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Homework for Tuesday, 4/2/24

Homework for Tuesday, 4/2/24
--Spelling homework to prepare for Friday's test
Just a friendly reminder:
Ireland book report due on Thursday- please let me know if you have any questions. 
Tomorrow- Art and Canva presentations on abolitionists and students begin writing a biography on a classmate. Fun times in 3rd Grade!
Have a lovely evening,
Mrs. Sharon Shute

Week at a Glance: April 2-5, 2024

Week at a Glance: April 2-5, 2024

Highlights of the Week:

Reading: How do big ideas change communities?

Spelling: Words with suffixes

Writing: April journals

Math: Continuing Chapter 10 on Fractions

Social Studies: Back to the book for Settling in the USA

Religion: Sacraments of Initiation 

Science: Chapter 3 Plants

Spelling: Unit 4 Week 3 Words to know:

Anticipation, civilization, convertible, dependable, flexible, likable, movable, terrible, usable, visible. Bonus words: traceable, invincible, inspiration

High Frequency words: language, clear-

  • Daily work with spelling words in spelling menu and homework-

Unit Academic Words: benefit, generation, advice, consumer, familiar

This week’s vocabulary words: succeed, determined, impressed, eventually, imagined-

  • Daily writing in Spelling Menu Packet

Reading: Unit 4 Week 3- How do big ideas change communities?

Learning goals:

  • I can learn more about biography and explain the author’s purpose in a biography.
  • I can develop knowledge about language to make connections between reading and writing.
  • I can use elements of opinion writing to write an opinion speech


  • Interact with sources in meaningful ways such as note taking, annotating, freewriting, or illustrating.
  • Describe how individuals, events, and ideas have changed communities, past and present. 
  • Listen actively, ask relevant questions to clarify information, and make pertinent comments.
  • Recognize characteristics and structures of informational text.
  • Use context within and beyond a sentence to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words and multiple meaning words.
  • Identify, use, and explain the meaning of antonyms, synonyms, idioms, homophones, and homographs in a text.
  • Distinguish the literal and nonliteral meanings of words and phrases in context.

Word Study-

  • Decode words with Latin suffixes.
  • Demonstrate and apply phonetic knowledge by decoding words using knowledge of suffixes, including how they can change base words such as dropping -e, changing -y to -i, and doubling final consonants. 
  • Suffixes- -able, -ible, -ation


  • Daily writing in April creative journal-
  • Writing in notebook with prompts related to April
  • Write for a reader- using tone and choice words to show feeling
  • Writing in Gratitude Journals
  • Daily writing in Simple Solutions Grammar and Daily Oral Language Packet

Math: Continue Chapter 10- Fractions: How can fractions  be used to represent numbers and their parts?

New vocabulary: fraction, unit fraction, denominator, numerator, equivalent fractions

Mathematical practices: 

  • Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
  • Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
  • Model with mathematics.
  • Use appropriate tools strategically.
  • Attend to precision.
  • Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
  • Look for and make use of structure.
  • Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
  • Use strategies such as: 
    • Make a table
    • Look for a pattern
    • Use models

Tuesday: Lesson 5- Hands on- Fractions on a number line- Students will represent fractions on a number line. Also, Check My Progress page to see how things are going thus far in the chapter. Also: Check my progress- refresher pages for the first set of chapters.

Wednesday- Lesson 6: Equivalent fractions- Students will use models to find equivalent fractions. Additional practice in SeeSaw and IReady lessons

Thursday- Lesson 7: Vocabulary: denominator, equivalent fractions, numerator, is equal to (=), is greater than, is less than- Fractions as one whole- Students will express whole numbers as fractions and recognize fractions equivalent to whole numbers.

  • Daily work in Simple Solutions Math packet
  • Daily work in SeeSaw on math activities
  • Daily work in IReady on math lessons

Religion: Unit 4 Session 16- Sacraments of Initiation

Session Theme: Through the Sacraments of Initiation, we receive the fullness of the holy Spirit and become members of the Church.

We become members of the Church through the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eurcharist. At our Baptism, we receive the Holy Spirit and become one of the People of God. We begin a new life in Jesus. Confirmation seals the Holy Spirit’s presence in us, and through the Holy Spirit, we receive Jesus in his Body and Blood in the Eurcharist.

