St. Joseph Catholic School

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Mrs. Tiffany Schiff » Home


5th Grade Team

Hello and welcome back to school! I hope you had an incredible Summer filled with fun and adventures. My name is Mrs. Schiff and I am delighted to write to you as your child’s Math, Science and Social Studies teacher. We're going to learn, explore, and grow together in our wonderful classroom.


A little about myself: I have been married for 22 years and have lived in Libertyville for 24 years. I have four children: Amanda, who has been married for almost two years now; Olivia, who is a Sophomore at Indiana University Kelley School of Business; Ty, who is a Senior at LHS; and Audrina, who is in 5th grade here at SJCS.


Throughout my 13 years at St. Joseph Catholic School, I have been furthering my education. I earned my Education degree from Indiana Wesleyan University in 2019. Last year, I assumed the role of 5th - 8th grade Middle School Resource Teacher and worked with students who hold ISP’s and 504 plans. I am currently working towards earning my Special Education credential as well.


As this new school year starts, I will be working closely with each student to ensure their success. During my time as the 5-8 Resource Teacher, I gained a strong understanding of the Middle School Math, Science, and Social Studies curriculum. I will continue to work closely with these teachers to ensure the 5th graders are prepared for 6th grade.


I am grateful for your trust and support as their teacher, and feel free to contact me with any questions.


Many Blessings!


Also...I have created a new Amazon wish list of items that will help grow our library of knowledge and also improve my new way of teaching math and ensuring that each student continues to grow and learn in many different ways. We will also be learning study skills and I need supplies from my wish list to make this happen as well. Any donation is greatly appreciated. Link is here or under Amazon tab on the side... thank you!




Monday, January 27, 2025 Homework

Math - Standardized Worksheet (Today, we worked on review pages in our textbooks. Please keep practicing multiplication flashcards at home, as we will do a lot of multiplication in the next few weeks.)
Science - None—Bubis Only (Today, Miss Bubis's class started reading about the life cycles of some animals or insects, such as how a butterfly goes through metamorphosis. They had to answer questions along the way. They also watched a BrainPop video on Metamorphosis. My class will be reading this lesson tomorrow.)
Social Studies - None (Today, we will continue our presentations to our peers by tomorrow. This is so much fun, and we learned so much from each other.)
- I offer office hours Monday through Thursday if your child needs me to reteach something in Math, Science, or Social Studies. Please email me for assistance, and we will meet via the Google Meet link. 
Upcoming events:
~ Field Trip to Feed My Starving Children on January 30th, during Catholic Schools Week. This will be the 5th grade service project for the year. The room parents will email the chaperone information as the date approaches. Permission forms will be sent home soon.
~ Field Trip on April 30th to Kenosha Public Museum to learn about Native American tribes living in Wisconsin and dissect Owl Pellets. We also have another Field Trip on May 21st to the Civil War Museum in Kenosha. More info is to come for chaperoning by our room parents—field trip forms to go home in April. I am so excited about these enrichment opportunities. 
If you are interested in helping out with our classroom needs:
If anyone would like to donate wish list items to our classroom, please use this Amazon link:
Thank you all so much in advance for your continued support. It truly makes a difference in our school community!

January 27 to January 31, 2025 Week at a Glance

Math: Chapter 7  (one lesson per day) Operations & Algebraic Thinking- we will start practicing for our differentiated Chapter 7 Math test on THURSDAY

  • Monday - Do review pages in class and the Standardized Worksheet for HW
  • Tuesday/Wednesday - Practicing for the test 
  • Thursday - Chapter 7 test (differentiated)
  • Friday - Math Game fun!!!

