St. Joseph Catholic School

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Mrs. Julie Feely » Posts


This afternoon we read Elmer the Elephant.  The boys and girls created their own colorful Elmer the Elephants.
Domino’s Mom and Dad came into the classroom and read one a Dominic’s favorite Christmas books!
We cut their apples open and the boys and girls used tweezers to get the seeds out.  They also used magnifying glasses to examine the seeds and flesh of the apples.
Science Day….Apple investigation.  The boys and girls had to draw  a picture of their apple and measure their apple with cubes.  
Annie shared the ME Bag with the class.  We saw a picture of her family, a beautiful charm necklace her Grandma got her, her favorite food:  blueberries, a flashlight she brings camping and a sweatshirt she got in Wisconsin.  
The boys and girls finished our class Friendship tree!  It is covered with all their handprints and looks so pretty behind Mrs Gillespie’s desk!,
This afternoon the boys and,girls played with play dough.  They made the number one as well as the first letter of their name.
The boys and girls did an amazing job following directions, cutting and gluing together their apple craft!  Wonderful job!  We are so proud of them.