St. Joseph Catholic School

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Mrs. Julie Feely » Posts


We had our Wednesday visit with Mrs. Goldberg.  Her activity with the children incorporated color, cut and glue 3 step instructions.  Remembering 3 step instructions is a part of working memory and a very important executive functioning skill.  She also observed for posture, pencil/crayon grip, motor planning, visual discrimination, ability to cross the midline, sensory awareness and  proprioceptive awareness.  Proprioception is the internal sense that tells you where your body parts are without your having to look at them. This internal body awareness relies on receptors in your joints, muscles, ligaments, and connective tissue. They pick up information as muscles bend and stretch as well as when your body is still.  The children love having their time with Mrs. Goldberg!
Centers were a lively time today in our room.  At the sensory table we had colored rice, red pom poms, red cups, tweezers and blue metallic shreds!  Lots of giggles were coming from this station!  At the red table, the children did an amazing job recognizing and coloring word family rhymes!  The green table had the children Writing the Room - Dr. Seuss characters.   The class has to move their bodies all around the room to search for the words they need to record. This activity gets the children to practice their writing and handwriting. Write the Room also helps the children focus on beginning letters and sounds. Write the Room is a good way to build your students vocabulary and can be utilized as a assessment.  At the rug, it was non-standard measurement with paper feet.  Each child is measured and they record the amount of feet tall they are.  Afterwards, they measure all kinds of wonderful things around the classroom. With our parent helper it was all about getting ten apples on top of our own self portrait just like in the story of Ten Apples on Top.  
During center time at the art table the children are making their Five Little Valentines retelling craftivity.  Have your child share this adorable poem with you!!
Anna and McKenna had on unicorn shirts with their wacky outfits. The Cat in the Hat colored Legos have been very engaging this week too!  The children did such a great job with the Cat in the Hat memory game that we made it more challenging by adding more picture pairs to find!
We loved reading Wacky Wednesday and finding all the wacky things in the pictures.  The children had fun coming up with their own ideas of what would be wacky!
It was Wacky Wednesday in Preschool!  We had so many wacky outfits today - a Cat in the Hat, backwards clothing, silly headbands and mismatched shoes!  How wacky!
It was Fox in Socks today!  What a tongue twister this book can be!  The children loved listening to Ms. Nash make her way through the tricky tongue twisters!  We colored socks to match our silly socks and graphed them together.  Afterwards, we analyzed our graph and silly socks had the most!  Before our morning friends left, we enjoyed Dr. Seuss' first book And to think I saw it on Mulberry Street.  What a silly and imaginative story!
We read One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish Blue Fish today.  We loved identifying the rhyming words and opposite word combinations.  Morning work had us identifying colors and associating them with numbers to color our fish.  At snack we enjoyed a snack of Goldfish crackers and Swedish Fish!
We love our new Dr. Seuss pencils!  It was such a fun surprise to find them in our pencil boxes today.  Thank you Mrs. Sivak!
The children were having a party and making birthday cakes with Cat in the Hat magic dough!  The boys made army helicopters and boats with the mini Legos.  We also practiced our cutting skills and shape recognition with Dr. Seuss characters.  It is also so wonderful to see the engagement the children have with the Dr. Seuss books we have in our Book Bin!