St. Joseph Catholic School

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Welcome to Little Knights Preschool

 at St. Joseph Catholic School!

Called to Discipleship: Be Christ’s Light



I am excited to be a part of the St. Joseph Catholic School community as the new full day preschool teacher working with four year olds. I look forward to being a part of such a positive and caring academic community where body, mind and spirit are nurtured and developed.
Although I earned my education degree in Ohio, I have been a preschool teacher in Libertyville for the last 15 years. I love teaching preschool children and seeing the world through their eyes. I believe a warm and loving environment both encourages children to learn as well as helps them gain self-confidence. I am a strong believer in learning through play as well as hands on learning to help foster a child’s creativity and development. I look forward to a positive, loving, and wonderful year with your child!




Hugo made a space ship with the Legos.  He shared how he made each row of the ship using different size Legos.  So creative!
Sofia is excited to be in preschool!  The coloring at the green table is favorite place for many of our friends during morning choice time!
Daniela made a beautiful church with our small wooden blocks.  It has a special door for the people to come in and a tall steeple!  
We listened to Have You FIlled a Bucket Today? by Carol McCloud and David Messing.  We learned how we all have invisible buckets that are filled with kind words and actions. We all made a pledge to be bucket fillers in preschool! 
We enjoyed this beautiful day!  We played with Mrs. Beyer's class too.  Our second day was filled with laughter and joy as we got to know our new friends!
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom! What a fun day we had in our room!  We learned a lot about our classroom and had time to play with our new friends!

Peek at Our Week August 20 – August 24, 2018

Religion:  Unit 1 “God Made People”.  Lesson 1 “God Made Me”.  We learn and are grateful that God made all people.  We will grow in self-esteem and respect for all people. We will rejoice in being shining stars for Gods and celebrate that He is in our hearts. 

Science: We will learn the parts and tools of a scientist.  We will learn what the scientific method entails.  We will apply the scientific method and our five senses while exploring coconuts.  

Social Studies: We will meet and learn about the workers at our school. We will learn what it means to be a bucket filler in Preschool. We will explore positive, green choices in our classroom as we are introduced to our classroom and routines.

Literacy/Language: We will focus on phonological awareness with letter and environmental sounds.  We will learn what is a letter and the letters in our name and others names. We will be recognizing our name in print and the first letter in our name. We will listen to and follow a recipe for Chicka Chicka Boom Boom trees.  We will also make our own Chicka Chicka Boom Boom trees for the hallway using the letters of our own names while promoting eye-hand coordination/fine motor development, building comprehension, listening skills, and vocabulary via following directions.

Math:  We will focus on Shape of the Month: Circle. Geometry: characteristics of a circle. Counting numbers 

Afternoon Enrichment: 

Wednesday: Afternoon Gym and Media CAPE with Mrs. Beyer’s class.  

Thursday: Author Study with James Dean and Pete the Cat. We begin work with our alphabet and number journals. Music CAPE with Mrs. Beyer’s class. 

Friday:  STEAM enrichment activity – I Like Myself - All About Me – how many blocks long are my body parts, team building activity as we work with our new friends.


What a wonderful year we had!  It is hard to believe how fast it flew by!  Thank you for the gift of this time with your precious children, we are blessed to have the time to watch them learn and grow!  Thank you Mrs. Fuscone and Mrs. Valko for a fun filled picnic! Best wishes in Kindergarten and have a blessed, safe summer!
We planted our pumpkins in the Preschool Pumpkin Patch today!  We are so excited to share our gift to next year's preschool class!  We also planted our very own Sunflower House!  We cannot wait until the Fall to play in it with our friends!  A big thank you to Mr. Jeff for all your help 
We read God’s Paintbrush by Sandy Sasso, a beautifully illustrated book that showed the children how they encounter God openly through moments in their own lives. We talked about our favorite colors that God gave us.  Daniel, Timmy and Evan like blue.  Danielle loves pink.  We also shared our special talents from God. Katie is good at helping animals. Matthew is good at building Legos.