Science: Chapter 3 - Growth and Survival (one lesson per week)

  • What are the life cycles of some animals?
    • Learning Objective
      • Students will model the life cycles of some animals and will investigate how some animals go through metamorphosis.
  • Keywords this week - metamorphosis, molt, and life cycle
  • Words to Know Quiz Lesson 4 on Friday - they can use their books

Social Studies: I Survived the American Revolution, 1776

Pass out the I Survived books and comprehension packets on Wednesday

  • Monday/Tuesday - Present Country Google Slides project 
  • Wednesday - Read Chapters 1 and 2 in American Revolution books and answer comprehension questions for these chapters  
  • Thursday - Read Chapters 3 & 4 in American Revolution books and answer comprehension questions for these chapters  
  • Friday - We will work on a packet on Paul Revere and do a Giant Steps Lesson on him as he was a key figure during the American Revolution

Learning Objectives of the American Revolution: 

  • be able to explain the causes and effects of the Revolutionary War 
  • be able to identify both sides of the conflict 
  • analyze background information in the story and identify additional questions 
  • be able to identify the main idea and theme of the novel 
  • be able to analyze Nate’s character and growth while coming of age 
  • learn new vocabulary and be able to use it in writing 
  • identify significant events in the novel 
  • make inferences 
  • be able to quote and properly cite text-based evidence

*Please note that The Week at a Glance is very broad. Please check my nightly Edlio posts to read about what we did in class that day.*

Friday, January 24, 2025 Homework

Save the Date—Open House is this Sunday, January 26th, at 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Come see our classrooms and meet the Middle School classrooms and teachers for next year!!
Great Job to Nellie and Caroline in today's Spelling Bee!! We are so proud of you both!! 
Math - None (Today, we cleaned out desks and lockers in preparation for Open House. Please keep practicing multiplication flashcards at home, as we will do a lot of multiplication in the next few weeks.)
Science/Social Studies- None (Today, in both Science and Social Studies, we started our presentations on our Country Project in front of our peers. Everyone has done such a great job so far, and I'm so proud! We have learned so many cool facts from around the world. Projects are printed and ready on desks for Open House visit. I'm looking forward to seeing you.)
- I offer office hours Monday through Thursday if your child needs me to reteach something in Math, Science, or Social Studies. Please email me for assistance, and we will meet via the Google Meet link. 
Upcoming events:
~ Field Trip to Feed My Starving Children on January 30th, during Catholic Schools Week. This will be the 5th grade service project for the year. The room parents will email the chaperone information as the date approaches. Permission forms will be sent home soon.
~ Field Trip on April 30th to Kenosha Public Museum to learn about Native American tribes living in Wisconsin and dissect Owl Pellets. We also have another Field Trip on May 21st to the Civil War Museum in Kenosha. More info is to come for chaperoning by our room parents—field trip forms to go home in April. I am so excited about these enrichment opportunities. 
If you are interested in helping out with our classroom needs:
If anyone would like to donate wish list items to our classroom, please use this Amazon link:
Thank you all so much in advance for your continued support. It truly makes a difference in our school community!

Thursday, January 23, 2025 Homework

Save the Date—Open House on Sunday, January 26th, at 10 a.m. See our classrooms and meet the Middle School classrooms and teachers for next year!!
Math - None (Today, we continued the iReady Math diagnostic. Please keep practicing multiplication flashcards at home, as we will do a lot of multiplication in the next few weeks.)
Science- None (Today, we did our Lesson 3 Quiz always, we used our books as guidance to find answers)
Social Studies - None (Today, we continued researching our countries based on my rubric requests and creating some slides. We should finish today and start our presentations to our peers by tomorrow. This is so much fun; we learn so much from each other.)
- I offer office hours Monday through Thursday if your child needs me to reteach something in Math, Science, or Social Studies. Please email me for assistance, and we will meet via the Google Meet link. 
Upcoming events:
~ Field Trip to Feed My Starving Children on January 30th, during Catholic Schools Week. This will be the 5th grade service project for the year. The room parents will email the chaperone information as the date approaches. Permission forms will be sent home soon.
~ Field Trip on April 30th to Kenosha Public Museum to learn about Native American tribes living in Wisconsin and dissect Owl Pellets. We also have another Field Trip on May 21st to the Civil War Museum in Kenosha. More info is to come for chaperoning by our room parents—field trip forms to go home in April. I am so excited about these enrichment opportunities. 
If you are interested in helping out with our classroom needs:
If anyone would like to donate wish list items to our classroom, please use this Amazon link:
Thank you all so much in advance for your continued support. It truly makes a difference in our school community!

