St. Joseph Catholic School

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Welcome to Preschool at St. Joseph Catholic School! 

I am so excited to be your child’s preschool teacher this year!

This is my sixth year at St. Joseph Catholic School and I am looking

forward to helping your child grow, and learn,

and have fun this year.

I have been a preschool teacher in Libertyville for over 25 years,

and am passionate about helping young children learn.

I believe children learn best with hands-on experiences and

help facilitate their many different learning styles

in a kind and nurturing setting.

We will have an amazing year together meeting new friends, sharing new

discoveries, and learning new skills everyday.

Our instructional aide, Mrs. Tina Truskowski, has much experience in the classroom

after being a aide at St. Joseph Catholic School for over 15 years!

Together, we help build positive relationships with children to help foster

growth and confidence in a caring classroom community.

We are both looking forward to sharing a wonderful year with your child.


*Please remember to subscribe to my website for updates including fun photos

and videos of our classroom!!

Welcome to Our Bunch!






Thank you so much, Christina Ziegler, for sharing these beautiful photos with us from this morning's Rosary Launch.
Amazing Ants! Building our ant models was another way to integrate info we learned about ants! During assembly, the children remembered there are 3 legs on each side, and made their model accordingly! So fun! 
Ant Relay! The children enjoyed learning that digging ant tunnel requires teamwork! They work together to carry out the dirt and mound it outside the entrance! They did an amazing job of creating their own relay to see how this requires cooperation, coordination, and teamwork! 
Ant Races! We learned that ants eat seeds, fruit, and even meat! They use mandibles (jaws) and backs to carry food! Our ant race gave us experience with his difficult this really is!
“What foods do ants like to eat?” Working in groups, preschoolers each chose a location near an ant’s natural habitat where they placed their dinner dish! They used what they had learned about ants to help make a good decision on placement!  Foods selected to test were bread, pear, cheese, honey, syrup, and gummy bears! 
WOW! I think our group chose strategic spots! We have never seen so many of the smaller ants before! The ants seem to favor the honey, syrup, and cheese!
B is for Bee 🐝 We have started working in our ABC Letter Book pages! By the end of the school year, PreK 4 will be presented with their bound book A-Z! Great job listening and following directions!
Media with Mrs. Hoglund    Today we met 2 characters of Leo Leonii, Chameleon and Mouse! We enjoyed listening to The Mixed-up Chameleon, and watching Swimmy! Ask your preschooler what sort of underwater creatures we viewed on Monterey Bay’s Aquarium live feed! 
Loving all the properties of this fun manipulative, such as creativity, social skills sharing and taking turns, fine motor development, and FUN!