St. Joseph Catholic School

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Welcome to Preschool at St. Joseph Catholic School! 

I am so excited to be your child’s preschool teacher this year!

This is my sixth year at St. Joseph Catholic School and I am looking

forward to helping your child grow, and learn,

and have fun this year.

I have been a preschool teacher in Libertyville for over 25 years,

and am passionate about helping young children learn.

I believe children learn best with hands-on experiences and

help facilitate their many different learning styles

in a kind and nurturing setting.

We will have an amazing year together meeting new friends, sharing new

discoveries, and learning new skills everyday.

Our instructional aide, Mrs. Tina Truskowski, has much experience in the classroom

after being a aide at St. Joseph Catholic School for over 15 years!

Together, we help build positive relationships with children to help foster

growth and confidence in a caring classroom community.

We are both looking forward to sharing a wonderful year with your child.


*Please remember to subscribe to my website for updates including fun photos

and videos of our classroom!!

Welcome to Our Bunch!






Fridays mean Music with Mr. Showstead 🎶 
Boomwhackers are an awesome way of introducing rhythm, and experimenting with different beats! Keeping a steady beat is an valued skill for math, literacy, and even gross motor! We discovered that the different colors of Boomwhackers correspond to different tones they make!
Music & Movement: Count of 5! Great job understanding positional words today as we placed different parts of our body inside/outside our circles! Elbows, Head, Foot, Hands, Shoulder! Which was the trickiest?
Super Circle Tracing! Morning Work gives us experience with following directions, sequencing steps, whole group learning, and trying our best!
Coloring with crayons helps develop our fine motor strength, dexterity, grasp, and endurance! All skills we need to write and form letters!
We’re in a book! The children LOVED seeing themselves in our first bound book today! Chicka Chicka Boom Boom! Look Who’s in Our Room!
was the perfect shared reading experience as we understand the familiar text, and learn each friend’s names! This month’s class book will be added to our own preschool library next week! 
STEM: “How many drops fit on your dot?” Preschoolers learned about some scientific tools, such as magnifying glasses and pipettes, this week! After watching us model how to use the pipettes on the document camera, the children had opportunity to try using them! They discovered how to use just the right amount of pressure to squeeze just one drop out at a time! This required lots of fine motor control and concentration. Preschoolers enjoyed many rounds of practice with this one! We discovered an amazing property of water was the way it could hold together to form a dome-like shape over our dots! Science rocks!❤️

My God is So Big!

Thank you for sharing this special video of Jax singing our new religion song at home today! ❤️
WOW! This group worked together to create a stable structure that used every last one of our Magna-tiles today!
Literacy Circle: My ABC Book of Friends introduced our class to alliteration, which is important for developing letter/sound relationships! The children enjoyed creating a word that begins with the first letter of their name to complete our prompt!
Jude loves jaguars
Madeline loves monkeys
Adam loves apples
Sasha loves steak
Colton loves cookies
Emma loves elephants
Forrest loves fish
Marek loves Mommy
Nate loves noodles
Patrick loves piggies
Rosie loves roses
Zachary loves zebras
Our names help us learn about letters in a meaningful and relevant way! We learned that big letters are also called capital letters and little letters are lowercase letters! The children are differentiating between the terms “numbers” and “letters” with a fun song we sang today! We added mosaic tiles to the first letter in our names activity to sneak in some fine motor that promoted use of the  pincer grip! 
Coconut Science 🌴 🥥 Preschoolers used the scientific method to investigate a coconut today! They used language to express how it looked, felt, and sounded! The children learned that our coconut was kept on a ziploc bag to keep our room nut-free!
We recorded our observations about how our coconut looks, feels, and sounds! 
“Do you think it will sink or float?” 
”What the inside of a coconut look like?” The children made predictions about what the inside of a coconut would look like! Many were surprised of the white flesh, and hollow center! We tested the cracked open coconut to see if it would sink/float, and compared the results! It floated! They also examined the liquid they heard shaking inside the nut, coconut water!
As our preschoolers get ready to begin checking out their own books from our SJ library, we are learning how to handle and take care of books!  We watched a cute video that reminded us how NOT to take care of a book!