forms to go home in April. I am so excited about these enrichment opportunities. 
If you are interested in helping out with our classroom needs:
If anyone would like to donate wish list items to our classroom, please use this Amazon link:
Thank you all so much in advance for your continued support. It truly makes a difference in our school community!

Monday, Febraury 10, 2025 Homework

Pizza lunch is being served on Friday, February 14th, at our Valentine's Day party. If your child does not like pizza, they may bring their lunch to school. Thank you to the Room Moms. 
Reminder: No Valentine's will be brought in and passed out to each other on Friday. Thank you so much! 
Math - pg 579 - optional IXL lesson BMQ- you must hit the search button, type in BMQ, and then pick the 5th-grade lesson (Today, we started working on finding the least common multiple between two numbers... For example, 6: 6, 12, 18, 24, 30 & 10: 10, 20, 30... so the least common multiple for 6 & 10 is 30. We worked out many examples. Please keep practicing multiplication flashcards at home, as we will do a lot of multiplication in the next few weeks.)
Science - None - Bubis Only  (Today, we started chapter 4, lesson one on Ecosystems. We learned how living things interact with their environments. We read pages 150 -157 and answered the questions along the way. My class will do this tomorrow.)
Social Studies - None (Today, we read chapters 11 - 13 in our American Revolution book and answered our questions in the comprehension packets. Ask your child what they read about today and share at least three facts with you.)
-The food pantry collection is Wednesday, February 12th, and the 5th grade has been asked to donate CHUNKY SOUP. I would greatly appreciate any food donation. Thank you so much for your attention and participation.
- I offer office hours Monday through Thursday if your child needs me to reteach something in Math, Science, or Social Studies. Please email me for assistance, and we will meet via the Google Meet link. 
Upcoming events:
~ Field Trip to Feed My Starving Children on January 30th, during Catholic Schools Week. This will be the 5th grade service project for the year. The room parents will email the chaperone information as the date approaches. Permission forms will be sent home soon.
~ Field Trip on April 30th to Kenosha Public Museum to learn about Native American tribes living in Wisconsin and dissect Owl Pellets. We also have another Field Trip on May 21st to the Civil War Museum in Kenosha. More info is to come for chaperoning by our room parents—field trip forms to go home in April. I am so excited about these enrichment opportunities. 
If you are interested in helping out with our classroom needs:
If anyone would like to donate wish list items to our classroom, please use this Amazon link:
Thank you all so much in advance for your continued support. It truly makes a difference in our school community!

February 10 to February 14, 2025 Week at a Glance

Math: Chapter 8 on Fractions and Decimals (one lesson per day) - we will skip around in this chapter to go in a better sequence.

  • Monday - Lesson 5 - Least Common Multiple (learning objective: use equivalent fractions as a strategy to add and subtract fractions)
  • Tuesday - Lesson 6 - Comparing Fractions (learning objective: to find if the fractions are greater than, less than or equal to each other)
  • Wednesday - Lesson 7 - Use Models to Write Fractions as Decimals (learning objective: apply and extend previous understanding of multiplication and division to multiply and divide fractions)
  • Wednesday, too - Lesson 8 - Write Fractions as Decimals (learning objective: students will use fraction equivalence to write fractions as decimals)
  • Thursday - Fraction review packet - adding and subtracting fractions - must not leave as improper fractions and try to simplify if possible
  • Friday - Comparing fractions packet - greater than, less than, or equal too
    • Key points....apply and extend previous understanding of multiplication and division to multiply and divide fractions AND use equivalent fractions as a strategy to add and subtract fractions

Science: Chapter 3 - Ecosystems (one lesson per week)

