St. Joseph Catholic School

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Mrs. Kris Beyer » Posts


We hope you love your preschooler’s amazing photo collage today! They created their own character to place in our photo collage! We enjoyed listening to them show & share their artwork to their friends!
Al - “ Corduroy and Me went to the Park at Summertime”
Avelyn - “Dogs at the Park”
Peyton - “”The School for Big Kids”
John- “Mom and Dad and Me at the Park”
Madison - “Madison at the Laundromat”
Natalie - “Olivia at the Park”
Ryker - “Corduroy Does the Laundry”
Lily - “Kitty at the Park”
William - “William and Trixie at the Laundromat “
Thomas - “Nemo at the Park”
Vivian - “Mommy Goes to the Park”
What amazing characters and ideas they used today!❤️❤️