Wednesday, January 22, 2025 Homework

Save the Date—Open House on Sunday, January 26th, at 10 a.m. See our classrooms and meet the Middle School classrooms and teachers for next year!!
Today, we had a fantastic enrichment opportunity with a remarkable woman named Renee. Renee is a docent from a Holocaust Museum and has a mother who was a Holocaust survivor. Via Google Meet, she met with both classrooms together today to talk about the Holocaust as we just finished the unit together. The students had some fantastic questions to ask as well. I was so proud of them all, and I thank Renee for taking the time to spend with us today. Please ask your child about today's meeting and what facts they learned that fascinated them. I had a bunch! xoxoxo
Math - None (Today, we continued the iReady Math diagnostic. Please keep practicing multiplication flashcards at home, as we will do a lot of multiplication in the next few weeks.)
Science- None - Bubis Only (Today, we read about animal adaptations and focused on critical bold words throughout our reading. We answered questions along the way. My class did this yesterday.)
Social Studies - None (Today, we continued researching our countries based on my rubric requests and creating some slides. We should finish by today or tomorrow and start our presentations to our peers by Friday. This is so much fun; we learn so much from each other.)
- I offer office hours Monday through Thursday if your child needs me to reteach something in Math, Science, or Social Studies. Please email me for assistance, and we will meet via the Google Meet link. 
Upcoming events:
~ Field Trip to Feed My Starving Children on January 30th, during Catholic Schools Week. This will be the 5th grade service project for the year. The room parents will email the chaperone information as the date approaches. Permission forms will be sent home soon.
~ Field Trip on April 30th to Kenosha Public Museum to learn about Native American tribes living in Wisconsin and dissect Owl Pellets. We also have another Field Trip on May 21st to the Civil War Museum in Kenosha. More info is to come for chaperoning by our room parents—field trip forms to go home in April. I am so excited about these enrichment opportunities. 
If you are interested in helping out with our classroom needs:
If anyone would like to donate wish list items to our classroom, please use this Amazon link:
Thank you all so much in advance for your continued support. It truly makes a difference in our school community!

Tuesday, January 21, 2025 Homework

Save the Date—Open House on Sunday, January 26th, at 10 a.m. See our classrooms and meet the Middle School classrooms and teachers for next year!!
Math - None (Today, we started the iReady Math diagnostic. Please keep practicing multiplication flashcards at home, as we will do a lot of multiplication in the next few weeks.)
Science- None - Schiff Only (Today, we read about animal adaptations and focused on important bold words throughout our reading. We answered questions along the way. Miss Bubis's class will do this tomorrow.)
Social Studies - None (Today, we continued researching our countries based on my rubric requests and creating some slides. We should finish by Wednesday and start our presentations to our peers on Thursday and Friday. This is so much fun; we learn so much from each other.)
- I offer office hours Monday through Thursday if your child needs me to reteach something in Math, Science, or Social Studies. Please email me for assistance, and we will meet via the Google Meet link. 
Upcoming events:
~ Field Trip to Feed My Starving Children on January 30th, during Catholic Schools Week. This will be the 5th grade service project for the year. The room parents will email the chaperone information as the date approaches. Permission forms will be sent home soon.
~ Field Trip on April 30th to Kenosha Public Museum to learn about Native American tribes living in Wisconsin and dissect Owl Pellets. We also have another Field Trip on May 21st to the Civil War Museum in Kenosha. More info is to come for chaperoning by our room parents—field trip forms to go home in April. I am so excited about these enrichment opportunities. 
If you are interested in helping out with our classroom needs:
If anyone would like to donate wish list items to our classroom, please use this Amazon link:
Thank you all so much in advance for your continued support. It truly makes a difference in our school community!

January 21 to January 24, 2025 Week at a Glance

Math: iReady Math Diagnostic 

  • iReady Math Diagnostics all week (taking our time and NOT rushing it through), with the possibility of Math Game fun on Friday if we are finished with iReady Math (learning objective: see the growth throughout the year thus far) - Please make sure Chromebooks are charged nightly

Science: Chapter 3 - Growth and Survival (one lesson per week)

  • Wednesday -How do adaptations help animals?
    • Question to consider: How do plants and animals grow and change?
    • Learning Objective:
      •  Students will also construct an argument based on evidence that adaptations allow animals to survive in different environments.
  • Keywords this week - structural adaptations, extinct species, and instincts
  • Thursday - Animal packet on fun facts about animals
  • Friday - They will take their Lesson 3 Quiz using their books for guidance. 