  • Entering Chapter 4 on Ecosystems on Thursday with Lesson 1 
    • Essential questions: 
      • How do plants get and use energy?
      • How do living things interact with their environments?
  • Keywords.... cellular respiration, photosynthesis, and epidermis tissue
  • Lesson 1 Quiz on Wednesday (books will be allowed to be used to find answers)
  • Ecosystem Vocabulary packet on Thursday: Students have to look up and write definitions for all the words I have provided.
  • Valentine’s Day Webquest on Friday - they search the websites listed in the section and answer the questions. There is lots of fun information about Valentine’s

Social Studies: I Survived the American Revolution, 1776

  • Monday  - Read Chapters 11 - 13  in American Revolution books and answer comprehension questions for these chapters  
  • Tuesday - Read Chapters 14 & 15  in American Revolution books and answer comprehension questions for these chapters  
  • Wednesday - Read Chapters 16 - 18 (finish the book) in American Revolution books and answer comprehension questions for these chapters  
  • Thursday - “Key People” of the American Revolution packet - read about each person and answer questions
  • Friday - Learn about Abigail Adams, who was a key person throughout the American Revolution, too

Learning Objectives of the American Revolution: 

  • be able to explain the causes and effects of the Revolutionary War 
  • be able to identify both sides of the conflict 
  • analyze background information in the story and identify additional questions 
  • be able to identify the main idea and theme of the novel 
  • be able to analyze Nate’s character and growth while coming of age 
  • learn new vocabulary and be able to use it in writing 
  • identify significant events in the novel 
  • make inferences 
  • be able to quote and properly cite text-based evidence

*Please note that The Week at a Glance is very broad. Please check my nightly Edlio posts to read about what we did in class that day.*

Wednesday, February 5, 2025 Homework

Pizza lunch is being served on Friday, February 14th, at our Valentine's Day party. If your child does not like pizza, they may bring their lunch to school. Thank you to the Room Moms. 
Math - None (Today, we started working on simplifying fractions... For example, 6/8 = 3/4 (divide top and bottom by 2). We worked out many examples. Please keep practicing multiplication flashcards at home, as we will do a lot of multiplication in the next few weeks.)
Science - None (Today, we had our Chapter 3 test and they were allowed to use their study guides and books on the test. Grades are in PowerSchool.)
Social Studies - None (Today, we read chapters 9 & 10 in our American Revolution book and answered our questions in the comprehension packets. Ask your child what they read about today and share at least three facts with you.)
-The food pantry collection is next Wednesday, February 12th, and the 5th grade has been asked to donate CHUNKY SOUP. I would greatly appreciate any food donation. Thank you so much for your attention and participation.
- I offer office hours Monday through Thursday if your child needs me to reteach something in Math, Science, or Social Studies. Please email me for assistance, and we will meet via the Google Meet link. 
Upcoming events:
~ Field Trip to Feed My Starving Children on January 30th, during Catholic Schools Week. This will be the 5th grade service project for the year. The room parents will email the chaperone information as the date approaches. Permission forms will be sent home soon.
~ Field Trip on April 30th to Kenosha Public Museum to learn about Native American tribes living in Wisconsin and dissect Owl Pellets. We also have another Field Trip on May 21st to the Civil War Museum in Kenosha. More info is to come for chaperoning by our room parents—field trip forms to go home in April. I am so excited about these enrichment opportunities. 
If you are interested in helping out with our classroom needs:
If anyone would like to donate wish list items to our classroom, please use this Amazon link:
Thank you all so much in advance for your continued support. It truly makes a difference in our school community!

