January 21 to January 24, 2025 Week at a Glance

Math: iReady Math Diagnostic 

  • iReady Math Diagnostics all week (taking our time and NOT rushing it through), with the possibility of Math Game fun on Friday if we are finished with iReady Math (learning objective: see the growth throughout the year thus far) - Please make sure Chromebooks are charged nightly

Science: Chapter 3 - Growth and Survival (one lesson per week)

  • Wednesday -How do adaptations help animals?
    • Question to consider: How do plants and animals grow and change?
    • Learning Objective:
      •  Students will also construct an argument based on evidence that adaptations allow animals to survive in different environments.
  • Keywords this week - structural adaptations, extinct species, and instincts
  • Thursday - Animal packet on fun facts about animals
  • Friday - They will take their Lesson 3 Quiz using their books for guidance. 

Social Studies: 3 Countries Google Slides Project & finishing Holocaust unit with a presenter talk

    • Tuesday/Wednesday - Work on Country Google Slides presentations, take more notes, and design slides 
  • WEDNESDAY - both classrooms will join my classroom as we Zoom in a call from Renee. She is a docent from a Holocaust Museum and also had a mother who survived the Holocaust. She will talk to the students as we just finished our Holocaust unit. I’m looking forward to this extra enrichment for the students. 
  • Thursday/Friday - Present our Country Project on-screen to our peers
    • Learning Objective of an Oral Presentation:
      • developing the ability to research and synthesize information
      • organize ideas logically
      • deliver a clear and engaging presentation to your peers
      • adapt to different speaking situations
      • effectively use visual aids on-screen
      • respond to questions thoughtfully

*Please note that The Week at a Glance is very broad. Please check my nightly Edlio posts to read about what we did in class that day.*