Social Studies: 3 Countries Google Slides Project & finishing Holocaust unit with a presenter talk

    • Tuesday/Wednesday - Work on Country Google Slides presentations, take more notes, and design slides 
  • WEDNESDAY - both classrooms will join my classroom as we Zoom in a call from Renee. She is a docent from a Holocaust Museum and also had a mother who survived the Holocaust. She will talk to the students as we just finished our Holocaust unit. I’m looking forward to this extra enrichment for the students. 
  • Thursday/Friday - Present our Country Project on-screen to our peers
    • Learning Objective of an Oral Presentation:
      • developing the ability to research and synthesize information
      • organize ideas logically
      • deliver a clear and engaging presentation to your peers
      • adapt to different speaking situations
      • effectively use visual aids on-screen
      • respond to questions thoughtfully

*Please note that The Week at a Glance is very broad. Please check my nightly Edlio posts to read about what we did in class that day.*

Friday, January 17, 2025 Homework

Save the Date—Open House on Sunday, January 26th, at 10 a.m. See our classrooms and meet the Middle School classrooms and teachers for next year!!
Math - None (Today, we continued plotting points on graphs. We had to learn about the x and y coordinates on the graphs to plot correctly. We also had to find the coordinates of plots that were provided on graphs. Please keep practicing multiplication flashcards at home, as we will do a lot of multiplication in the next few weeks.)
Science—None (I skipped the Science topic and focused on the MLK packet because Social Studies is all about our project right now.)
Social Studies - None (Today, we continued researching our countries based on my rubric requests and creating some slides. We should finish by next Wednesday and start our presentations to our peers on Thursday and Friday. This is so much fun; we learn so much from each other.)
- I offer office hours Monday through Thursday if your child needs me to reteach something in Math, Science, or Social Studies. Please email me for assistance, and we will meet via the Google Meet link. 
Upcoming events:
~ Field Trip to Feed My Starving Children on January 30th, during Catholic Schools Week. This will be the 5th grade service project for the year. The room parents will email the chaperone information as the date approaches. Permission forms will be sent home soon.
~ Field Trip on April 30th to Kenosha Public Museum to learn about Native American tribes living in Wisconsin and dissect Owl Pellets. We also have another Field Trip on May 21st to the Civil War Museum in Kenosha. More info is to come for chaperoning by our room parents—field trip forms to go home in April. I am so excited about these enrichment opportunities. 
If you are interested in helping out with our classroom needs:
If anyone would like to donate wish list items to our classroom, please use this Amazon link:
Thank you all so much in advance for your continued support. It truly makes a difference in our school community!

Thursday, January 16, 2025 Homework

Save the Date—Open House on Sunday, January 26th, at 10 a.m. See our classrooms and meet the Middle School classrooms and teachers for next year!!
Math - pgs 529 & 530 and extra enrichment worksheet (Today, we continued plotting points on graphs. We had to learn about the x and y coordinates on the graphs to plot correctly. We also had to find the coordinates of plots that were provided on graphs. Please keep practicing multiplication flashcards at home, as we will do a lot of multiplication in the next few weeks.)
Science - None (BrainPop Science fun today!)
Social Studies -  D.O.G. was passed out on Monday and is due by Friday. (Today, we started researching our countries based on my rubric requests and creating some slides. We should finish by next Wednesday and start our presentations to our peers on Thursday and Friday. This is so much fun; we learn so much from each other.)
- I offer office hours Monday through Thursday if your child needs me to reteach something in Math, Science, or Social Studies. Please email me for assistance, and we will meet via the Google Meet link. 
Upcoming events:
~ Field Trip to Feed My Starving Children on January 30th, during Catholic Schools Week. This will be the 5th grade service project for the year. The room parents will email the chaperone information as the date approaches. Permission forms will be sent home soon.
~ Field Trip on April 30th to Kenosha Public Museum to learn about Native American tribes living in Wisconsin and dissect Owl Pellets. We also have another Field Trip on May 21st to the Civil War Museum in Kenosha. More info is to come for chaperoning by our room parents—field trip forms to go home in April. I am so excited about these enrichment opportunities. 
If you are interested in helping out with our classroom needs:
If anyone would like to donate wish list items to our classroom, please use this Amazon link:
Thank you all so much in advance for your continued support. It truly makes a difference in our school community!

