Peek At Our Week January 13 - January 17, 2025

                     Peek At Our Week January 13 - January 18, 2025

 Religion: Seeds:  Unit 2.  Lesson Theme:  Baptism Makes Us Children of God.  The children will identify that we become members of God’s family through Baptism.  They will recognize  what the water, candle, oil and white garment signify in Baptism.  The children will connect Baptism with being a child of God.

Language/Literacy:  Lesson Overview:  Week 13-18. Week 17:  Students will recognize rhyming words from non-rhyming words.  Students will isolate the initial sound in spoken words.  Students will learn to blend two parts (body-coda and onset-rime) into a spoken word.  Students will learn to isolate the medial (vowel) sound in a spoken word.  Students will learn to segment a spoken words into two parts, onset and rime.  Students will manipulate the initial phoneme in a spoken word by adding  and deleting the first sound. Rhyming words, naming letter, identifying letters sounds (beginning and end sounds), matching upper and lower case letters.  Segmenting onsets and rimes.   We will work on upper and lower case letters and beginning sounds.  Phonological awareness:  produce words that begin with the same sounds.  Rhyming words.  Use of prepositional words. The children continue to work on recognizing and writing their last names. Focus letter: Oo.  Bring an O item to school.

 Math:  Number and operations:  use concrete models to make 5.  Adding one more to solve a problem.  Making directional patterns.  Cardinality - last number counted in total.  Solid shapes vs. flat shapes.  Review:  naming flat shapes.  Focus Shape:  OVAL

Science:  Hibernating.  The children will further explore why animals hibernate.  They will learn what animals do before they hibernate and how they can sleep all winter, stay warm and not get hungry.  The children will act out word meanings:  hibernate, forage. We will also talk about animals that migrate and stay in their habitat.   

Social Studies: Scholastic:   My BIG World Clifford: “Happy Hibernating Hedgehog”:  Science focus:  hibernation.  Theme Vocabulary:  hibernation, hedgehogs, beetle, slug, nest.  Skills We’re Practicing:  group discussion, critical thinking, vocabulary, number order.

Afternoon Enrichment:

Monday:  "Our World and Beyond"  We will travel down to Antarctica. What would it be like to live there? The children will learn the different types of penguins that live in Antarctica. The children will be able to locate this area on a map. We will learn that ANT ARTICA means the opposite of the Arctic.  They will observe that these two areas are opposite each other on the globe. The children will also paint with Ice.

Tuesday:    We will learn more about the letter O.  The children will go on a O letter hunt around the room.  

Wednesday:  Number exploration- number 15! Forming the number correctly, the letters in the name, identifying number 15 and counting to number 15.

Thursday:We will read Sneezy the Snowman  By:  Maureen Wright.  This is a cute story about a snowman who is always cold and causes himself to melt. The children will sequence and retell the story.Concepts of Print.  

 Friday:  The children will make a snowflake using materials found in the classroom.  The snowflake will need to be symmetrical.  The children will also make Snow Dough...a soft, warm alternative to real snow.