Outcomes of this chapter:

  • Tell the story of Jesus sending his disciples out to baptize.
  • Tell the story of Philip inviting the court official to follow Jesus.
  • Define: chrism, People of God

*Daily devotions and prayers, and songs

*Tuesday- 8:30 buddy all school Mass

Social Studies: Back to the Book-

Students will be presenting Ireland Reports slowly but surely throughout the next few weeks-

Essential Question

How do people become part of our country?

Overview of the chapter: Investigate immigration in the United States by carefully analyzing visual and written primary sources from various time periods.


Social Studies

  • Analyze why and how people immigrate to the United States.
  • Compare benefits and drawbacks of immigrating to the United States.
  • Draw conclusions from primary and secondary sources.

Language Arts

  • Identify main ideas in text. (reading)
  • Describe and illustrate an idea. (writing)

Preview chapter with: Think about how it feels to move to a new place and then listen to audio clips from immigrants about their experiences. 

Hands on activity: Analyzing primary sources:

Investigate immigration in the United States by carefully analyzing visual and written primary sources from various time periods.

Show what you know: Compare opportunities and challenges of immigration. 

 Complete the Unit Inquiry supporting question that corresponds to the lesson, play the lesson game, and create an assessment using TCI questions or your own in the test builder. 

Science: Chapter 3- Plants

Lesson 1- How do plants change?

  • DCI-3-LS1.B.2
    Reproduction is essential to the continued existence of every kind of organism. Plants and animals have unique and diverse life cycles.
  • PE-3-LS1-1
    Develop models to describe that organisms have unique and diverse life cycles but all have in common birth, growth, reproduction, and death.Standards
  • DCI-3-LS1.B.2
    Reproduction is essential to the continued existence of every kind of organism. Plants and animals have unique and diverse life cycles.
  • DCI-3-LS4.C.1
    For any particular environment, some kinds of organisms survive well, some survive less well, and some cannot survive at all.
  • PE-3-LS1-1
    Develop models to describe that organisms have unique and diverse life cycles but all have in common birth, growth, reproduction, and death.
  • PE-3-LS4-3
    Construct an argument with evidence that in a particular habitat some organisms can survive well, some survive less well, and some cannot survive at all.
  1. What plant parts are most important?
  2. How do plants change?

How can you classify plants?

Homework for Thursday, 3/21/24

Homework for Thursday, 3/21/24
-- Word Art worksheet to practice for spelling test tomorrow
--Kahoot in the morning to practice for reading test- make sure you have your Chromebook-
--STEAM and completion of Canva abolitionists presentations (thanks to Mrs. McMahon)
-- Spelling, reading tests
Have a lovely evening,
With Gratitude,
Mrs. Sharon Shute

Homework for Wednesday, 3/20/24

Homework for Wednesday, 3/20/24
--Spelling h/w with VCCCV Patterns
--Mrs. MaMahon will be joining the students and teaching them how to use Canva. Students will transfer information about their abolitionist onto Canva and present to the class.
--Library and Gym tomorrow
With Much Gratitude,
Mrs. Sharon Shute

Homework for Tuesday, 3/19/24

Homework for Tuesday, 3/19/24
--Texting Tuesday spelling worksheet
Today, students worked in small groups researching Saint Joseph and will conclude their research tomorrow. 
--Small group research on an abolitionist and then will transfer data to a Canva template. Mrs. McMahon will be assisting us with this new project.
---Art tomorrow, also
Have a lovely evening!
Mrs. Sharon Shute

Homework for Monday, 3/18/24

Homework for Monday, 3/18/24
-- Spelling worksheet to practice spelling words
--Wear red for St. Joseph's Day- Students will working in small groups to research information about our Patron Saint.
--Gym tomorrow-
--Read a biography about Fredrick Douglass and Ruby Bridges
Have a lovely evening,
Mrs. Sharon Shute

Week at a Glance: March 18- 22, 2024

Week at a Glance: March 18-22, 2024

Highlights of the Week:

Reading- Week 2 Unit 4- Learn more about Fredrick Douglass

Spelling-- 2 syllable words with VCCCV pattern

Grammar- VCCCV Pattern

Math- Fractions begin!

