Peek at Our Week April 1 - April 5, 2024

Preschool 3

Religion - God Made Me Active: I Can Make Things.  The children will explain that God the Father made everything. They will show satisfaction in making things.

Language/Literacy - Alphabet recognition: matching letters. Sequencing and recognizing letters in our name. Phonological awareness: songs, rhymes. Developing hand strength/dexterity. Exercise Eggs: listening and following 2-3 step oral directions.

Math - Patterns: matching. Counting/number sequencing. One to one correspondence. Recognizing/naming basic shapes.

Science - Super Scientist with Bridget Stalzer & Tommy: Rain Clouds.

Preschool 4 

Religion -  Special religion lesson & discussion: “Why Is There a Cross?”

Science “Egg to Chick”  Preschoolers will visit Mr. R’s science room to view the newly arrived chicken eggs in their incubator. They will gain an understanding that eggs are the beginning of life for many creatures, and anticipate the arrival of the new chicks with accompanying lessons.

Literacy/Language - Alphabet knowledge: produce letter sound, recognize letter names. Print awareness. Oral language. Writing: independently using upper/lowercase letters to make words. 

Heggerty- Lesson Overview: Weeks 19-27

  • Students will recognize and produce words that rhyme
  • Students will hear words that begin with the same sound and generate words that begin with a specific sound.
  • Students will learn to blend two phonemes into a spoken word
  • Students will continue to practice phoneme isolation with the final and medial phonemes in spoken words.
  • Students will learn to segment a spoken work into two phonemes.
  • Students will manipulate the initial phoneme in a spoken work with adding and deleting activities
  • A new skill will be introduced: Students will learn to substitute the initial phoneme in spoken word.

Letter Review Aa-Ss

Math -  Recognizing numbers 1-12. Sorting by size. Writing numbers. Patterns. Recognizing/differentiating:  left and right. Phone a-Friend: recognizing, sequencing, and memorizing series of numbers. Geometry: shape review. 

STEAM - Humpty Dumpty Challenge! Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall and took a great fall! What if he had some protection from the fall? What could keep Humpty from breaking? The children will design and build a protective enclosure for their egg that they will each test off our “Humpty Dumpty’s Wall” They will also be involved with making predictions about each other’s designs. We love connecting STEAM to literature! Preschoolers will be introduced to several versions of this children’s classic nursery rhyme, one told from Humpty’s point of view! The children will be involved in comparing/contrasting stories,using a Venn diagram to illustrate similarities and differences,  identifying/producing rhymes, and  learn the history of nursery rhymes


Buddy Mass - Preschoolers attend Mass with their Prayer Buddies.

Out of this World Travelers! - “To infinity and beyond!” Preschoolers will have an out-of-this-world, month long study of Outer Space!  This intergalactic unit will introduce the children to concepts and features of space, including aspects of an astronaut's job!  They will begin awareness of the Earth, Sun, and Planets, and learn facts that are unique to each. Preschoolers will be introduced to new vocabulary such as rotation, orbit, and axis. This week’s focus has us learning about the job of an astronaut. Preschoolers will investigate both the Sun and the Moon!