St. Joseph Catholic School

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School Advisory Committee

School Advisory Committee


School Advisory Committee

The St. Joseph School Advisory Committee (SAC) is composed of no more than twelve lay members of the parish/school for a three-year term. The pastor and the school principal are the ex officio members, and the treasurer of the Parent Association and president of the Athletic Committee serve as non-voting members.

The primary function of SAC is to define and develop policies, in consultation with the school principal and pastor, which govern the operation of St. Joseph Catholic School, to seek and obtain avenues of school revenue to balance the budget, and to provide counsel in financial as well as other matters concerning the operation of the school. SAC is an advisory body, not a governing body.

Visitors are welcome but are asked to follow the following protocol:

  • Visitors desiring to place new business on a regular meeting's agenda must submit a written request to the chairperson or school principal fourteen days prior to the next meeting. (All email addresses of the SAC Committee Members may be found in the SJCS directory.)
  • Visitors must check-in with the chairperson of SAC prior to the start of the meeting if they would like to make comments during the meeting.
  • Visitors will have an opportunity to express an opinion during the agenda item "Comments from Visitors". Each visitor should limit comments to three minutes on matters that concern SAC. Personal issues and individual and family needs should be discussed with the principal or pastor.
  • Issues raised by visitors may not be handled during the meeting. If necessary, SAC will take the matter under consideration and address it at a future time.

2024-2025 School Advisory Committee Schedule
All Meetings take place at 7PM in the Loughry Room

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Tuesday, January 21, 2025 (executive session only)

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Tuesday, May 20, 2025


2023-2024 Ex-Officio Members

Fr. Jake Beltran, Pastor

Liz Hein, Principal

 Erin Smith, Parent Association

Evan Maze, Athletic Committee

2024-2025 School Advisory Committee Officers

Melissa Eigner, Chairperson


Melissa Aske, Secretary


 OPEN, Marketing 


 Brandon Ziemann and Brad Metzinger, Finance


Tim Malham and Rich Kennedy, Development and Advancement

Krystal Angelo, Continuous Improvement and Strategic Planning