St. Joseph Catholic School

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Mrs. Julie Feely » Posts


Week at a Glance November 28 – December 2, 2016

Religion Objectives:  

Seeds – The Season of Advent. The children will learn that Advent is the awaiting of Jesus’ birth.  The children will also connect the celebration of Jesus’ birthday at Christmas with their own birthdays. The children will also think of several kind acts they might perform as a gift to Jesus and grow in desire to prepare for His birthday. We will also learn that the Advent wreath is a reminder that we are getting ready for His birthday and the meaning of the candles – peace, joy, love and hope. 

Literacy Objectives: 

OWL – Unit 3- Week 2.  What do workers in our community do?   Learn new concept words: bus driver, doctor, job, mail carrier, police officer and teacher.  Learn amazing words: alarm, emergency, firefighter, equipment, report and train. Same and different sounds, letter naming, matching upper and lowercase letters, saying letter sounds, what is my word, segment onsets and rimes, and deleting syllables.  The children will also practice identifying rhyming words from a set of three, identify onsets, join syllables to form words and identify the ending sounds in our classmates’ names.  Focus on our letter of the week Jj and identifying it in our environment.  We will also learn the attributes of our shape of the month – the star. 

Math Objectives: 

Name common shapes, name common solid shapes (sphere, rectangular prism, and cube) and demonstrate use of location words. 

Social Studies:  

My BIG World - Cold is Coming. Compare how different animals ready for winter. How do different animals adapt to cold weather changes? 

Science Objectives:   

Snowstorm in a jar - this is a fun Winter activity and great opportunity to talk about and discuss a bit of weather science.  How does it snow?  What causes snow to form?  

In the sensory table for letter Jj week, the children will explore Jelly BeadZ.  Jelly Beadz are tiny hard plastic polymer beads originally developed by the USDA in the ‘60’s to help farmers irrigate their crops more efficiently. They absorb water very quickly and release that water much more slowly. This polymer is used in many common consumer products like baby diapers!  It’s also used to help keep plants alive when mixed in the soil. 

Afternoon Enrichment: 

Laura Numeroff author study!  She is the talented author of the “If You Give” books.  We will explore these wonderful circular texts and alliteration through journaling and Venn diagram comparisons.

We played Rainbow Race to the Top!  Roll a letter and record on the graph to see what letter is rolled the most!
We all took turns shaking our heavy whipping cream into yummy, creamy butter!
Please look at our Thanksgiving photo album for more party pictures!

Week at a Glance November 21 – November 22, 2016

Religion Objectives:  

The children will know that everything we have is a gift from God and say “thank you” for gifts/services.  We will also express our thanks to God. 

Seeds – The Feast of Christ the King. The children will explore their own real life experiences as followers and as leaders.  We will celebrate in prayer being followers of Jesus. 

Science Objectives:    

Edible science! We will be churning our own homemade butter to go with homemade pumpkin spice bread for our Thanksgiving Feast.  We will learn how the fat molecules will separate from the liquid in the heavy cream as it is shaken and clump together forming a solid that becomes the yummy butter! We will use our measuring and gross motor skills to measure ingredients and mix them together for the pumpkin spice bread.  Two liquids become two solids. 

Literacy Objectives:

Thanksgiving journaling. Color by number.  Concepts of print with Thanksgiving stories. Sorting Autumn pictures. Turkey poem. 

Social Studies: 

My Big World – Thankful for you.  We will discuss all the things we are thankful for: toys, siblings, pets, sunny fall days and food 

Math Objectives: 

Measuring and directional skills. Recreating and extending patterns.  Introduction of solid shapes. 

Afternoon Enrichment: 

IXL math.  I Spy Thanksgiving.  Painting with triangles.

Our 4th grade Prayer Buddies surprised us today during our religion lesson. They helped us make our kites to celebrate the gift of air and dropped off Thanksgiving cards for us!!!  So wonderful!
We made our turkey headbands for our party. We made patterns on the band using our shape of the month, the triangle!

Spirit Day Tomorrow - Friday, November 18, 2016

We are all encouraged to wear our SJS colors tomorrow for Spirit Day!