Week at a Glance: January 21-24, 2025
Week at a Glance: January 21-24, 2025
Highlights of the Week:
Reading: Another historical fiction story
Math: Chapter 7 Assessment Multiplication and Division
Spelling: Abbreviations
Writing- Begin writing about Dr. King
Religion- Mother Mary
Social Studies: Begin Civil Rights Unit for Black History Month
Other highlights this week:
- Tuesday- Students go to the Book Fair to get a sneak peak and fill out wish lists
- Tuesday- All school Mass with buddies
- Friday- Afternoon prayer in the gym and Begin creating Black History Month signs
- *No Media or Library this week due to the Book Fair
Spelling: Spelling words for this week:
A.M., ASAP, Blvdl, etc, no, P.M., P.S., Rd., vs., wt. Challenge words: dept., hrs., FYI
Develop Vocabulary words: figured, complain, patience, temper, remembered
Key Vocabulary words: humble, quietly, unshaken, rustle-
Unit Academic Vocabulary: encourage, defeat, distinguish, achieve, command
High Frequency Words- building, ocean
Reading: Unit 3 Week2 Heroes-
Weekly Question- How can a hero’s actions affect others?
Learning Goals:
- I can learn more about historical fiction and analyze plot and setting in historical fiction.
- I can develop knowledge about language to make connections between reading fiction and writing historical fiction.
- I can use elements of narrative text to write a historical fiction story.
Goals of the week:
- Listen attentively, ask relevant questions to clarify information, and make pertinent comments.
- Identify, use, and explain the meaning of antonyms, idioms, homophones, and homographs in a text.
- Make connections to personal experiences, ideas in other texts, and society.
- Read on-level text with a purpose and understanding.
- Make inferences and use evidence to support understanding
- Evaluate details read to determine key ideas.
- Synthesize information to create new understanding
- Explain the author’s purpose and message within a text.
- Demonstrate and apply phonetic knowledge by decoding compound words, contrats, and abbreviations.
- Describe characters in a story (e.g., their traits, motivations, or feelings) and explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events.
- Morning Work: Daily Oral Language Packet
- Simple Solutions Grammar lessons Tuesday- Friday
- Writing portion of the Reading test on Friday
Whole Group Reading M-Thursday- The One and Only Bob
Math: Chapter 7-Division and Multiplication
Vocabulary words for this week: decompose, known fact, equal groups, Zero Property of Multiplication, Identity Property of Multiplication, dividend, divisor
Mathematical Practices:
- Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
- Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
- Model with mathematics
- Use appropriate tools strategically.
- Attend to precision.
- Look for and make use of structure.
- Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
- Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
Math vocabulary: dividend, divisor, zero property of multiplication, identity property of multiplication
Tuesday- Lesson 7- Review Chapter 7 lessons and practice fluency with multiplication and division problems.
Wednesday- Lesson 8- Students will use division rules to divide with 0 and 1.
Thursday- Review for Chapter 7 Assessment: Multiplication and Division
- H/W will include a practice test-
Friday- Chapter 7 Math Assessment
*** Daily work with IReady Math and Math SeeSaw activities
***Simple Solutions Math Lessons T-F
Social Studies: Civil Rights Month
Goal: Students will read and discuss historical fiction and make connections between text and primary sources [photographs] that provide evidence of social conditions in the past. Students will follow guidelines from worksheets adapted from the National Archives and Records Administration. At the end of the unit, students will “blog” or make a written entry into a classroom writing folder where the question is: “What is worth standing up for?” Objectives: Students will be able to define primary sources, investigate evidence of past events through analysis of photographs and develop new vocabulary in context. Students will be able to make connections between primary sources and historical fiction text as they relate to the Civil Rights Movement.
Book: Here- The Other Side by Jacqueine Woodson will be the basis for our discussion
Also, Dr. King will be introduced this week through stories, videos and songs.
Religion: Session 14- Mary is Holy- Unit 3-The Church, The Community in the Spirit-
Session Theme: Mary is our model and teacher of faith and love.
The Church is united before God in the Communion of Saints, Mary, the mother of Jesus and the Mother of the Church, is our model. Through her life she shows us how to believe and how to love. When praying the Rosary, we remember the principal events in the lives of Jesus and Mary.
- Describe how Mary responded to the shepherd’s news.
- Identify Mary as the Mother of God and the Mother of the Church.
- Describe the Rosary as a way of honoring Mary.
- Discuss the prayer of the Magnificat
- Define: Annunciation, Communion of Saints, Rosary, and Visitation
Daily prayer, devotions, and song-
Tuesday- All School Mass with buddies at 8:30