Social Studies- Continuing Ireland unit

Science- Complete Chapter 2 on Energy

Religion- Celebrate St. Joseph Day wear red on Tuesday


Surprise, pilgrim, subtract, control, sample, insect, contrast, employ, exclaim, athlete bonus words*** contraction, embrace, completion

Vocabulary Words: slavery, abolitionist, violence, equality, influential

Unit vocab words: benefit, generation, advice, consumer, familiar

High frequency words: common, though

  • Daily practice with spelling words through spelling menu
  • Daily h/w w/ spelling words

Reading: Unit 4 Week 2- How can personal stories change society?

Learning Goals:

  • I can learn more about biography and identify the main idea and key details in a biography.
  • I can develop knowledge about language to make connections between reading and writing.
  • I can use elements of opinion writing to write an opinion essay.


  • Use text evidence to support an appropriate response.
  • Interact with sources in meaningful ways such as note taking, annotating, freewriting, or illustrating. 
  • Describe individuals, events, and ideas that have changed communities, past and present.
  • Develop oral language through speaking, listening, and discussion. 
  • Recognize characteristics and structure of informational text. 
  • Identify use, and explain the meaning of antonyms, synonyms, idioms, homophones, and homographs in text. 
  • Demonstrate and apply phonetic knowledge by decoding words using knowledge of syllable division patterns such as VCCV, VCV, VCCCV with accent shifts.
  • Recognize characteristics and structures of informational text, including sections, tables, graphs, timelines, bullets, numbers and bold and italicized front to support understanding.
  • Review r-controlled words from last week..
  • Author’s purpose to achieve specific purpose.
  • Make inferences and use evidence to support understanding.

Students will be learning about Fredrick Douglass and Sojourner Truth through reading biographies.


  •  Daily work in Simple Solutions packet
  • Teach VCCCV pattern- Words with the VCCCV pattern have a vowel, three consonants, then another vowel. Two of the consonants form a digraph or a blend. Syllables of these words divide between the blend or digraph and the other consonant. 


  • Daily writing in March journal and in a notebook with March daily prompts.
  • Daily writing in Gratitude journals
  • Students begin making a list of abolitionists to prepare for creating a Canva report on-

Math: Begin Chapter 10- Fractions: How can fractions  be used to represent numbers and their parts?

New vocabulary: fraction, unit fraction, denominator, numerator

Mathematical practices: 

  • Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
  • Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
  • Model with mathematics.
  • Use appropriate tools strategically.
  • Attend to precision.
  • Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
  • Look for and make use of structure.

Monday- Lesson 1- Students will explore and model with unit fractions- Develop understanding of fractions as numbers.

Tuesday- Lesson 2- Parts of a whole- Students will read and write fractions that name part of a whole. 

Wednesday-Lesson 3- Parts of a set- Students will use models to represent fractions that name part of a set.- 

Thursday- Multiplication and Division games

  • Daily IReady math lessons for enrichment
  • Daily SeeSaw math activities
  • Daily Simple Solutions Math packet 


Celebration the life of Saint Joseph with small group research to find:

  • Key events in St. Joseph’s life to create a timeline
  • Fill out a question and answer fact sheet on St. Joseph through research.
  • Write an opinion piece on the importance of the life of our patron saint, Saint Joseph
  • Daily songs, prayers and devotions.
  • Tuesday- buddy Mass at 8:30 for Saint Joseph
  • Daily songs and prayers, this week- learning Our Lady of Knock tying in with the Ireland unit.

Social Studies: 

Continuation of our Ireland Unit- through videos, songs, stories students will explore their chosen county through Google Images and books on Ireland in the classroom. Students will also learn about the culture of Ireland and famous landmarks of Ireland, specifically their county.

--SeeSaw assignment to make a slideshow of their chosen country- listing some facts and images.



  • DCI-3-PS2.B.3
    Electric and magnetic forces between a pair of objects do not require that the objects be in contact. The sizes of the forces in each situation depend on the properties of the objects and their distances apart and, for forces between two magnets, on their orientation relative to each other.
  • PE-3-PS2-3
    ideas about magnets.*
  • Ask questions to determine cause and effect relationships of electric or magnetic interactions between two objects not in contact with each other.
  • PE-3-PS2-4
    Define a simple design problem that can be solved by applying scientific 
  • Students will read about: Electric Charges, Conductors and Insulators- Vocabulary: closed circuit, open circuit 
  • Video here to show experiment with circuits
  • Practice with Chapter 2 science vocabulary cards in small groups and prepare for assessment of Chapter 2 
  • Read the online story on the book's website: How do we use energy? Also read Energy at Work to prepare for chapter 2 test
  • Students listen to and read the following stories about energy as we close this chapter in Science:
    • Forms of Energy
    • How We Use Energy
    • Energy at Work

By the end of this lesson, the student should be able to investigate how electricity moves through circuits and will identify some materials that conduct electricity.

