Peek at Our Week September 16 - September 20, 2019

Pre-K 3

Religion - Unit 1 God Made Me: I Can Taste. The children will know that God gave them the sense of taste. They will be grateful for their sense of taste and praise God for food. 

Language/Literacy - Shared reading. Attending to language during conversation, stories, song. Recognizing our names in print.  Focused Letter Study: Cc. Home/School Connection: Bring an item that begins with Cc.

Social Studies - All About Me: Me Bags. Learning about our friends at school to help facilitate development of relationships with peers. Building our classroom community.

Science - All About Me: My Five Senses. Sense of taste. Let’s make applesauce! Exploring change in apples when exposed to heat. Children will be involved in measuring, following directions, making observations. 

Math - Sorting by single attribute. Identifying/naming basic shapes. Shapes in our environment.Focus on Letter of the Week: Triangle. 

PreK-K 4

Religion - Unit 1 God Made the World: God Made My Church Family. The children will be introduce to their Church Family. They will know that they belong to the Church and know that this is God’s family. They will learn about the special roles of priests and Mary and hear about the saints.

Language/Literacy - Unit 1 Week 3: Friends to the Rescue. “How do friends help one another?” Alphabet Knowledge: differentiate uppercase and lowercase letters, recognize and name letters, sequencing letters in our name. Phonological Awareness: blend and segment compound words, categorize words, identify rhyming words. Concepts of Print. Oral Language: respond appropriately, expand word knowledge, use language in discussion, use complete sentences of four or more words, label and categorize words, understand meaning of words.Writing: write to convey meaning. Concept words: class, give, help, listen, share school. Amazing words: company, icy, shiver, arrive, exclaim, thick. Focused Letter Study: Cc. Home/school connection: Bring an item from home begins with ‘Cc’.

Science - Rock On! Hands-on science using scientific tools: magnifying glass, balance scales, goggles. Children will be able to compare and sort rocks by their attributes such as size, appearance, and shape. They will be introduced to the many types of rocks.Children will test various properties of rocks: hardness, volume, density, sorting. They will use descriptive words to build vocabulary: bumpy, hard, smooth, rough, heavy, light. Children will be involved in discovery of use of rocks in everyday objects. OWL: Identify good habits of nutrition.

Math -  Number & Operations: Use verbal ordinal terms. Use words to rote count from 1 to 30. ferences  Data Analysis: sort objects and describe how the groups are similar and different. Making spatial/geometric connections by forming shapes with our bodies.Focus on Shape of the Week: Triangle. 

Preschool+Plus - Book Club. “The Day the Crayons Quit” and it’s sequel, “The Day the Crayons Came Back” by Drew Daywalt. The children will enjoy this week’s selection as they imagine life from a crayon’s point of view. Math: graphing favorite color of crayon. Writing craftivity. Literacy/Language: building comprehension, asking questions, making predictions, recalling a story, comparing books. Science: “How is a crayon made?”. Art: Process art.