St. Joseph Catholic School

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Welcome to Preschool at St. Joseph Catholic School! 

I am so excited to be your child’s preschool teacher this year!

This is my sixth year at St. Joseph Catholic School and I am looking

forward to helping your child grow, and learn,

and have fun this year.

I have been a preschool teacher in Libertyville for over 25 years,

and am passionate about helping young children learn.

I believe children learn best with hands-on experiences and

help facilitate their many different learning styles

in a kind and nurturing setting.

We will have an amazing year together meeting new friends, sharing new

discoveries, and learning new skills everyday.

Our instructional aide, Mrs. Tina Truskowski, has much experience in the classroom

after being a aide at St. Joseph Catholic School for over 15 years!

Together, we help build positive relationships with children to help foster

growth and confidence in a caring classroom community.

We are both looking forward to sharing a wonderful year with your child.


*Please remember to subscribe to my website for updates including fun photos

and videos of our classroom!!

Welcome to Our Bunch!






Pre K 4s learned about how God gave us flowers. We are observing how flowers need water to grow and stay fresh! 
Friday was St. Blase Day. Our PreK 3 class all received a blessing on their throats in honor of St. Blase. 

Week at a Glance - February 6 - Fe bruary 10

PreK 3

Religion – Unit 4 – God Made Me Active: “I Can Work”. We are meant to work with our heads and our hands to make the world a better place. The children will know that Jesus worked. They will appreciate what workers do for them and gain a desire to work well.

Social Studies – Friendship & Sharing. The children will participate in hands-on activities that promote the importance of cooperation, friendship, and sharing. Our classroom is a special community made up of special friends. Using our kind hearts/caring words.

Language/Literacy – Letter review: Aa-Nn. Building vocabulary and listening skills through oral language/reading. Following/understanding  one-two step directions. Developing  phonemic awareness (hearing sounds) through rhyme.

Math – Differentiate items using single attribute. Counting 1-10.

PreK 4

Religion – Unit 4 – God Made the World: “God Made Flowers”. The children will know that God made a variety of flowers. They will realize that creation demonstrates God’s goodness and wisdom. They will gain an appreciation for God’s gift of flowers. Seeds: The children will learn that Jesus' rule is to love one another. They will hear the story of St. Valentine and learn of his love for Jesus.

Social Studies – Working cooperatively in a group.  Prayer Buddies from Mrs. Binkley’s class and PreK 4 pm will work together in this S.T.E.M. activity to build catapults! Who’s pom-pom will go the farthest? Our Minute-to-Win-It challenge will have groups working together to build the tallest candy heart tower in one minute.  

Science – Color-Changing Carnations. Where does water go when a plant is watered? As colored water is absorbed by white carnations, children will see how it moves into the flower.

OWL – Unit 4 – Week 5:  Review. “On Our Way to K!”

Unit 3: Our Community. “What is a community?”

Unit 4: Life on a Farm. “What happens on a farm?.

Phonological Awareness: Same/different sounds, rhyming words segment onset and rime.

Alphabet Knowledge: Match and Name Upper/lowercase letters.

Concepts of print, directionality (left to right).

Math – Review

Geometry: Location words, identify common shapes.

Number & Operations: Concrete models to add up to five objects, subtracting 1-5 objects from a set. One to one correspondence.



Week at a Glance - January 20 - February 3

PreK 3

Religion -  Unit 4 - God Made Me Active: “I Can Play”. God want us to enjoy playing. The children will know that God wants them to be happy.

Social Studies - What time is it, Mr. Groundhog? Facts & fun with Groundhog Day.

Language/Literacy - Recognizing name in print. Recognizing letters in name. Enhancing listening skills with two step directions. Focus on Letter of the Week: Nn.

Math - Comparing. Recognizing similarities in objects. Critical thinking skills: matching shadows to objects. Counting 1-10.

PreK 4

Religion - Unit 4 - “God Made Trees”. The children will know that God made trees. After discussing the many uses of tree, the children will hear about the role that wood played in the life of Jesus. They will appreciate and enjoy trees. Seeds: Jesus is our teacher. The children will hear the Beautitudes as Jesus’ teaching about finding happiness by trusting God and loving each other.

Social Studies - Scholastic: My BIG World - “Home Sweet Home”. Groundhog Day is February 2. They live in underground homes called burrows. Where do other animals live during the winter? The children will learn what an animal habitat is and discover different materials and means animals use to construct their homes. Using materials/supplies in the classroom, the children will get an opportunity to create their own animal homes.

Science - Animals in Winter. The large tree outside our classroom window was home and refuge for many animals. We observed how animals live and thrive through different seasons. In the Fall, squirrels enjoyed the corn we left out for them. Recently a flock of cedar waxwing birds enjoyed the berries on our tree. We will make our own treats for the animals that we will hang in trees outside our classroom. We look forward to sharing the pictures of the thankful animals with you! Predictions: Will Groundhog see his shadow? Graph results.

Literacy - OWL - Unit 4 - Week 4: From the Farm to You - “How does food get from a farm to your house?”. Alphabet knowledge: match upper/lowercase, recognize and name letters. Identify/produce rhyming words. Writing: write upper/lowercase letters. Concept words: apple buy, pick, sell, tree, truck. Amazing words: load, stand, ripe, sort, deliver, refrigerate.

Math - Number & Operations: Compare sets of up to five. Problem solving with sets up to five. Use concrete models to subtract 1-5 from a set; subtraction word problems. Identify, without counting, number of objects from 1 to 5.  

Lainey noticed our new additions in the kitchen and said "It's starting to look cozy in here!" Thank you Lainey!! 
Pre K 3s had fun at centers this week. They worked on fine motor skills by lacing a fun Snowman face! 
Pre K 4s had a great discussion and activity after hearing the story The Mitten by Jan Brett. Ask them how many animals they fit into their mitten!!