St. Joseph Catholic School

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Welcome to Preschool at St. Joseph Catholic School! 

I am so excited to be your child’s preschool teacher this year!

This is my sixth year at St. Joseph Catholic School and I am looking

forward to helping your child grow, and learn,

and have fun this year.

I have been a preschool teacher in Libertyville for over 25 years,

and am passionate about helping young children learn.

I believe children learn best with hands-on experiences and

help facilitate their many different learning styles

in a kind and nurturing setting.

We will have an amazing year together meeting new friends, sharing new

discoveries, and learning new skills everyday.

Our instructional aide, Mrs. Tina Truskowski, has much experience in the classroom

after being a aide at St. Joseph Catholic School for over 15 years!

Together, we help build positive relationships with children to help foster

growth and confidence in a caring classroom community.

We are both looking forward to sharing a wonderful year with your child.


*Please remember to subscribe to my website for updates including fun photos

and videos of our classroom!!

Welcome to Our Bunch!






Chicka Chicka Boom Boom STEM challenge! How many letters can your tree hold? The children used their prior knowledge of this favorite story to construct their own tree! Using a variety of materials in the classroom, they attempted to see how many letters their tree could hold! The teamwork and postitive attitude used as they approached this challenge was a joy to witness! Two preschoolers were able to build a tree that could hold 21 letters!
We look forward to welcoming Nico Stephens & Roman Schreiber to our PreK 4 class on Tuesday! ❤️
Today’s Friday Focus was all about numbers! We read this colorful story, did a fun music & movement song that had us jumping #1-10, played an apple number game with our friend Wormy, and counted the letters in our Chicka Boom Boom Trees! Great work, Preschoolers!
Our Three’s Class stamped with real apples dipped in paint to create these adorable Letter Aa apples!
Chicka-Chicka, Boom Boom 
Letters filled up our room!
This engaging,hands-on activity had preschoolers matching uppercase letters!
Segmenting words into syllables is an important pre-reading skill! Today Preschool+Plus made Alligator Clickers that we used to click out syllables in our names! We discovered many friends have 2 clicks in their name! Mrs. Truskowski has 5!!
We enjoyed listing to Mrs. Hoglund read “Book, Book, Book”! The children laughed at the animals reaction’s to the children going back to school! 🐮🐴🐷🐔
We watched an adorable, short video that showed preschoolers what happens when we don’t take care of a book! Things like eating and drinking while we read a book are definitely not a good idea! Preschool looks forward to checking out our own books from the SJ library soon! 📕
God Made Me: I Can Touch
This week’s Religion Lesson has us talking about all the things our hands can do! Preschoolers made a list of what their hands can do:
open a door
high 5 a friend 
build with blocks
play peek-a-boo
make things
We loved using our hands to finger paint today!✋💙🤚
Mrs. Hoglund visits preschool today for our first week of Media! She read us a special story about friendship called, “Thank You For Being a Friend”! Thank you for visiting our classroom, Mrs. Hoglund After the new year we feel more confident hiking up 2 flights of stairs to our school library to see you!
Author Mo Willems writes about our fave characters, Gerald &Piggie! Mrs. Hoglund chose today’s, “Elephants Can’t Dance”, video because of its special message about never giving up!