Homework for Tuesday, 3/12/24

Homework for Tuesday, 3/12/24
-- Texting Tuesday homework to practice spelling words for Friday's test
Today was a busy one, indeed. We had two presentations- one for Best Friends Animal Shelter (virtual) and Feed My Starving Children (in person). We also had Carmel students read an interactive story to the class in Spanish!
Some teams presented their historical fiction stories and they were out of this world terrific! Way to go on writing, school family!
Have a lovely evening,
With Gratitude,
Mrs. Sharon Shute

Week at a Glance: March 11-15, 2024

Week at a Glance: March 11-15, 2024

Highlights of the Week:

Reading: Begin Unit 4 in reading- Theme: Events

Writing: Students will present their historical fiction stories

Phonics: R controlled vowels

Math: Continuing Chapter 9 Properties and Equations

Social Studies: Focus on Ireland


Religion: Lent/ Stations of the Cross

Other Highlights:

-Tuesday: 8:30 Mass and Carmel Spanish student visit classrooms and read a story to them (PreK-3)

-Thursday- Stations of the Cross 12:30 Service

Spelling Words: certainly, earn, return, search, swerve, termite, third, thirsty, thirteen, thirty bonus words: determine, virtual, personable-

High Frequency Words: system, brought

Develop Vocabulary:  community, donate, convince, generous, transformed-

Unit Vocabulary Words: benefit, generation, advice, consumer, familiar

Language and Conventions- possessive nouns

Reading Goals for this Unit:

Weekly question: How can one person improve a community?

Focus on Daniel Burham and Jane Addams

  • Collaborate with others to determine how communities change over time.
  • Knowing about biography and understand its elements
  • Use language to make connections between reading and writing narrative nonfiction
  • Use elements of opinion writing to write a opinion essay

Week 1- Learn more about biography and analyze text structure in a biography

Reading Workshop Minilesson bank:

  • Primary source- Daniel Burnham
  • Biography: The House that Jane Built
  • Words that explain main ideas
  • Analyze text structure
  • Correct or confirm predictions
  • Talk about it: Ask relevant questions

Reading-Writing Workshop Bridge:

  • Academic vocabulary- related words
  • Word Study- R controlled vowels: ir, er, ur, ear
  • Read like a writer- explain the use of descriptive language
  • Write for a reader-use descriptive language

Writing Workshop: Weekly Focus: Introduce and immerse-

Mini-lesson bank:

  • Opinion essay: topic, point of view and reasons, brainstorm topics and focus on opinion, plan your opinion essay.

Reading/ Writing continued: 

  • Daily writing in March  journal, notebook March prompts, Spelling Menu 
  • Daily SeeSaw entries for Math and Reading
  • Gratitude journals
  • Simple Solutions Grammar packet and daily Daily Oral Language packet


Math: Continuing Chapter 9- Properties and Equations-

Math Vocabulary words: evaluate, variable, expressions, operations, equation, estimate,

Mathematical Practices:

  • Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
  • Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
  • Model with mathematics.
  • Attend to precision.
  • Look for and make use of structure.
  • Use appropriate tools strategically.
  • Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

Monday- Lesson 7- Write Expressions- Students will represent one- and two step word problems using equations and a variable.

Tuesday:  Lesson 8- Solve Using Two-Stop Word Problems- Students will represent and solve two-step word problems using equations and a variable.

Wednesday:- Lesson 9- Problem Solving Investigation: Use logical reasoning- Students will use logical reasoning to solve problems. Solve problems involving the four operations, and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic.

  • Daily SeeSaw math activities
  • Daily IReady
  • Daily Simple Solutions Math packet
  • Friday- Math multiplication games

Social Studies: Continuing Ireland Unit-

Students in both classes will engage in a month-long look at Ireland through images, videos, and story books. Each student has received a county in Ireland and that will be the county the students researches for their March book report . This week, students will continue to discuss Ireland’s culture, landscape, and landmarks.  Students will learn about the four provinces of Ireland and learn about St. Patrick- Ireland’s patron saint. Students will also learn some songs interconnected with Ireland.

