St. Joseph Catholic School

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Welcome to Mrs. D'Amore's Class!

My name is Carrie D’Amore.  I am a licensed Elementary Education teacher who is very passionate about Catholic education. I am certified K-8th grade and have loved being involved with education in one way or another as long as I can remember. I taught Kindergarten for 2 years and then 3rd grade for 5 years. I was promoted to be Dean of Academics for 1 year before beginning a family of my own. Being a teacher is part of what makes me tick!

I have been married for 21 years. Beginning in 2006, my husband Andrew and I had 3 children and I was blessed to have the ability to stay home for 12 years to teach, guide and care for them. In 2017, I was hired at Prince of Peace Catholic School in Lake Villa to be a part-time Kindergarten Assistant. I thoroughly enjoyed this role for 5 years, learning so much from the “mouths of babes”.

In 2023, I worked my way back into the classroom, teaching Kindergarten at Prince Of Peace Catholic School in Lake Villa. 

I love watching each student learn at their own level and seeing the “lightbulb” go off for them; that ah-ha moment! I use small groups where possible to individualize learning. The number of rewards I receive as an educator are prolific.

This year, here at St. Joseph’s, I will teach third grade. My son Drew is here in 7th grade and my  2 daughters are Isabella-a Freshman at Loras College and Lia-a senior at Carmel Catholic High School.

Some of my hobbies include watching my kids play sports and going to professional sporting events. I really enjoy spending time with family and friends, traveling, taking our dog Luna on long walks and reading a good book.

I attended Saint Joseph College, in Rensselaer, IN and had the privilege of also being a student athlete, playing Division II soccer there. 

Being an educator teaches me so much about myself and enriches my own love of learning. 

I will give the students my best and look forward to getting to know them all better. I believe good communication is a necessity in any working relationship. Please do not hesitate to come to me with any questions or concerns you may have. I want to also mention that we are so very fortunate to have Mrs. Susan Bronken returning and Mrs. Andrea Graham as our Instructional Aides. Together we will make a great team for the continued success of your child’s learning experience!


*Always appreciated, but never expected-please see our Amazon Wishlist! We have so many fun things to do. It will update as we add items throughout the year. Thank you for your consideration!



My Teaching Philosophy 
I believe that it is my utmost duty to inspire and challenge my students. I want them to thrive and feel safe in a fun learning environment where kindness is universal and all are accepted. Bullying will never be tolerated in my classroom and help will always be given to those who ask. My classroom will be a calm, quiet and comfortable place where mental health is nurtured and given light. I vow to maintain a positive attitude for my students as not only their teacher but as their role model. My students will be taught how to work together and communicate effectively. As a teacher, there will be various strategies that I will uphold to make a controlled and calm classroom environment. At the top of the list is RESPECT-for self, others and all property. As a teacher, I want to make an impact on my students and show them that they can do anything. Even if it becomes difficult they need to know that with a little bit of help and hard work, they can accomplish anything!
Specials Schedule:
Monday- Art, Spanish, Library/Media
Tuesday-P.E. (please wear gym uniforms), Steam
Friday- P.E. (please wear gym uniforms)


No School Monday!

REMINDER: No School Monday, January 20 th as we remember the great Martin Luther King Jr.

Week at a Glance: 1/20-1/24

Week of January 20-24th-

Reading, Spelling and Writing: 

Students will be able to-Unit 3, Week 1: Below Deck- A Titanic Story


  • Learn more about historical fiction and analyze plot and setting in historical fiction.
  • I can develop knowledge about language to make connections between reading fiction and writing historical fiction.
  • Use elements of narrative text to write a historical fiction story.
  • Main Verbs and Helping Verbs, Prefixes

Math: Wrap-up Chapter 7 and (Test Wednesday) Begin Chapter 8 Apply Multiplication and Division

Students will be able to-

  • Divide by 0 and 1-use division rules to divide by 0 and 1
  • Apply Multiplication and Division skills to our Chapter 7 Assessment.
  • Begin Concepts of Chapter 8: Apply Multiplication and Division


Parable of the Mustard Seed

Day 4: Wrap-up and finish Session 6

Science: Plants

Lesson 2: How do plants use leaves to make food?

