Peek At Our Week December 2 - December 6, 2024
Peek At Our Week December 2 - December 6, 2024
Religion: Pflaum Gospel Weeklies: Seeds. Unit 2: Lesson Theme: we wait for Jesus to come. Objectives: The children will consider what it means to wait and prepare for a special event. The children will learn the Christmas story and identify the meaning of Advent and Christmas. **We will be attending Mass with our Prayer Buddies on Tuesday**
Language/Literacy: Lesson Overview: Week 13-18. Week 13:Students will recognize rhyming words from non-rhyming words. Students will isolate the initial sound in spoken words. Students will learn to blend two parts (body-coda and onset-rime) into a spoken word. Students will learn to isolate the medial (vowel) sound in a spoken word. Students will learn to segment a spoken words into two parts, onset and rime. Students will manipulate the initial phoneme in a spoken word by adding and deleting the first sound. Answer questions about a book. Retell a story. Identify similar/different beginning sounds. Delete syllables from words. Focus letter of the week: Ll
**Polar Express Day: Wednesday, December 4th. The children should wear their pajamas to school. We will have a fun morning with lots of Polar Express activities. CHILDREN SHOULD WEAR PAJAMAS TO SCHOOL.
Math: Geometry: Name and describe attributes of common solid shapes: cone, cube, sphere. Identify and combine solid shapes to create new ones. Create common three-dimensional shapes. Demonstrate that the order of counting sequence is always the same. Extending patterns, Sorting by size.
Social Studies: Saint Nicholas Day. The children will hear the story of the real Saint Nicholas, the patron saint of children. They will learn he was generous and often helped others. The children will learn about St. Nicholas Day and what tradition means.
Science: Jingle Bell Science. The children will predict how far away from the jingle bell the magnetic want needs to be before it attracts or pulls the bell. Students will predict how many jingle bells they think will fit on their magnetic wands.
Afternoon Enrichment:
Monday: “Our World and Beyond”: We will travel north to the county of Canada. We will learn about their flag as well as different traditions.
Tuesday: We will continue our focus on Letter Ll. We will also review upper and lower case letters and play a matching game.
Wednesday : We will focus on number 12. Forming the number, identifying the number as well as counting to 11.
Thursday: "Bushel of Books": We will read "Gingerbread Baby" and "Gingerbread Friends" by Jan Brett. The children will sequence the stories and we will discuss the similarities and differences. We will make Gingerbread playdough.
Friday: Christmas Sink or Float. The boys and girls will observe, predict what happens when we put a variety of Christmas items in water. Will they sink or float?? They will record the results.