Wednesday, January 15, 2025 Homework

Save the Date—Open House on Sunday, January 26th, at 10 a.m. See our classrooms and meet the Middle School classrooms and teachers for next year!!
Math - pgs 523 & 524 and extra enrichment worksheet (Today, we started plotting points on graphs. We had to learn about the x and y coordinates on the graphs to plot correctly. Please keep practicing multiplication flashcards at home, as we will do a lot of multiplication in the next few weeks.)
Science - None (Science class was shortened today for both classrooms as parents came in and started a top-secret project from 5th grade for the auction at the Gala in February. We did manage to get our Lesson 2 quiz done, though.)
Social Studies - Pick your three countries for the project by tomorrow, and D.O.G. was passed out on Monday and is due by Friday (Today, I passed out their rubrics and expectations on the 3 Countries Google Slides project we will be working on in class for the next week or so. I also gave them a list of about 100 countries to choose three from, but they can also select a country not on my list. We should finish by next Wednesday and start our presentations to our peers on Thursday and Friday. This is so much fun; we learn so much from each other.)
- I offer office hours Monday through Thursday if your child needs me to reteach something in Math, Science, or Social Studies. Please email me for assistance, and we will meet via the Google Meet link. 
Upcoming events:
~ Field Trip to Feed My Starving Children on January 30th, during Catholic Schools Week. This will be the 5th grade service project for the year. The room parents will email the chaperone information as the date approaches. Permission forms will be sent home soon.
~ Field Trip on April 30th to Kenosha Public Museum to learn about Native American tribes living in Wisconsin and dissect Owl Pellets. We also have another Field Trip on May 21st to the Civil War Museum in Kenosha. More info is to come for chaperoning by our room parents—field trip forms to go home in April. I am so excited about these enrichment opportunities. 
If you are interested in helping out with our classroom needs:
If anyone would like to donate wish list items to our classroom, please use this Amazon link:
Thank you all so much in advance for your continued support. It truly makes a difference in our school community!

Tuesday, January 14, 2025 Homework

Save the Date—Open House on Sunday, January 26th, at 10 a.m. See our classrooms and meet the Middle School classrooms and teachers for next year!!
Math - pgs 523 & 524 and extra enrichment worksheet (Today, we continued working on generating patterns in charts and graphs. Please keep practicing multiplication flashcards at home, as we will do a lot of multiplication in the next few weeks.)
Science - None - Schiff Only  (Today, we read pages 114 - 119 in our books and answered the questions along the way. This week's lesson is about how plants adapt to different environments. Ask them what adaptation means. - Miss Bubis's class did this yesterday.)
Social Studies - The Holocaust packet is due tomorrow if not finished in class, and D.O.G. was passed out on Monday but is due by Friday (We will continue with the Holocaust for a few more days as my plans for this week have changed slightly. Today, we finished the book by reading chapters 10 and 11 in our Holocaust books and answered questions in our packets. We have been having fabulous questions and talks about this topic. The kids are just so intrigued with how the world was. Talk to your child at home about what they learned today.)
- The food pantry collection is on Wednesday, January 15th, and the 5th graders have been given PASTA to donate. Please donate whatever you can, as it is much needed after the long break. Thank you so much!
- I offer office hours Monday through Thursday if your child needs me to reteach something in Math, Science, or Social Studies. Please email me for assistance, and we will meet via the Google Meet link. 
Upcoming events:
~ Field Trip to Feed My Starving Children on January 30th, during Catholic Schools Week. This will be the 5th grade service project for the year. The room parents will email the chaperone information as the date approaches. Permission forms will be sent home soon.
~ Field Trip on April 30th to Kenosha Public Museum to learn about Native American tribes living in Wisconsin and dissect Owl Pellets. We also have another Field Trip on May 21st to the Civil War Museum in Kenosha. More info is to come for chaperoning by our room parents—field trip forms to go home in April. I am so excited about these enrichment opportunities. 
If you are interested in helping out with our classroom needs:
If anyone would like to donate wish list items to our classroom, please use this Amazon link:
Thank you all so much in advance for your continued support. It truly makes a difference in our school community!