Tuesday, February 4, 2025 Homework

Math - GCF worksheet given to each group (Today, we started working on finding the Greatest Common Factor between two numbers. We worked out many examples. Please keep practicing multiplication flashcards at home, as we will do a lot of multiplication in the next few weeks.)
Science- None - Schiff Only *Chapter 3 test tomorrow for all* (Today, we worked on the Review guide questions I provided for Chapter 3. Miss Bubis's class did this yesterday. The notes they took are essential because I will allow them to use them on their test tomorrow- Wednesday, Feb. 5th.)
Social Studies- None (Today, we read chapters 7 and 8 in our American Revolution book and answered our questions in the comprehension packets. Ask your child what they read about today and share at least three facts with you.)
- I offer office hours Monday through Thursday if your child needs me to reteach something in Math, Science, or Social Studies. Please email me for assistance, and we will meet via the Google Meet link. 
Upcoming events:
~ Field Trip to Feed My Starving Children on January 30th, during Catholic Schools Week. This will be the 5th grade service project for the year. The room parents will email the chaperone information as the date approaches. Permission forms will be sent home soon.
~ Field Trip on April 30th to Kenosha Public Museum to learn about Native American tribes living in Wisconsin and dissect Owl Pellets. We also have another Field Trip on May 21st to the Civil War Museum in Kenosha. More info is to come for chaperoning by our room parents—field trip forms to go home in April. I am so excited about these enrichment opportunities. 
If you are interested in helping out with our classroom needs:
If anyone would like to donate wish list items to our classroom, please use this Amazon link:
Thank you all so much in advance for your continued support. It truly makes a difference in our school community!

Monday, February 3, 2025 Homework

Math - pgs 555 & 556 (Today, we started dividing fractions, so 1/3 would be 1 divided by 3. We worked out many examples. Please keep practicing multiplication flashcards at home, as we will do a lot of multiplication in the next few weeks.)
Science- Study Guide, if not finished in class- Bubis Only(Today, we worked on the Review guide questions I provided for Chapter 3. Miss Bubis's class also took notes from my lecture for the test, and my class will do this tomorrow. The notes they took are essential because I will allow them to use them on their test on Wednesday, Feb. 5th.)
Social Studies- None (Today, we read chapters 5 through 7 in our American Revolution book and answered our questions in the comprehension packets. Ask your child what they read about today and share at least three facts with you.)
- I offer office hours Monday through Thursday if your child needs me to reteach something in Math, Science, or Social Studies. Please email me for assistance, and we will meet via the Google Meet link. 
Upcoming events:
~ Field Trip to Feed My Starving Children on January 30th, during Catholic Schools Week. This will be the 5th grade service project for the year. The room parents will email the chaperone information as the date approaches. Permission forms will be sent home soon.
~ Field Trip on April 30th to Kenosha Public Museum to learn about Native American tribes living in Wisconsin and dissect Owl Pellets. We also have another Field Trip on May 21st to the Civil War Museum in Kenosha. More info is to come for chaperoning by our room parents—field trip forms to go home in April. I am so excited about these enrichment opportunities. 
If you are interested in helping out with our classroom needs:
If anyone would like to donate wish list items to our classroom, please use this Amazon link:
Thank you all so much in advance for your continued support. It truly makes a difference in our school community!

Febrauary 3 to February 5, 2025 Week at a Glance

Math: Chapter 8 on Fractions and Decimals (one lesson per day) - we will skip around in this chapter to go in a better sequence.

  • Lesson 1 - Fractions and Division ( Learning objective: solve word problems by interpreting a fraction as division of the numerator by the denominator)
  • Lesson 2 - Greatest Common Factor (learning objective: determine the common factors and the greatest common factor of a set of numbers)
  • Lesson 3 - Simplest Form (learning objective: generate equivalent fractions by writing a fraction in simplest form)
    • Key points....apply and extend previous understanding of multiplication and division to multiply and divide fractions AND use equivalent fractions as a strategy to add and subtract fractions
  • Thursday/Friday - No School

Science: Chapter 3 - Growth and Survival (one lesson per week)

  • We will be creating our study guide as we get ready for Chapter 3 Test
  • We will be working on answering specific questions in the book that relate to our Chapter 3 test
  • Chapter 3 Test will be on 2/5/25, but I will students overly ready for it
  • Thursday/Friday - No School

