Week at a Glance: January 16 - January 19

Reminders for this week: 
- No school Monday, January 15 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- No bus service Tuesday 1/16
- Tuesday is a dress down day and gym day
- Friday is $1 dress down day for St. Bede School, wear blue.
Math: We are continuing to work through Ch 6: Divide by a One-digit number. This week we will focus on dividing numbers with remainders and interpreting remainders. Towards the end of the week we will review the first six lessons from this unit. We will take a Ch. 6 L1-6 quiz on Friday. 
- Students will solve problems by making a model.
- Students will divide with remainders and check using multiplication and addition.
- Students will interpret what the remainder means in the context of a division problem. 
Social Studies: We will continue Lesson 7: The Effects of Geography on Life in the Southeast. The focus of this question for this week is ‘How has geography helped shape daily life in the southeast?’ The students will explore elevation, bodies of water, natural resources, agriculture, and the weather of the Southeast. To finish, the students will complete a group activity using special purpose maps to answer questions about the Southeast. 
- Interpret geographic information from special-purpose maps and images of the Southeast.
- Hypothesize the effects of geography and read to confirm or correct. 
Religion:  The focus for this week is Session 13: God is our Friend. We will discuss how God is always forgiving of us and how we can be like God when forgiving others. We will also discuss temptation and how it can affect our personal relationship with God and those around us. Mrs. Nelson will come in on Friday and talk to the class about the scriptures for mass this week. 
- Consider how Scripture and Traditions can deepen our understanding of the content.
LA/Reading: Due to the snow day and two shorter weeks we are going to continue with U3W2 this week. The question this week is, how do our experiences help us see the world differently? We will reread a section from Mama’s Window written by Lynn Rubright. The vocabulary words for this week are: subsided, dedication, impulsively, trance, grudge. Our language convention for this week is subject-verb agreement. The U3W2 test will be on Friday Jan 19. Throughout the week the students will write a short story that incorporates all five parts of having a plot within a realistic fiction story. 
- Analyze plot elements, including the rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. 
- Demonstrate understanding of words by relating them to their opposites and to words with similar but not identical meanings. 
- Explain the interactions of the characters and the changes they undergo.
- Explain the influence of the setting, including historical setting, on the plot. 
Spelling: Due to the snow day on Friday and two short weeks, we are extending U3W2 into this week. The children will take the spelling test on Thursday 1/18. U3W2 words focus on words that have r-controlled vowels, such as discard. 
- Demonstrate and apply phonetic knowledge.
- Demonstrate and apply spelling knowledge.
Science: Check out Ms. Arnold’s page!