**We’ll celebrate St. Patrick’s Day in the classroom on Monday, Mar 18, 2024

Science: Lesson 6 What is Electrical Energy?

Lesson Objectives: (Students will practiced with circuits in STEAM class on Friday)

  • Students will classify and compare different forms of energy and will investigate how energy causes motion and creates a change.V
  • Students will observe and communicate how energy can change into many forms.
  • Students will analyze how light is reflected, refracted, and absorbed and will describe how light forms shadows.
  • Students will investigate how heat and light energy affect matter and how heat and light can be produced.
  • Students will use models to demonstrate how different vibrations result in different sounds.
  • Students will investigate how electricity moves through circuits and will identify some materials that conduct electricity.
  • Students will read about: Electric Charges, Conductors and Insulators- Vocabulary: closed circuit, open circuit 
  • Video here to show experiment with circuits
  • Practice with Chapter 2 science vocabulary cards in small groups and prepare for assessment of Chapter 2 
  • Read the online story on the book's website: How do we use energy? Also read Energy at Work to prepare for chapter 2 test


  • Students will attend 8:30 non buddy School Mass
  • Students will discuss Stations of the Cross by creating a booklet on the different stations.
  • Students will attend the Stations of the Cross on Thursday at 12:30 Mass.
  • Students will complete the Lenten crosses with words they put on the cross to describe their Lenten journey.
  • Daily songs and prayers, this week- learning Our Lady of Knock tying in with Irealnd unit.

Thursday, March 7, 2024- Homework

Thursday, 3/7/24
-- Spelling test tomorrow, please practice spelling test with write a letter to a friend worksheet-
--Reading Unit 3 test tomorrow
---Presentations for persuasive speeches
---Completion of historical fiction stories
Have a lovely evening,
Mrs. Sharon Shute

Wednesday's Homework

Wednesday Homework:
-- Spelling art page to practice for Friday's spelling test
--Library- please bring library books back tomorrow
Excellent work today by our hard working researchers! So proud of them, please ask your child to show you their slideshow presentation. Awesome job everyone!
Have a wonderful evening,
With Gratitude,
Mrs. Sharon Shute

Tuesday, March 5, 2024 Homework

Tuesday, March 5, 2024
--Spelling words- Tuesday text style today
We spent much of the day creating the persuasive writing speeches on Google Slides for chosen charities. I am so proud of the third graders! Wow, lots of great research going on today- and tomorrow, too.
--Great job at Reconciliation today, too!
Have a lovely evening,
Sharon Shute

Week at a Glance: March 4-8, 2024

Week at a Glance: March 4-8, 2024

Highlights of the Week:

Reading: Last week of Unit 3 in Reading; Project Week!

Writing: Historical Fiction story and Opinion speech-two big writing projects this week!

Spelling: 13 Review words from Unit 3 in Reading

Math: Continue Chapter 9

Social Studies: Begin unit on Ireland/ Present Feb. book reports

Science: Open and closed circuits

Religion: Lenten activities and Reconciliation on Tuesday

Spelling Words: Review of Unit 3- no new words or no bonus words- all review words:

Wolves, choose, geese, heroes, balloon, rescue, happiness, graceful, peaceful, impolite, nonfiction, children, incorrect

  • Daily writing in spelling words practice packet
  • Daily spelling words homework.

Reading: Unit 3- Week 6: Project based learning week

This week students will

  • write an opinion speech about why it is important to take advantage of heroic opportunities.
  • research evidence that supports their claim and persuades their audience.

Lesson 1 Compare Across Texts Inquire

  •  Answer the Essential Question • Introduce Inquiry Project
  • • Read “Heroes Aren’t Just for Comic Books”
  • • Generate questions
  • • Apply Academic Vocabulary

Lesson 2 Explore and Plan Conduct Research-- Argumentative Writing

  • • Read: “I’m a Volunteer!”
  • • Apply characteristics of text
  • • Using a search engine
  • • Identify keywords to research

Lesson 3 Collaborate and Discuss Refine Research- Read a Student Model

  • • Identify features of argumentative texts
  • • Paraphrasing and Quoting
  • • Read “A Helping Hand”
  • • Apply paraphrasing and quoting to article

Lesson 4- Extend Research Collaborate and Discuss-Investigate a variety of media

  • • Incorporate media into opinion speech
  • • Revise & Edit: Relevant Details
  • • Peer review opinion speeches

