Week at a Glance August 29th – September 2nd

Religion:  Unit 1 “God Made People”.  Lesson 1 “God Made Me”.  We learn that God made all people.  We are grateful that God made people.  We will grow in self-esteem and respect for all people.

Science: We will be going on a sound walk.   We will become more aware of the world around us and heighten our sensory awareness-we are learning and developing as we play! 

Social Studies: We will meet and learn about the workers at our school. My Big World – The Class Rules. 

OWL (Opening the World of Learning): Unit 1 “Welcome New Friends” – Week 1 – “What makes each of us special?” Concept words boy, classroom, different, girl, grow, same. Amazing words favorite, frown, grin, confuse, exciting, nervous. We will focus on phonological awareness with letter and environmental sounds.  We will learn what is a letter, the letters in our name and others names. We will explore the concept of alike versus different.  

Math: Sorting various materials into groups – similar and different. Count objects with Ollie.  Discover that objects can be counted.  Haves and have nots. Recognize colors with a focus on red. Count with one-to-one correspondence.  Count up to 5 objects and demonstrate that the order of the counting sequence is always the same.