St. Joseph Catholic School

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Mrs. Julie Feely » Home


Welcome to Little Knights Preschool

 at St. Joseph Catholic School!

Called to Discipleship: Be Christ’s Light



I am excited to be a part of the St. Joseph Catholic School community as the new full day preschool teacher working with four year olds. I look forward to being a part of such a positive and caring academic community where body, mind and spirit are nurtured and developed.
Although I earned my education degree in Ohio, I have been a preschool teacher in Libertyville for the last 15 years. I love teaching preschool children and seeing the world through their eyes. I believe a warm and loving environment both encourages children to learn as well as helps them gain self-confidence. I am a strong believer in learning through play as well as hands on learning to help foster a child’s creativity and development. I look forward to a positive, loving, and wonderful year with your child!




We did a science experiement with yummy gummy bears today.  First, Luke helped us measure our bears to find that they are one inch long.  Next, we made all the different solutions for our bears to soak in (baking soda water, salt water, vinegar and plain water).  Vinegar reminds us of Easter eggs.  Salt water reminds us of the ocean. Baking soda water reminds us of our apple volcanoes!  We kept one gummy bear out on the tray to see what the air will do to it. We made predictions as to what could happen to the bears once they are soaking.  Some friends thought the bears will explode, others thought they would change colors or turn into rainbows.  One friend guessed that the bears will turn into dinosaurs!  Now, we have to be patient and observe what happens over time!  Stay tuned!
We made rosary bracelets today after learning about the Rosary Launch this Friday. We are so excited to see our prayers go up to Heaven!
The pennies are looking more like the Statue of Liberty today!  We are learning that in science you need to be patient to see the results sometimes and these are cool!
The children had fun this morning show their patriotism in ther red, white and blue and coloring our flag and stars.
We painted in the image of Georgia O'Keeffe by recreating her beautiful poppies with paint, various brush types and tissue paper.  She is a famous artist from the United States and it was so much fun to recreate her abstract vision!
We love science in preschool.  On Friday we read a book about the Statue of Liberty and today we did an experiment to create patina on copper.
The children did not like the smell of the salt and vinegar solution we made to create patina on copper pennies just like the patina on the Statue of Liberty!
Morning choice is a fun way to start our day.  At the red table, the children used mini apple erasers to for the letters of the alphabet.  At the blue table it was Bb is for bears and blocks.  At the yellow table we had all kinds of matching games and puzzles!
It is Bb week in preschool!  Bb is for blanket, bat, baseball, Bryant, boy, Brady, bunny, banana, bakcpack, Bradey, booklet and bear!
The children had music with Mrs. Schneider today.  This is a special class held once a month.  The children sang and danced to a rock and roll Itsy Bitsy spider song and other Christian music.  So engaging and full of fun!