Peek at Our Week April 15 - April 18, 2019

Preschool 3

Religion - Special Lesson: Easter. On Easter we celebrate the new life of Jesus. The children will rejoice in new life. They will be familiar with some Easter symbols. The children will be grateful for the gift of life.

Music with Mr. Showstead

Media with Mrs. Hoglund - Fairy tales.

Language/Literacy - Alphabet recognition: matching letters. Sequencing and recognizing letters in our name. Phonological awareness: songs, rhymes. Developing hand strength/dexterity. Letter review: Aa-Uu.

Math - Patterns: matching. Counting/number sequencing. One to one correspondence. Recognizing/naming basic shapes.

Preschool 4

Religion - Special Lesson: Easter. On Easter we celebrate life. The children will identify Easter as a feast of life. They will know that Jesus gives us new life. The children will thank God for life. Seeds Lesson: We welcome Jesus. The children will identify ways to welcome. The children will: recognize the welcome people gave to Jesus on  Palm Sunday. They will recognize the meanings of the words priest, Mass, and Pope. The children will dramatize welcoming Jesus to Jerusalem.  

Visit with our Prayer Buddies - Preschoolers and their Buddies will enjoy creating Easter Egg art, and reading Easter stories.

Science - “What is hatched from an egg?” What kind of animals hatch from an egg? Children will learn some animals are born live, and some are hatched from an egg. They will be introduced to this rare word, oviparous, which means egg-laying. The children will categorize animals accordingly.

Literacy/Language - Phonological awareness: rhyming, producing letter sounds, comparing ending sounds. Oral language: participating in a discussion. Alphabet knowledge: matching uppercase/lowercase letters, writing letters. Left to right progression. Letter Review: Aa - Uu.

Math -  Recognizing numbers 1-12. Sorting by size. Writing numbers. Patterns. Recognizing/differentiating:  left and right. Phone a-Friend: recognizing, sequencing, and memorizing series of numbers. Geometry: shape review.

Music with Mr. Showstead

Media with Mrs. Hoglund - Fairy Tales.


World Travelers - “To infinity and beyond!” Preschoolers will have an out-of-this-world, month long study of Outer Space!  This intergalactic unit will introduce the children to concepts and features of space, including aspects of an astronauts job!  They will begin awareness of the Earth, Sun, and Planets, and learn facts that are unique to each. Preschoolers will be introduced to new vocabulary such as rotation, orbit, and axis. This week’s focus has us learning characteristics of each planet! Preschoolers will learn fun facts about the planets in our Solar System. They will enjoy working in teams to create 3-D models of these planets using paper mache.

Gym with Ms. Nash’s Class