Week at a Glance: Week of August 28

Language Arts: Unit 1 / Week 2 of Reading Street: "Lewis and Clark and Me"
Concepts covered: author's purpose and questioning, imperative and exclamatory sentences
Spelling: words will focus on long a and i, they can be practiced on Spelling City, test on Friday
Writing: personal narratives 
Math: Continue chapter 1
Concepts covered: rounding, renaming numbers, adding/subtracting whole numbers
We will also be completing the mid chapter review. 
Religion: Unit 1:God, Our Creator and Father
  • Our Father in Heaven- how we can serve God, theological virtues 
  • We will also be writing personal intentions for the upcoming living rosary. 
Social Studies: Chapter 1: Geography of the United States
Concepts covered: natural, capital, and human resources, taking care of our land, chapter 1 review