Week at a Glance December 19 - December 23

PreK 3

Religion - Special Lesson: Christmas. The children will know that Christmas is Jesus’ birthday. They will learn that Christmas is primarily a religious feast - a celebration of love, and the reason for the season.

Specials - The children will participate in Media wil Mrs. Hoglund and Music with Mr. Showstead this week.
PreK 4
Religion - Special Lesson: Christmas. The children will know the Christmas story. They will be grateful that Jesus came to earth. They will enjoy making a Christmas decoration.
Science - Grinch Dust! - Color mixing: blue and yellow - predicting/observing change in materials. Gumdrop Science - Let's record our observations. Were our predictions from Friday correct?

Literacy  - Gingerbread Man comparative study. Use of Venn diagrams to compare difference and similarities in literature.

Math - Graphing: Favorite Gingerbread Man story. Use of conventional tools to measure. Following directions and sequencing. Fractions and wholes.