Week at a Glance September 26 – September 30, 2016

Religion Objectives:  

“God Made My Church Family”. The children will identify the Church as God’s family, know that they belong to the Church and love Mary as Jesus’ mother and theirs. 

Science Objectives:  

PreK4 will explore the sense of taste.  We will measure, make and taste strawberry lemonade.  We will graph if we like or do not like strawberry lemonade.  We will also explore the sense of taste with a taste bud test.  We will graph which item we liked the best. 

Social Studies Objectives: 

The children will identify good habits of nutrition.  We will use language skills to compare and contrast characteristics of families.  We will use voting as a group decision making tool, discuss safety at home and demonstrate that all people need shelter. 

Literacy Objectives: 

Unit 2 – Week 1 - “Meet My Family – Who is in our families?” Concept words brother, family, father, grandparent, mother, and sister. Amazing words busy, messy, hush, neat, freeze, and sticky.  We will focus on the letter Dd.  Clap the syllables your name. Break words into syllables.  Big and Little letter review. If your name game. Identify letters in our names. Combine words.   Identify food groups. Identify the people in our family. Everyone has a home and safety at home. 

Math Objectives:

Subitizing concept - identifying verbally, without counting a number of objects in a set 0 to 5.  Similar and different.  Comparing to 4.