Week at a Glance: January 9 - January 12

Reminders for this week: 
- No school Monday January 8, Last day of Christmas Break
- No school Monday January 15, Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Math: We are beginning Chapter 6: Divide by a One-Digit Number. We will begin covering the first four lessons: Dividing multiples of 10, 100, 100, Estimate Quotients, Use Place Value to Divide, Use a model to Problem Solve. 
Use basic facts and patterns to divide mentally.
Estimate quotients using compatible numbers, basic facts, and place value.
Use place value and models to explore dividing one-digit numbers. 
Solve problems by making a model.
Social Studies: We will begin Lesson 7: The Effects of Geography on Life in the Southeast. We will begin by learning the vocabulary words for this lesson. The students will explore elevation, bodies of water, natural resources, agriculture, and the weather of the Southeast. To finish, the students will complete a group activity using special purpose maps to answer questions about the Southeast. 
Interpret geographic information from special-purpose maps and images of the Southeast.
Hypothesize the effects of geography and read to confirm or correct. 
Religion:  We are going back to the unit we left off on before Advent and Christmas. We will explore the Apostles and their successors such as current and past popes. We will also learn about the new Apostle, Matthias. 
Consider how Scripture and Traditions can deepen our understanding of the content.
LA/Reading: We are starting U3W2 in our MyView books this week. The focus is still on diversity, but the question this week is, how do our experiences help us see the world differently? The students will use a realistic fiction story to help identify what a plot is. We will read a section from Mama’s Window written by Lynn Rubright. The vocabulary words for this week are: subsided, dedication, impulsively, trance, grudge. Our language convention for this week is subject-verb agreement. The U3W2 test will be on Friday Jan 12.
Analyze plot elements, including the rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. 
Demonstrate understanding of words by relating them to their opposites and to words with similar but not identical meanings. 
Explain the interactions of the characters and the changes they undergo.
Explain the influence of the setting, including historical setting, on the plot. 
Spelling: U3W2 words focus on words that have r-controlled vowels. The ‘r’ changes the vowel sounds in these words, such as discard. Students will have two word choice activities and one spelling worksheet to help them prepare for the test on Friday. 
Demonstrate and apply phonetic knowledge.
Demonstrate and apply spelling knowledge.
Science: Check out Ms. Arnold’s page!