Monday, January 13, 2025 Homework

Book Fair is coming up, and the sneak peek magazines are coming home today. Please ask your child to see them and get directions on how the book fair works at our school. Thank you.
Math - pgs 511 & 512 (Today, we worked on generating patterns in charts and graphs. Please keep practicing multiplication flashcards at home, as we will do a lot of multiplication in the next few weeks.)
Science - None - Bubis Only  (Today, we read pages 114 - 119 in our books and answered the questions along the way. This week's lesson is about how plants adapt to different environments. Ask them what adaptation means. - My class will do this tomorrow.)
Social Studies - None, but D.O.G. was passed out today and due by Friday (We will continue with the Holocaust for a few more days as my plans for this week have changed slightly. Today, we read chapters 8 and 9 in our Holocaust books and answered questions in our packets. We have been having fabulous questions and talks about this topic. The kids are just so intrigued with how the world was. Talk to your child at home about what they learned today.)
- The food pantry collection is on Wednesday, January 15th, and the 5th graders have been given PASTA to donate. Please donate whatever you can, as it is much needed after the long break. Thank you so much!
- I offer office hours Monday through Thursday if your child needs me to reteach something in Math, Science, or Social Studies. Please email me for assistance, and we will meet via the Google Meet link. 
Upcoming events:
~ Field Trip to Feed My Starving Children on January 30th, during Catholic Schools Week. This will be the 5th grade service project for the year. The room parents will email the chaperone information as the date approaches. Permission forms will be sent home soon.
~ Field Trip on April 30th to Kenosha Public Museum to learn about Native American tribes living in Wisconsin and dissect Owl Pellets. We also have another Field Trip on May 21st to the Civil War Museum in Kenosha. More info is to come for chaperoning by our room parents—field trip forms to go home in April. I am so excited about these enrichment opportunities. 
If you are interested in helping out with our classroom needs:
If anyone would like to donate wish list items to our classroom, please use this Amazon link:
Thank you all so much in advance for your continued support. It truly makes a difference in our school community!

January 13 to January 17, 2025 Week at a Glance

Math: Chapter 7  (one lesson per day) 

  • Tuesday - Chapter 7, Lesson 5 - Generate Patterns (Learning Objective: Multiply decimals by decimals)
  • Wednesday- Chapter 7, Lesson 6  - Patterns (Learning Objective: Identify and extend patterns and sequences)
  • Thursday - Chapter 7, Lesson 7  - Map Locations (Learning objective: Plot points on a grid to solve real-world problems)
  • Friday - Chapter 7, Lesson 8  - Ordered Pairs (Learning objective: Graph points on a coordinate plane to solve real-world and mathematical problems)

Science: Chapter 3 - Growth and Survival (one lesson per week)

  • Tuesday/Wednesday - Lesson 2 and answer the central question: How do adaptations help plants?
    • How do plants and animals grow and change?
      • Learning Objective: 
        • Students will construct an argument based on evidence that adaptations allow plants to survive in different environments. 
  • Thursday - They will take their Lesson 2 Quiz using their books for guidance. 
  • Friday - Animal and Plant Adaptations packet

Social Studies: I Survived the American Revolution, 1776

Pass out the I Survived books and comprehension packets on Wednesday

  • Monday/Tuesday - Hand out Country Google Slides project expectations to start taking notes and working on in-class
  • Wednesday - Read Chapters 1 and 2 in American Revolution books and answer comprehension questions for these chapters  
  • Thursday - Read Chapters 3 & 4 in American Revolution books and answer comprehension questions for these chapters  
  • Friday - We will work on a packet on Paul Revere and do a Giant Steps Lesson on him as he was a key figure during the American Revolution