Social Studies: I Survived the American Revolution, 1776

Pass out the I Survived books and comprehension packets on Wednesday

  • Monday  - Read Chapters 5 - 7  in American Revolution books and answer comprehension questions for these chapters  
  • Tuesday - Read Chapters 8 - 10 in American Revolution books and answer comprehension questions for these chapters  
  • Wednesday - Read Chapters 11 - 13 in American Revolution books and answer comprehension questions for these chapters  
  • Thursday/Friday - No School 

Learning Objectives of the American Revolution: 

  • be able to explain the causes and effects of the Revolutionary War 
  • be able to identify both sides of the conflict 
  • analyze background information in the story and identify additional questions 
  • be able to identify the main idea and theme of the novel 
  • be able to analyze Nate’s character and growth while coming of age 
  • learn new vocabulary and be able to use it in writing 
  • identify significant events in the novel 
  • make inferences 
  • be able to quote and properly cite text-based evidence

*Please note that The Week at a Glance is very broad. Please check my nightly Edlio posts to read about what we did in class that day.*

Friday, January 31, 2025 Homework

Please sign up for the optional February virtual Parent/Teacher conferences to discuss Winter iReady Math scores. Here is the link:
Enter Code: GS8JZ
Math - None (We did not start a new Chapter in Math today as it is Friday. Instead, we worked on an exciting science packet based on fun facts about animals that went along with our lessons. Ask your child why camels have humps? OR Why do sharks keep swimming? Please keep practicing multiplication flashcards at home, as we will do a lot of multiplication in the next few weeks.)
Science - None (Since we did a science packet during Math, we are doing double Social Studies today. During Science, we learned about one of the key people in the American Revolution... Paul Revere.)
Social Studies- None (Today, we read chapters 3 and 4 in our American Revolution book and answered our questions in the comprehension packets. Ask your child what they read about today and share at least 3 facts with you.)
- I offer office hours Monday through Thursday if your child needs me to reteach something in Math, Science, or Social Studies. Please email me for assistance, and we will meet via the Google Meet link. 
Upcoming events:
~ Field Trip to Feed My Starving Children on January 30th, during Catholic Schools Week. This will be the 5th grade service project for the year. The room parents will email the chaperone information as the date approaches. Permission forms will be sent home soon.
~ Field Trip on April 30th to Kenosha Public Museum to learn about Native American tribes living in Wisconsin and dissect Owl Pellets. We also have another Field Trip on May 21st to the Civil War Museum in Kenosha. More info is to come for chaperoning by our room parents—field trip forms to go home in April. I am so excited about these enrichment opportunities. 
If you are interested in helping out with our classroom needs:
If anyone would like to donate wish list items to our classroom, please use this Amazon link:
Thank you all so much in advance for your continued support. It truly makes a difference in our school community!

Thursday, January 30, 2025 Homework

Please sign up for the optional February virtual Parent/Teacher conferences to discuss Winter iReady Math scores. Here is the link:
Enter Code: GS8JZ
Math - None (Today, we took our Chapter 7 Test. Grades are in PowerSchool. Please keep practicing multiplication flashcards at home, as we will do a lot of multiplication in the next few weeks.)
Science - None (We did not have Science today because we attended Feed My Starving Children.)
Social Studies—None, but D.O.G. is due tomorrow (We did not have Social Studies today because we attended Feed My Starving Children.)
- I offer office hours Monday through Thursday if your child needs me to reteach something in Math, Science, or Social Studies. Please email me for assistance, and we will meet via the Google Meet link. 
Upcoming events:
~ Field Trip to Feed My Starving Children on January 30th, during Catholic Schools Week. This will be the 5th grade service project for the year. The room parents will email the chaperone information as the date approaches. Permission forms will be sent home soon.
~ Field Trip on April 30th to Kenosha Public Museum to learn about Native American tribes living in Wisconsin and dissect Owl Pellets. We also have another Field Trip on May 21st to the Civil War Museum in Kenosha. More info is to come for chaperoning by our room parents—field trip forms to go home in April. I am so excited about these enrichment opportunities. 
If you are interested in helping out with our classroom needs:
If anyone would like to donate wish list items to our classroom, please use this Amazon link:
Thank you all so much in advance for your continued support. It truly makes a difference in our school community!

