St. Joseph Catholic School

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Mrs. Kris Beyer » Posts


“Do ducks need umbrellas?” Preschoolers used the scientific method in this fun experiment today that had us investigating how ducks stay dry after spending so much time in the water! We painted our feathers with oil, and then observed how the “rain” rolled right off! 
Rainy Day CVC Write the Room 💧 
We practiced our Heggerty skills today! Preschoolers have gained experience with so many skills during these daily literacy lessons! They did an absolutely amazing job with this activity that had them “reading” picture clues, identifying beginning sounds, and writing the corresponding letter on their sheet to complete the CVC word! We are writing words! 👏
Scholastic My Big World with Clifford: “Rain Today? That’s Okay!” These social studies lessons are filled with non-fiction pics and text, literacy games, movement activities, and fun! 💧
Raindrop STEM 💧 “How many raindrops can your cloud hold?” Preschoolers used pipettes to drip “raindrops” onto their cloud! They counted each drip their cloud could hold until the “rain” dropped! We love all their conversations and discussions during this activity! 🌧
Preschoolers counted the drops they added before “it rained”! 🌧 
We compared our counts ranging from 5 to 149! 💧 
Choice Time.  We have been discovering lots of different ways to represent numbers! Our Math Center gave us super practice with identifying/naming numbers, using one to one, counting, and subitizing!
Letter Uu Word Wall! Preschoolers understood that this one is a tough one! They did a super job of listing letter U words today!
Rain, rain. Go away
Pick an umbrella. What does it say? ☂ 
During today’s lit circle, preschoolers took turns to practice letter/sound relationships!
U is for Umbrella! This week’s letter project included process art and a rainy day writing prompt! ☔️ Love integrating science with literacy and art!
Religion: God Made Weather ⚡️☀️💨💧🌨
We talked about how weather can sometimes make us feel happy or sad. Preschoolers took turns sharing their favorite weather! We discussed the importance of each type of weather, and thanked God for sunny skies, cloudy days, wind, rain, and even snow! During our Morning Meeting, preschoolers record each day’s weather! Today they made their own weather wheel so they can wake up, Thank God for the day, and record each day’s weather! What’s your favorite weather?
Media with Mrs. Hoglund: What can you do to help the Earth? 🌎 
With Earth Day just around the corner, preschoolers were introduced to ways they can make the Earth feel good; such as using both sides of the layer, turning off lights when leaving a room, and using a reusable water bottle to limit waste! ❤️