The Religion Program is one facet of the faith formation that permeates the St. Joseph experience. It focuses on the basics of Catholic doctrine in an environment that reinforces Christian virtues and values and brings students to a better understanding of their faith by strengthening their relationship with Christ as a central figure in their lives.
Classes increase understanding thorough study of the Bible, the history of the Catholic Church, liturgy, sacraments and the religious heritage of all people. Kindergarten through middle school students participate in daily classroom prayer and weekly liturgy. Students participate in masses as readers, cross bearers, altar servers, presenters of gifts and singers. Parents are welcome to attend the 8:30 mass in the church on Tuesday morning with the children, as well as special masses that occur throughout the year. In addition to celebrating weekly mass as a school community, sacramental preparation for reconciliation and first Eucharist occurs in grade 2 and for Confirmation in the 8th grade.
Along with daily classes, students benefit from service projects on all grade levels, faith experiences such as the Living Rosary, Stations of the Cross, Adoration, May Crowning, retreats and visits from parish priests who engage students to share their faith experiences.