Learning Objectives of the American Revolution: 

  • be able to explain the causes and effects of the Revolutionary War 
  • be able to identify both sides of the conflict 
  • analyze background information in the story and identify additional questions 
  • be able to identify the main idea and theme of the novel 
  • be able to analyze Nate’s character and growth while coming of age 
  • learn new vocabulary and be able to use it in writing 
  • identify significant events in the novel 
  • make inferences 
  • be able to quote and properly cite text-based evidence

*Please note that The Week at a Glance is very broad. Please check my nightly Edlio posts to read about what we did in class that day.*

Friday, January 10, 2025 Homework

Math - None (Today, we worked on a Check My Progress to this point of the lessons. We are keeping up just fine so far. Please keep practicing multiplication flashcards at home, as we will do a lot of multiplication in the next few weeks.)
Science - None (Today, we worked on a packet that focused on the functions of plants. They worked with partners on this, and I graded it as a quiz. They did a great job with the readings and questions. I'm very proud of them all!)
Social Studies - None (Today, we read chapters 7 and 8 in our Holocaust books and answered questions in our packets. We have been having fabulous questions and talks about this topic. The kids are just so intrigued with how the world was. Talk to your child at home about what they learned today.)
- The food pantry collection is on Wednesday, January 15th, and the 5th graders have been given PASTA to donate. Please donate whatever you can, as it is much needed after the long break. Thank you so much!
- I offer office hours Monday through Thursday if your child needs me to reteach something in Math, Science, or Social Studies. Please email me for assistance, and we will meet via the Google Meet link. 
Upcoming events:
~ Field Trip to Feed My Starving Children on January 30th, during Catholic Schools Week. This will be the 5th grade service project for the year. The room parents will email the chaperone information as the date approaches. Permission forms will be sent home soon.
~ Field Trip on April 30th to Kenosha Public Museum to learn about Native American tribes living in Wisconsin and dissect Owl Pellets. We also have another Field Trip on May 21st to the Civil War Museum in Kenosha. More info is to come for chaperoning by our room parents—field trip forms to go home in April. I am so excited about these opportunities for enrichment. 
If you are interested in helping out with our classroom needs:
If anyone would like to donate wish list items to our classroom, please use this Amazon link:
Thank you all so much in advance for your continued support. It truly makes a difference in our school community!

Thursday, January 9, 2025 Homework

Math - pgs 497 & 498 (Today, we continued with PEMDAS (parenthesis, exponents, multiply, divide, addition, subtraction) ... order of operations. It was just a starting lesson, and the students did very well with it. We will expand and do more with these lessons as we go on. Please keep practicing multiplication flashcards at home, as we will do a lot of multiplication in the next few weeks.)
Science - None (They took their Lesson 1 quiz today. As always, they could use their textbooks to answer the questions.)
Social Studies - None (Today, we read chapters 6 and 7 in our Holocaust books and answered questions in our packets. Talk to your child at home about what they learned today.)
- The food pantry collection is on Wednesday, January 15th, and the 5th graders have been given PASTA to donate. Please donate whatever you can, as it is much needed after the long break. Thank you so much!
- I offer office hours Monday through Thursday if your child needs me to reteach something in Math, Science, or Social Studies. Please email me for assistance, and we will meet via the Google Meet link. 
Upcoming events:
~ Field Trip to Feed My Starving Children on January 30th, during Catholic Schools Week. This will be the 5th grade service project for the year. The room parents will email the chaperone information as the date approaches. Permission forms will be sent home soon.
~ Field Trip on April 30th to Kenosha Public Museum to learn about Native American tribes living in Wisconsin and dissect Owl Pellets. We also have another Field Trip on May 21st to the Civil War Museum in Kenosha. More info is to come for chaperoning by our room parents—field trip forms to go home in April. I am so excited about these opportunities for enrichment. 
If you are interested in helping out with our classroom needs:
If anyone would like to donate wish list items to our classroom, please use this Amazon link:
Thank you all so much in advance for your continued support. It truly makes a difference in our school community!