Lesson 5 Celebrate and Reflect Reflect on the Unit-- Present your opinion speeches

  • • Reflect on your project
  • • Reflect on your goals
  • • Reflect on your reading
  • • Reflect on writing

Writing: Big week for our class this week in writing:

  • Write a historical story based on previously read stories: Below the Deck: A Titanic Story, Granddaddy’s Turn to Vote, Little House on the Prairie, By the Shores of the Silver Lake, or Mama Mira using a graphic organizer and type the final piece.
  • Write an opinion piece on a charity or organization that means a lot to the students. Students will work in small groups to research a charity to write about and persuade the class to want to learn more and do more.
  • Daily writing in March creative writing journal, March prompts in notebook, and Gratitude journals.

Math: Chapter 9- Properties and Equations

Vocabulary Words: Associative Property of Multiplication, Distributive Property, equation, evaluate, expression, operations, variable, 

Mathematical  Practices:

  • Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
  • Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
  • Look for and make use of structure.
  • Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
  • Attend to precision.
  • Look for and make use of structure.
  • Model with mathematics

Monday- Lesson 4- The Associative Property--Apply the Associative Property of Multiplication to find products. Students will apply the Associative Property of Multiplication to find products.

Tuesday- Check my Progress thus far in the chapter- 2 page review; Lesson 5- Write Expressions- Students will write expressions using the 4 operations-

Wednesday- Lesson 6-Evaluate Expressions- Students will write, then find the value of expressions. 

Thursday- Lesson 7- Write Expressions- Students will represent one- and two step word problems using equations and a variable.

Friday- Review of math concepts learned this week-

  • Daily SeeSaw math enrichment activities
  • Daily IReady Math Lessons
  • Daily Simple Solutions Math lessons
  • Multiplication and Division facts practice

Social Studies: Ireland Unit Begins-

Students in both classes will engage in a month-long look at Ireland through images, videos, and story books. Each student will receive a county in Ireland and that will be the county the students researches for their March book report (due Thursday, April 4, 2024) . This week, students will research fish that swim in the Shannon River, the longest river in Ireland, and create the fish for our model river. Students will research the four provinces of Ireland and learn about St. Patrick- Ireland’s patron saint. Students will also learn some songs interconnected with Ireland.

Science: Lesson 6 What is Electrical Energy?

Lesson Objectives:

  • Students will classify and compare different forms of energy and will investigate how energy causes motion and creates a change.V
  • Students will observe and communicate how energy can change into many forms.
  • Students will analyze how light is reflected, refracted, and absorbed and will describe how light forms shadows.
  • Students will investigate how heat and light energy affect matter and how heat and light can be produced.
  • Students will use models to demonstrate how different vibrations result in different sounds.
  • Students will investigate how electricity moves through circuits and will identify some materials that conduct electricity.
  • Students will read about: Electric Charges, Conductors and Insulators- Vocabulary: closed circuit, open circuit 
  • Video here to show experiment with circuits

Religion: Lent Discussion Continues:

Students will discuss the importance of Lent and a special time to get closer to Jesus through activities and discussions. Through coloring a cross in a stained glass style and coloring an Easter egg with traits of Lenten hopes/ goals.

  • Daily prayers, devotions and songs to help us get closer to Jesus.
  • Gratitude Journals for reflections of the day’s goodness.

Reconciliation on Tuesday afternoon at Church

Week at a Glance: February 26- March 1, 2024

Week at a Glance: February 26- March 1, 2024

Highlights of the Week:

  • Reading- Unit 3 Week 5- Poetry Week
  • Writing: February journals
  • Spelling: Irregular plural nouns
  • Math: Begin Chapter 9 
  • Science: Sound energy
  • Religion: Tuesday non-buddy Mass at 8:30
  • Social Studies: Conclusion of Black History Month

*This week, students will complete January animal book report presentations. 

*No School Friday- Archdiocese meetings

Spelling Words: 

Wolves, knives, children, sheep, heroes, scarves, geese, calves, volcanoes, loaves-

Bonus spelling words: crises, cacti, vertebrae

Unit Vocab words: encourage, defeat, distinguish, achieve, command

Weekly Vocabulary Words:  triumphant, company challenge, twinkle, curious

High Frequency Words: ago, stood

Here is the link for Spelling City to practice spelling words

Students will practice spelling words through h/w and daily Spelling Menu activities-

**Daily practice with spelling words in spelling packets

Reading: Unit 3 Week 5- Theme- Heroes- Weekly Question- What kind of actions can be heroic? People can be heroes in many ways, big and small.

