Week at a Glance: September 18-21, 2023

Social Studies: Continuing with Geography:

Essential question- Where in the world is our community?


  • Locate key geographical features on a map of Earth: the equator, the prime meridian, the four hemispheres, the five oceans, and the seven continents.- Review this
  • Identify countries on the map of North America.
  • Identify states and communities on a map of the southeastern United States.
  • Review Continents

Language Arts in SS-

  • Correctly write the name of one’s own community and state.
  • Write a journal entry relating to the experiences of an explorer.

Develop key vocabulary: border, capital, continent, country, equator, geography, government, ocean, prime meridian, state.

Connect to prior knowledge: Discuss usefulness of maps and find maps in the classroom.

Activity: Students will make a map of the classroom.