Week at a Glance February 13 – February 17, 2017

Religion Objectives:  

Valentine’s Day lesson.  The children will know that on Valentine’s Day we show love.  We will be grateful for God’s love and show love for someone. 

Seeds – Jesus’ rule is to love one another. The children will recognize rules they follow.  The children will learn that Jesus’ rule is to love one another.  The children will identify their loving behaviors and will pray the Lord’s Prayer together. 

Science Objectives: 

Fizzing hearts experiment – a chemical reaction.  Day and night animals. Describe, observe and investigate properties and characteristics of common objects. Real or not? 

Literacy Objectives: 

Unit 5 – Week 1 – What is a jungle? Concept words branch, color, hot, jungle, leaf, and trunk. Amazing words explore, hunt, twig, giant, graze, and moist.  Rhyming words, letter naming, delete onsets, uppercase/lowercase letters and concepts of printOur features book this week is Amazing Jungle.

 Math Objectives: 

Recognize repeating patterns, recognizing patterns in sound and in nature, one less, creating and extending patterns. 

 Social Studies: 

Friends Say Thank You.  What do friends say to each other?  Identify features of a jungle. 

Afternoon Enrichment: 

Tad Hills author study.  Explore the Rocket the Dog books.  We will be creating our own ABC book and go on an alphabet hunt around the school.  We will also be exploring the argumentative writing genre with Rocket that Ms. Nash learned about during her In-Service Day!