Peek At Our Week January 6 - January 10, 2025

                         Peek At Our Week January 6 - January 10, 2025

                          **NO SCHOOL MONDAY JANUARY 6, 2025**

Religion:  Seeds Unit 2:  “ We celebrate the coming of Jesus”.  The children will recognize the important role of Mary as jesus’ mother.  The children will recognize the Christmas and Epiphany stories and will identify Jesus, Mary and Joseph as members of the Holy Family.**We will be attending Mass with our Prayer Buddies on Tuesday, January 9th**

Language/Literacy:  Lesson Overview:  Week 13-18. Week 16:Students will recognize rhyming words from non-rhyming words.  Students will isolate the initial sound in spoken words.  Students will learn to blend two parts (body-coda and onset-rime) into a spoken word.  Students will learn to isolate the medial (vowel) sound in a spoken word.  Students will learn to segment a spoken words into two parts, onset and rime.  Students will manipulate the initial phoneme in a spoken word by adding  and deleting the first sound. Rhyming words, naming letter, identifying letters sounds (beginning and end sounds), matching upper and lower case letters.  Segmenting onsets and rimes.  Identify ending punctuation.  Answer questions about a book.  Retell a story.  

Math: Numbers and Operations:  compare numbers in a set.  Verbally identify, without counting, number of objects 1 - 5. Use concrete  models and make word problems for adding up to 5 objects.  Sorting by size.  patterning, symmetry. Opposites. Focus Colors:  Black and White.  

Science: Growing snowflakes that are beautiful and unique as a snowflake we capture from the sky.  It won't melt and involves fun, hands-on chemistry.In addition the children will explore:  how much liquid is in snow, where will snow melt the quickest in the classroom and will snow sink or float in a bowl of water.

Social Studies:  Scholastic:   My BIG World Clifford:  “It;s a Snowy Day”:  Science focus:  snow.  Theme Vocabulary:  snowy, footprints, snowman, snow angel.  Skills We’re Practicing:  group discussion, critical thinking, vocabulary, letter recognition.

Afternoon Enrichment:

Monday:  NO SCHOOL

Tuesday: Review letters A-N.  Matching letter sounds to the letters.  Rhyming.

Wednesday:  Number exploration:  1-14.  How far can we count?  Number recognition/Bingo with numbers 1-20.

Thursday:  "Bushel of Books"  We will read The Snowy Nap by Jan Brett.  We will discuss the setting, characters and sequence of events.  We will sort words from the story by how many syllables are in them.  We will "Write the Room" with words from the story to practice look and copy skills. The boys and girls will also learn about hedgehogs

 Friday:  We will read The Hat and The MItten.  We will focus on retelling and sequencing the events in the story.  The children will help describe the similarities and differences between the two stories.The Hat and The MItten.  We will focus on retelling and sequencing the events in the story.  The children will help describe the similarities and differences between the two stories.