St. Joseph Catholic School

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4th gr rocks
Hello! I'm Ms. Arnold, and I’m absolutely delighted to be starting my third year teaching 4th grade! My journey began with a Bachelor's degree in Accounting from the University of Wisconsin-Parkside, but it didn’t take long for me to realize that my true calling is in the classroom, helping young minds grow.

Before I found my home in 4th grade, I spent four wonderful years as a Montessori Teacher's Assistant for grades 1-3.  I then had the privilege of working in the Special Education Department of Lake County for another four years, where I dedicated myself to helping students navigate their day. 

Teaching 4th grade has been an absolute joy, and I love every moment of it. There’s nothing quite like the excitement and curiosity that fills our classroom each day. I’m so excited to start this new school year and can’t wait to embark on another incredible journey of growth and learning with my students!
In addition to my passion for teaching, I’m also a proud mom of three amazing kids—a sophomore at Carmel Catholic High School, an 8th grader, and a 5th grader. Our family wouldn’t be complete without our white miniature schnauzer, Miko. We love spending time outdoors, whether we’re hiking, biking, swimming, or enjoying all kinds of watersports. Family adventures are a big part of our lives, and I bring that same sense of fun and exploration into my classroom!
I’m so lucky to have the support of two wonderful teacher's aides, Susan Broken and Andrea Graham. Their expertise and commitment are truly invaluable, and I couldn’t be more excited to have them as part of our classroom team. Together, we’re ready to make this year a fantastic one for our students!
If you would like to donate to  my classroom please visit our Classroom Wishlist Link on my homepage.  Cheers to an amazing year!!
Sincerely, Ms. Arnold 


Week at a Glance: Monday, January 20 - Friday, January 24, 2025


4th grade is participating in the Chemo Cares Service project for Lake Forest Hospital.  Our class has been asked to bring comfy socks.  If you would like to donate towards this cause, please bring in the comfy socks by 1/31.

Please charge Chromebooks at home and bring or replace broken headphones - we will continue our IREADY testing.

Reading/Language Arts: 

In our Saavas My View Literacy books we continue Unit 3 - "Diversity"

This week for Unit 3 Week 5, the students will be reading a Poetry Collection.  The poems are “A Day on a Boat,” by Gwendolyn Zepeda, “I Will Be a Chemist: Mario Jose Molina,” by Alma Flor Ada and “I Love Mozart,” by Dana Crum..  To begin, the poems will be read to them, later in the week they will re-read the poems in groups.


Weekly Question: How do people with interests different from ours help us grow?

Genre: Poetry

Vocabulary Words: plunge, trilled, thud, buoy, flocked

Writing: Realistic Fiction, Poetry


This Friday, students will have a test on reading comprehension, vocabulary, word study, a cold read and writing portion.


On google classroom students can find the audio version of the story if they chose to listen to it on their own at home.  Students may also take home their MYVIEW literacy book to re-read the story to prepare for their test. 


Spell words with silent letters.


Spelling Homework:

Monday: None

Tuesday: Spelling Choice 

Wednesday:  Write spelling words 3 times each.

Thursday: Spelling sheet

Friday: Spelling Test


***Please complete the spelling homework in the spelling notebook.  Spelling homework written on plain printer paper will be sent home to be redone.**  Thank you!!!!


Spelling list can be found on google classroom under "Spelling Class" and materials. 


Math: This week we will continue Chapter 8 - Fractions. 

Monday: None

Tuesday: Chapter 8 lesson 9

Wednesday: Chapter 8 lesson 10

Thursday:  Chapter 8 Review

Friday:  Chapter 8 Test


Pretty pretty please have your child practice these skills on IXL if you have time. 

Religion: Unit 3 Session 13.  


Science: Chapter 3 - Electricity - We will work together to review for the Chapter 3 test on Electricity. Students will also have time to work in groups with the circuit kits. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Reminders: Please replenish your students pencil supply.  Some students don't have any pencils left. Thank you!!
Please make sure to charge Chromebooks at home.  
Bring headphones.  

