June 5, 2023 to June 8, 2023 Week at a Glance

Let the last couple of days of fun begin…...Chromebooks are being returned on Tuesday of this week, so please make sure your child has their charging cord placed in their black case

Math : 

  • On Monday, my class is playing with our 1st grade buddies at the park and I’ll bring a little treat (maybe popsicles if allergies allow…I’ll ask Mrs. Wegener). Miss Bubis’ class will go out for an extra recess or stay in to play math games/board games.
  • On Tuesday, my class will go out again for extra recess or stay in and play math games/board games and I’ll take Miss Bubis’ class outside to play with their 1st grade buddies and do a treat as well if allergies allow

Science and Social Studies Together: 

  • We will be watching an animated movie called Sgt. Stubby based on the true story of a dog that followed his owner to war. Such a cute movie made as a cartoon. It is on Prime Video if you want to read about it.

~ We have Field Day on Wednesday, which will be outdoors all day long. Please wear RED as our class color. Hotdog lunch is provided for all students. The kids are super excited about this day of extreme fun!

~ Thursday is our last day together. Please join us at 8:30 am Mass in Church and then a 10 am dismissal from school. Time to enjoy Summer!!

*Please note that The Week at a Glance is very broad. Please check my nightly Edlio posts to read about what we specifically did in class that day.*