Peek at our Week January 14 – January 18, 2019

Religion Objectives:  

God Made the Earth - God Made Color.  The children will realize that God designed the world full of color, appreciate the many colors in the world and understand that various colors can mean different things. 

Seeds – We celebrate the coming of Jesus.  The children will recognize the important role of Mary as Jesus’ mother. The children will appreciate the Christmas and Epiphany stories. 

Science Objectives:    

Growing our very own snowflakes that are beautiful and unique as a snowflake we can capture from the sky. It won’t melt and involves fun, hands-on chemistry!  

All about penguins! We will learn where they live and characteristics of these magnificent seabirds. Are you as tall and an Emperor penguin? Can you walk like a penguin? The children will try to walk like the daddy penguin with an egg (beanie baby).  We will also see if we are taller than an Emperor penguin.  We will also play in a penguin environment at our sensory table. How do penguins stay dry? 

Observe and describe what happens during changes in the earth.  Identify healthy foods.  Describe characteristics of animals.                                                                                   

Social Studies: 

The children will learn about the social life of a penguin.  Are we similar to penguins in our behaviors? 

Discussion in how snowflakes mimic our society.  Each snowflake is unique just like the student that made it. 

Literacy Objectives: 

Unit 4 – Week 1 – Welcome to the Farm – What is a farm?  Learn new concept words: animal, barn, farmer, food, land, and plant.  Learn amazing words: turkey, wagon, pen, wool, gate, and yard.  Listen to beginning sounds, uppercase/lowercase alphabet knowledge, name it/find it letters, same sound, lost letters, and tracing letters in air. Our featured story is Farm.  Focus on our letter of the week Nn and identifying it in our environment.  

On Friday we will celebrate National Winnie the Pooh Day to commemorate A.A. Milne's birthday. 

Math Objectives: 

Counting 5, ways to make 5, and making smaller sets from 5.  Matching numbers 1 to 5 with the correct grouping. Stacking three dimensional shapes to make new shapes. Ordering numbers 1 – 20. 

Afternoon Enrichment: 

Monday: The children will travel to England and experience a fancy tea!  We will also explore England A – Z and build a castle fit for a queen! 

Tuesday: IXL Math and Bob Book 1 app..

Wednesday: Afternoon Gym and Mrs. Beyer’s class. . Number 15 exploration – forming the number correctly, the letters in its name, identifying the number 15 and counting to 15.  Write the Room Snowflake counting.

Thursday: Continuation of our author study with Jan Brett. This week we will compare the stories of The Three Snow Bears and The Mermaid.

Friday:  STEAM – Penguins love to slide on their bellies.  Can you build a slide for a penguin?