Math: Chapter 8 Lesson 6 My Homework pages
Spelling: Write your words 3 times each.  
Spelling test Friday.  
Jan/Feb book report due February 21.  Please read your book and begin thinking about the model. 
Test on Friday.  

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Tomorrow is the food pantry collection.  4th grade has been asked to bring cookies. 
4th grade is participating in the Chemo Cares Service project for Lake Forest Hospital.  Our class has been asked to bring comfy socks.  If you would like to donate towards this cause, please bring in the comfy socks by 1/31.
Please charge Chromebooks at home and bring or replace broken headphones - we will be IREADY testing over the next few weeks.  
Chapter 8 Lesson 5 My Homework pages 515-516.
Optional: IXL teacher recommendations for Chapter 8. 
Reading: U3W4 Reading Test Friday
Please work on the Jan/Feb book report. 
Spelling:  Write your words 3 times each.  Spelling test Friday.  

Week at a Glance: Monday, January 13 - Friday, Jan 17, 2025


4th grade is participating in the Chemo Cares Service project for Lake Forest Hospital.  Our class has been asked to bring comfy socks.  If you would like to donate towards this cause, please bring in the comfy socks by 1/31.

Please charge Chromebooks at home and bring or replace broken headphones - we will be IREADY testing over the next few weeks. 

Food Pantry Collection: 4th Grade has been asked to bring cookies.  Thank you for always supporting the food pantry. 

Reading/Language Arts: 

In our Saavas My View Literacy books we continue Unit 3 - "Diversity"

This week for Unit 3 Week 4, the students will be reading “Weslandia,"  a fiction text by Paul Fleischman and a realistic fiction text “The Circuit,” by Francisco Jimenez.  To begin, the stories will be read to them, later in the week they will re-read the story in groups.

Weekly Question: How do new places influence us? 

Genre: Fiction

Vocabulary Words: miserable, thrilling, recover, instinctively, savoring

Writing: Realistic Fiction Story

This Friday, students will have a test on reading comprehension, vocabulary, word study, a cold read and writing portion.

On google classroom students can find the audio version of the story if they chose to listen to it on their own at home.  Students may also take home their MYVIEW literacy book to re-read the story to prepare for their test. 


  • Recognize characteristics and structures of informational text. 
  • Use context within and Beyond a sentence to determine the relevant meaning of unfamiliar words or multiple meaning words.
  •  respond using newly acquired vocabulary as appropriate. 

V/CV and VC/V  


Spelling Homework:

Monday: 10 Spelling definitions.

Tuesday: Spelling Choice 

Wednesday:  Write spelling words 3 times each.

Thursday: Spelling sheet

Friday: Spelling Test


***Please complete the spelling homework in the spelling notebook.  Spelling homework written on plain printer paper will be sent home to be redone.**  Thank you!!!!

Spelling list can be found on google classroom under "Spelling Class" and materials. 


  • Decode multisyllabic words with closed syllables, open syllables, VCe syllables, vowel teams, including diagrams and diphthongs, R controlled syllables and final stable syllables.
  •  use print or digital resources to determine meaning syllabication and pronunciation.

Math: This week we will begin Chapter 8 - Fractions. 

Monday: Chapter 8 lesson 4

Tuesday: Chapter 8 lesson 5

Wednesday: Chapter 8 lesson 6

Thursday:  Chapter 8 lesson 7 and  review

Friday:  Chapter 8 lessons 4 -7  “Check My Progress Quiz.”


Pretty pretty please have your child practice these skills on IXL if you have time.


Religion: Unit 3 Session 12.  The Church Teaches Us

Science: Chapter 3 - Electricity 

Lesson 2: How Can Energy Change? 


We will begin working with real circuits! 

Social Studies:  Please see Mrs. Shreiner's Page!

