St. Joseph Catholic School

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Welcome to Preschool at St. Joseph Catholic School! 

I am so excited to be your child’s preschool teacher this year!

This is my sixth year at St. Joseph Catholic School and I am looking

forward to helping your child grow, and learn,

and have fun this year.

I have been a preschool teacher in Libertyville for over 25 years,

and am passionate about helping young children learn.

I believe children learn best with hands-on experiences and

help facilitate their many different learning styles

in a kind and nurturing setting.

We will have an amazing year together meeting new friends, sharing new

discoveries, and learning new skills everyday.

Our instructional aide, Mrs. Tina Truskowski, has much experience in the classroom

after being a aide at St. Joseph Catholic School for over 15 years!

Together, we help build positive relationships with children to help foster

growth and confidence in a caring classroom community.

We are both looking forward to sharing a wonderful year with your child.


*Please remember to subscribe to my website for updates including fun photos

and videos of our classroom!!

Welcome to Our Bunch!






Ms. Miller’s daughter, Jillian (SJCS ‘20), helped preschoolers make their pattern pasta necklaces! Thank you, Jillian! Hope you had as much fun as we did! The children created and extended their patterns by using different shapes and colors!
Special Religion Lesson: Thanksgiving.
Everything we have is a special gift from God. Preschoolers made a special card thanking Him for our wonderful gifts! The children shared what they are so very grateful for this Thanksgiving, and made a special handprint turkey to decorate their home!
Nico: my Mom
Addison: my Prayer Buddy
Robbie: my Mom
Mary: my brothers Tommy & Sean
Luke: my Mom and Dad
Palmer: my family
Teddy: my Mom
Roman: my brother, Nixon
Oliver: my turkey
Ryleigh: my Mom
Olivia: my brother 
Jacob: Mary
Emma: my brother, Sean
Adaline: my Mom
Keaghan: my Mom
Nazareth: Mary
Cranberry STEM: Mini Math Circles. FLAT Shapes! We discussed that these geometric shapes each have a certain number of sides and corners! Using toothpicks and cranberries, preschoolers were challenged to create these flat shapes! We then gathered back for another mini math circle to discuss FAT shapes!
The children gained experience building shapes today by using toothpicks for the sides, and cranberries for the corners! Building and creating shapes gives preschoolers the necessary hands on experience they need to form knowledge!
Building fat shapes! We have been using math language to describe our 3-D shapes such as cube and pyramid! Preschoolers did an amazing job of constructing shapes that have a top, a bottom, and sides!
Preschoolers have been practicing concepts of book: holding the book right way up, “reading” front to back, turning pages carefully, placing books back on the shelf right side up. Love how these two are enjoying book time!
Just amazing! First time I have ever seen this design using Magnifying-Tiles! Love it! So creative!
Bear Says Thanks. We love author Karma Wilson’s special read that helped our young readers learn about thankfulness and gratitude 🐻. Preschoolers made their own special Bear character from our BROWN Day finger painting project!
Preschoolers made a cornucopia of God’s many gifts during our Thanksgiving Religion lesson. We discussed all the many things we truly have to be thankful for! The children did an amazing job coloring their harvest fruits and vegetables.
Making discoveries in the Science Center 🌽  Our Indian Corn has sprouted ! Preschoolers were very curious about the “hairs” on our corn cob today and it started great conversations about plants! 
We created Turkey Headbands today that we will wear during our Friendsgiving Feast tomorrow! The children did an awesome job of creating and extending AB patterns with colored rectangles the on their bands!
November is Picture Book Month! The children listened to my favorite November picture book! They did an amazing job of picture reading the pages to tell the story with detail!