St. Joseph Catholic School

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Classes & Registration

You can register your child at any time on a first-come, first-served basis.  Please note that children must be potty trained and may not wear a pull-up/diaper during the day. For more information or to schedule a tour, please contact the school office.  Ph:  847-362-0730

Classes are available for children who turn 3 or 4 on or before September 1st.
Many program options!! Morning, Afternoon, and Lunch Bunch
options are available.

3 Year Old Program

  • Our 3 year old program concentrates on building social skills and creating a positive "first-school" experience through plentiful hands-on learning activities. 
  • Available to children turning 3 on or before September 1st. 
  • Monday/Wednesday/Friday:  Morning Session 8:00am-10:30am.

4 Year Old Program

  • Our 4 year old program expands the children's hands-on learning experiences, with a primary focus on Kindergarten readiness. 
  • Available to children turning 4 on or before September 1st.
  • Monday-Friday (5 days):  Full Day  7:30am-2:00pm
  • Monday-Friday (5 days):  Afternoon Session 11:00am - 2:00pm
  • Monday-Friday (5 days): 3 Half Days M/W/F 11:00am-2:00pm; 2 Full Days T/Th 7:30am-2:00pm

Lunch Bunch

  • Available for preschool-aged children who are enrolled in the Little Knights program, on class days.
    • 4 year olds: Monday through Friday (5 days)
  • Lunch Bunch extends the Little Knights preschool experience by incorporating lunch and playtime. It is designed to align with the Little Knights Preschool philosophy of teaching socialization, cooperation and respect in a living Catholic faith environment. Children should bring their own lunch and drink each day.
  • Time:
    • 10:30 am – 11:00 am
    • Immediately following morning session and immediately prior to afternoon session.
    • $10 per day- space is limited to the first 20 students who sign up each day.
Extended Day Program (EDP)

St. Joseph Catholic School provides an Extended Day Program (EDP) for children in preschool 4's through eighth grades. This program allows parents who are working or otherwise unavailable after school to have a place for their students to be supervised.  Through this program, each child will have a safe, caring and happy environment provided by our own teachers, staff members and parishioners.  The children’s time will be divided into snack time, homework and play.  All activities take place in a Christian environment under teacher supervision. 


Hours of Operation



2:15 to 5:30pm

Pick Up by 4:00pm-$25

Pick Up After 4:00pm-$35






Our staff consists of professionals in Early Childhood Education with advanced degrees in Curriculum & Instruction, Speech-Language, Special Education, Technology and School Counseling. Each classroom is staffed with both a classroom teacher and full-time instructional assistant, keeping the teacher-student ratio low.

Parental Involvement

At Little Knights we firmly believe that education is a joint venture, with shared responsibility between teachers and parents. We welcome parental involvement and assistance whenever possible. Parents have the opportunity to participate in fun classroom activities such as holiday parties and their child's birthday celebration. Parents are involved in planning and assisting with many special events, such as the Teddy Bear Tea. We strongly believe an open line of communication is essential to the success of our program, therefore we encourage questions and feedback.

Registration & Tuition Information

You can register your child at any time on a first-come, first-served basis. Please note that children must be potty trained and may not wear a pull-up/diaper during the day.

  • You will find important Registration Documents & Forms below.