Monday, January 13, 2025

4th grade is participating in the Chemo Cares Service project for Lake Forest Hospital.  Our class has been asked to bring comfy socks.  If you would like to donate towards this cause, please bring in the comfy socks by 1/31.
Please charge Chromebooks at home and bring or replace broken headphones - we will be IREADY testing over the next few weeks. 
Math: Chapter 8 Lesson 4 My Homework pages.
Spelling: 10 definitions 

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Math: Check My Progress pages 497-498
Reteach Chapter 8 Lessons 1-2 
Spelling:  Spelling sheet. 

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Spelling:  Write words 3 times each
Math:  Chapter 8 Lesson 2 My Homework pages.
Band:  Reread Trombone Shorty, complete page 103

Week at a Glance: Tuesday, January7 - Friday, January 10

Happy New Year 2025!!  Welcome to the second half of 4th grade! 

I hope you all had a wonderful break.  The children seem rested and ready to dive right back into their studies. 

Students made New Year’s resolutions and 2025 Vision Boards today.  Please check in with them about their resolutions.  Most students want to strive to eat better, sleep more, and be better helpers at home for their resolutions.  Holding them accountable at home about their resolutions will help them be more aware of their commitment.  Thank you!  


Reading/Language Arts: 

In our Saavas My View Literacy books we continue Unit 3 - "Diversity"

This week for Unit 3 Week 3, the students will be reading “Trombone Shorty,"  a autobiography text by Troy “Trombone Shorty” Andrews.  To begin, the story will be read to them, later in the week they will re-read the story in groups.

Weekly Question: How does music bring people together?

Genre: Autobiography

Vocabulary Words: inspiration, create, heritage, festival, performance

Writing: Realistic Fiction Story

This Friday, students will have a test on reading comprehension, vocabulary, word study, a cold read and writing portion.

On google classroom students can find the audio version of the story if they chose to listen to it on their own at home.  Students may also take home their MYVIEW literacy book to re-read the story to prepare for their test. 


  • Recognize characteristics and structures of informational text. 
  • Use context within and Beyond a sentence to determine the relevant meaning of unfamiliar words or multiple meaning words.
  •  respond using newly acquired vocabulary as appropriate. 

Spelling: Final stable syllables.  

Spelling Homework:

Monday: NONE

Tuesday: 10 Spelling definitions. 

Wednesday:  Write your spelling words 3 times each.

Thursday: Spelling sheet

Friday: Spelling Test

***Please complete the spelling homework in the spelling notebook.  Spelling homework written on plain printer paper will be sent home to be redone.**  Thank you!!!!

Spelling list can be found on google classroom under "Spelling Class" and materials.


  • Decode multisyllabic words with closed syllables, open syllables, VCe syllables, vowel teams, including diagrams and diphthongs, R controlled syllables and final stable syllables.
  •  use print or digital resources to determine meaning syllabication and pronunciation.

Math: This week we will begin Chapter 8 - Fractions. 

Monday: None

Tuesday: Chapter 8 lesson 1

Wednesday: Chapter 8 lesson 2

Thursday:  Chapter 8 lessons 1 and 2 review

Friday:  Chapter 8 lessons 1 and 2 “Check My Progress Quiz.”

Pretty pretty please have your child practice these skills on IXL if you have time. 

Religion: Unit 3 Session 11.  The People of God

Objectives: Identify the church as God's community of believers.   Explain that Jesus instructed the disciples to teach others to follow God the Father.   Name and describe the Sacraments of Initiation.   Identify how Saint Dominic followed Jesus' example.   Define “Universal Church” and people of God. 

Science: Chapter 3 - Electricity 

Lesson 1: How do electric charges flow in a circuit? 


We will begin working with real circuits! 

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Spelling:  10 Spelling definitions. Test on Friday. 
Math:  Chapter 8 Lesson 1 My homework pages
IXL optional practice.