Wednesday, January 29, 2025 Homework

Once again, thank you to all the families who attended the Catholic Schools Week Open House this past Sunday. It was a joy to see your faces and a great way to start the week. Don't forget that Thursday is our pillow drive. Please donate standard-sized pillows if you can.
Please sign up for the optional February virtual Parent/Teacher conferences to discuss Winter iReady Math scores. Here is the link:
Enter Code: GS8JZ
Math - differentiated Practice Test based on group (Today, we continued to work on our group Practice Test, and another copy was given to take home as homework. We will be ready for our test tomorrow, Thursday. Please keep practicing multiplication flashcards at home, as we will do a lot of multiplication in the next few weeks.)
Science - None (Today, we took our Lesson 4 quiz and, as always, were able to use our books to guide us in finding answers.)
Social Studies - None (Every student received their "I Survived the American Revolution, 1776" books today and comprehension packets. Ask your child what a bayonet is, who Eliza is, and how she is important to Nate. Ensure you have read through chapter 2 in our I Survived the American Revolution, 1776 books and answered all the questions on the first page of our packets. Ask your child what being a traitor means. Maybe even how did Nate feel about Theo? What happened to Eliza's husband)
- I offer office hours Monday through Thursday if your child needs me to reteach something in Math, Science, or Social Studies. Please email me for assistance, and we will meet via the Google Meet link. 
Upcoming events:
~ Field Trip to Feed My Starving Children on January 30th, during Catholic Schools Week. This will be the 5th grade service project for the year. The room parents will email the chaperone information as the date approaches. Permission forms will be sent home soon.
~ Field Trip on April 30th to Kenosha Public Museum to learn about Native American tribes living in Wisconsin and dissect Owl Pellets. We also have another Field Trip on May 21st to the Civil War Museum in Kenosha. More info is to come for chaperoning by our room parents—field trip forms to go home in April. I am so excited about these enrichment opportunities. 
If you are interested in helping out with our classroom needs:
If anyone would like to donate wish list items to our classroom, please use this Amazon link:
Thank you all so much in advance for your continued support. It truly makes a difference in our school community!

Tuesday, January 28, 2025 Homework

Math - differentiated Practice Test based on group (Today, we worked on our group Practice Test and another copy was given to take home as homework. We will be ready for our test this Thursday. Please keep practicing multiplication flashcards at home, as we will do a lot of multiplication in the next few weeks.)
Science - None—Schiff Only (Today, my class started reading about the life cycles of some animals or insects, such as how a butterfly goes through metamorphosis. They had to answer questions along the way. They also watched a BrainPop video on Metamorphosis. Miss Bubis's class read this lesson yesterday.)
Social Studies - None (Today, we will finish our presentations with our peers. This was so much fun, and we learned so much from each other.)
- I offer office hours Monday through Thursday if your child needs me to reteach something in Math, Science, or Social Studies. Please email me for assistance, and we will meet via the Google Meet link. 
Upcoming events:
~ Field Trip to Feed My Starving Children on January 30th, during Catholic Schools Week. This will be the 5th grade service project for the year. The room parents will email the chaperone information as the date approaches. Permission forms will be sent home soon.
~ Field Trip on April 30th to Kenosha Public Museum to learn about Native American tribes living in Wisconsin and dissect Owl Pellets. We also have another Field Trip on May 21st to the Civil War Museum in Kenosha. More info is to come for chaperoning by our room parents—field trip forms to go home in April. I am so excited about these enrichment opportunities. 
If you are interested in helping out with our classroom needs:
If anyone would like to donate wish list items to our classroom, please use this Amazon link:
Thank you all so much in advance for your continued support. It truly makes a difference in our school community!