Objective: Students will develop models that describe how leaves help plants in their life cycles.

Check the plant, remove the foil from last week. Students fill out the Explore It Lab.

Words to Know-

  • Carbon dioxide
  • Oxygen

Read Lesson 2 together pgs.116-121. Answer questions together.


  • Bring a healthy snack each day!
  • Charge your chrome book each night!
  • Spelling menus will be due every Thursday (3 choices-time given in class to do-finish at home if necessary!

Thursday, January 16th:

Math: Lesson 7 pgs. 407-408 evens
Reading: 15 minutes
-Get a good night's rest and eat a good breakfast for I-Ready Diagnostics
-Charge your chrome book
-Bring a chapter book for reading

Tuesday, January 14th:

Math: Lesson 5 Divide by 4-evens; pgs.393-394
Reading: 15 minutes
-Charge your chrome book
-Please bring Pancake Mix for donation
-Get a good night's sleep and eat a healthy breakfast-for I-Ready Testing!

Monday, January 13th:

Math: Lesson 4 pg. 387-388 (odds)
Reading: 15 minutes
  • Please charge your chrome book and bring headphones for I-Ready Diagnostics all week!
  • Please bring warm coats, hat and gloves
  • Wednesday is our Food Pantry collection- 3rd grade is asked to donate Pancake Mix. Thank you in advanced for your generosity!

1/13 Week at a Glance:


Reading, Spelling and Writing: 

Students will be able to-

  • We will have our Winter I-Ready diagnostic testing!
  • No Spelling list or menus. We will do fun “spelling bees” and other review activities.
  • We will do some writing for our upcoming President’s Day!

Unit 2, Week 6 Interactions-Project-Based Inquiry-CONTINUED


  • Research plant and animal relationships
  • Write informative/explanatory texts
  • Gather information from print and digital sources
  • Engage effectively in a collaborative conversations

Math: We will have our Winter I-Ready testing!


Religion: Unit 2 Session 6-Jesus, our Lord and Savior-CONTINUED


  1. Explain the meaning of the good soil and the seed in Jesus’ parable.
  2. Explain why Jesus told parables
  3. Describe ways we can serve God’s kingdom
  4. Discuss how Saints Benedict and Scholastica served the Kingdom of God
  5. Define monastery: a place where a group of monks work and pray together

Science: Chapter 3 Plants

Students will-

  • Lesson 2: How do plants use leaves to make food?
  • We will document the results of our Inquiry-How does sunlight affect plant survival?

Objective: Students will develop models that describe how leaves help plants in their life cycles.


  • PLEASE bring a chapter book for silent reading!
  • Wednesday, January 15th is our Food Pantry Collection-3rd grade is asked to bring in Pancake Mix. Thank you for your generosity!
  • Please help your child get plenty of rest this week to help them be their best for I-Ready testing! 
  • Bring a healthy snack each day!
  • *Not this week* Spelling menus will be due every Thursday (3 choices-time given in class to do-finish at home if necessary)

Thursday, January 9th:

Math: Lesson 3, (odds) pgs. 381-382
Spelling: Test tomorrow, Unit 2 review words. 2 Spelling menu activites.
Reading: 15 minutes!
    • Please CHARGE your chrome book!
    • Next week we will have our winter I-Ready Diagnostics!
    • Bring a chapter book for reading during testing next week!
    • Wednesday, January 15th please bring Pancake Mix for our Food Pantry collection! Thank you!