  • Make connections to personal experiences, ideas in other texts, and society.
  • Interact with sources in meaningful ways such as note taking, annotating, freewriting, or illustrating.
  • Identity and analyze the heroic deeds of individuals, including military and first responders such as Four Chaplains.

Questions to guide discussions:

  • Which heroic actions surprised you the most?
  • What are the similarities between the four heroic actions described in this infographic?
  • What are the other small ways that you and your classmates can act heroically?


  • lIsten attentively, ask relevant questions to clarify information, and make pertinent comments.
  • Recognize and analyze genre specific characteristics, structures, and purposes within and across increasingly complex traditional, contemporary, classical, and diverse texts.
  • Read grade-level prose and poetry orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression.
  • Some types of poetry to be examined include: narrative poetry, free verse, concrete-
  • Parts of Speech reviewed: nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs-
  • Identify, use, and explain the meaning of synonyms, homophones, idioms, antonyms, and homographs in a text.

Learning Goals:

  • I can learn more about themes concerning heroes and explain poetic elements in poetry.
  • I can develop knowledge about language to make connections between reading and writing.
  • Words to know to understand poetry: line breaks, stanzas, imagery, sound devices, figurative language.

**Daily Simple Solutions Grammar and Daily Oral Language packets to practice and enrich skills learned in grammar and phonics.

*IReady Reading Progress Growth Monitoring begins this week-

Writing: Students will write daily in their February creative writing notebooks and follow the writing prompts in their February Journal. 

  • Daily Gratitude journals
  • Discussion of Historical Fiction stories students will write next week
  • Wednesday-Friday- Abolitionists study in small groups

Math: Chapter 9- Properties and Equations

Vocabulary Words: Associative Property of Multiplication, Distributive Property, equation, evaluate, expression, operations, variable, 

Mathematical  Practices:

  • Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
  • Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
  • Look for and make use of structure.
  • Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
  • Attend to precision.
  • Look for and make use of structure.
  • Model with mathematics

Monday- Lesson 1- Hands on: Take apart to multiply- Explore how to take apart factors to multiply. Students will explore how to take apart factors to multiply.

Tuesday- Lesson 2- The Distributive Property- Apply the Distributive Property of Multiplication to find products. Students will apply the Distributive Property of Multiplication to find products.

Wednesday- Lesson 3- Hands on: Multiply Three Factors- Explore how to find the product of 3 numbers. Students will explore how to find the product of three factors. 

Thursday- Lesson 4- The Associative Property--Apply the Associative Property of Multiplication to find products. Students will apply the Associative Property of Multiplication to find products.

  • Daily Simple Solutions Math Packet
  • Daily practice with IReady Math lessons

Social Studies:

Conclusion of Black History Month with presentations of February book reports and students will assemble in small groups to study abolitionists and create a biographical report on the person to present in class. Wednesday-Friday will be devoted to abolitionist studies.

Students will also learn more about Harriet Tubman and other civil rights leaders

Science: What is sound energy?

By the end of this lesson, the student should be able to use models to demonstrate how different vibrations result in different sounds.

  • Students will classify and compare different forms of energy and will investigate how energy causes motion and creates change.
  • Students will observe and communicate how energy can change into many forms.
  • Students will use models to demonstrate how different vibrations result in different sounds.
  • Words to know: volume, pitch
  • Activity- Students will observe different pitches and volume by using a rubberband, plastic tub (shoebox), and ruler.

Religion: Lenten Journey

Students will be discussing feelings and emotions during this Lenten journey by coloring a cross with different traits of Lent- We’ll also discuss, as a school family, how we can become closer by acting on these positive actions to become closer to God and each other.

  • Daily songs, prayers, secret agent prayer list, pledge, and devotions
  • 8:30 non buddy Mass on Tuesday

Homework for Monday, 2/20/24

Homework for Monday, 2/20/24
-Spelling homework- short week for practicing the new spelling words with vowel teams. 
Thanks for all the RSVP responses for the Freedom Tea! That is quite wonderful!
--Feb. book report due on Friday
Have a lovely evening,
With Gratitude,
Mrs. Sharon Shute