Week at a Glance September 19 – September 23, 2016

Religion Objectives:  

“God Made My Helpers”.  The children will realize how others help them and appreciate the help of others.  They will also see Jesus as a helpful person.  Our first Seeds Lesson is “We follow Jesus”. 

Science Objectives: 

Exploring primary colors and creating secondary colors.  Color mixing fun with crawling colors! 

Literacy Objectives: 

OWL – PreK4 - Unit 1 – Week 4 - “Friends Working and Playing Together – How do friends get along together?” Concept words afraid, happy, mad, mean, nice and sad. Amazing words business, brave, rescue, accident, apologize, and argue.  We will focus on the letter Cc.     Make it; break it with syllable segmentation of words as well as blending of syllables.  Identifying uppercase letters and differentiate between big and little letters.  We will talk about places at school.  Letter of the Week: Cc. 

Math Objectives: 

Data analysis – sort objects and describe how the groups are similar and different. Using verbal ordinal terms. 

Afternoon Enrichment:

Letter exploration of our names.  Counting animals.  Acting out The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Letter Cc of our Alphabet Book. IXL Math.