Wednesday, January 8th:

Math-Lesson 2 (evens), pgs. 375-376
Spelling- 2 menu activities due Friday! Unit 2 Review List
Reading-15 minutes!
-Wednesday, January 15th is our next Food Pantry collection. We are being asked to donate Pancake Mix. Thank you so much in advanced.
-PLEASE CHARGE CHROME BOOKS EVERY NIGHT (some are still coming to school dead)
-Wear/bring warm coats, hats, gloves

Tuesday, January 7th:

Welcome back and happy new year! I sure enjoyed the break and feel refreshed to begin teaching the children again!!
Math: Chapter 7, Lesson 1 (odds) pgs. 369-370
Reading: 15 minutes!
  • Please charge your chrome books, we will need them this week each day.
  • Please eat a healthy breakfast and bring a healthy, protein packed snack!
  • Bring in your Weather Sketcher drawings to Mrs. Hoglund! (optional)
  • Please return overdue library books-we have Library Thursday!
  • We will have our winter I-Ready Diagnostics soon. More to come!

1/6 Week at a Glance:

Reading, Spelling and Writing: 

Students will be able to-

  • Spelling-Unit 2 Review List

Unit 2, Week 6 Interactions-Project-Based Inquiry


  • Research plant and animal relationships
  • Write informative/explanatory texts
  • Gather information from print and digital sources
  • Engage effectively in a collaborative conversations

Math:  Chapter 7 Multiplication and Division

***Review Geometry terms and concepts all week!

Students will be able to-

  • Lesson 1: Multiply by 3-use different strategies, such as arrays, equal groups, and properties, to multiply by 3
  • Lesson 2: Divide by 3-use different strategies, including related multiplication facts, to divide by 3
  • Lesson 3: Hands on-double a known fact: explore how to double a known fact in order to multiply


Religion: Unit 2 Session 6-Jesus, our Lord and Savior


  1. Explain the meaning of the good soil and the seed in Jesus’ parable.
  2. Explain why Jesus told parables
  3. Describe ways we can serve God’s kingdom
  4. Discuss how Saints Benedict and Scholastica served the Kingdom of God
  5. Define monastery: a place where a group of monks work and pray together

Science: Chapter 3 Plants

Students will-

  • Lesson - 1 How can you classify plants?

Objective: Students will classify plants into major groups, such as flowering  and non-flowering plants, based on physical characteristics.

  • Lesson 2: How do plants use leave to make food?

Objective: Students will develop models that describe how leaves help plants in their life cycles.


  • Bring a healthy snack each day
  • Spelling menus will be due every Thursday (3 choices-time given in class to do-finish at home if necessary)

Thursday, December 19th:

Math: basic facts practice
Reading: 15 minutes
  • Tomorrow is a dress down PAJAMA DAY! Bring a fun treat to eat!
  • 11 AM dismissal Friday!

Tuesday, December 17th:

Math-practice +, -, X and div. facts!
Reading: 15 minutes
  • Charge your chrome book!
  • 11 am dismissal Friday!

Monday, December 16th:

Math: Chapter 6 test! Review pages coming home!
  • Warm outerwear
  • Weather Sketchers
  • Charge your chrome book!
  • Dismissal Friday, December 20th is 11:00!

12/16 Week at a Glance:

Math: We will wrap up Chapter 6 Multiplication and Division! Chapter 6 test will be Tuesday. We will do some fun Christmas math and practice our fluency in basic facts.
Reading: We will read many Christmas stories and compare and contrast those. We will read a Close Read-"Rowdy Reindeer" and answer comprehensions questions on that. The students will write an "elf" story and draw and name their very own elf to go along with their story.
**There will not be any Spelling this week.
Religion: We will continue to learn about Advent and participate in some Christmas crafts and activities.
Science and Social Studies will resume after Christmas break!
Have a wonderful Christmas and a blessed New Year! Safe travels and God Bless you and your families!

Thursday, December 12th:

Math: Chapter 6 Test Tuesday, Review is coming home tonight!
  • Tonight 6pm in the classroom! Sunday Best!
  • Dress Down on Friday due to the success of our Food Pantry collection!
  • Charge your chrome book!