Peek At Our Week May 16 - May 20, 2022


Religion:   Special Lesson:  Fathers’ Day:  The children will express an understanding that God the Father gave them Fathers.  The children will show appreciation for what their fathers do for them.  The children will show love for their fathers.

Literacy:  OWL:  Unit 6 Week 4:  How can we take care of the Earth:  Concept words:  bottle, can, Earth, garbage, paper, recycle.  Amazing words:  bin, harm, plastic, poster, separate, team.  Make it/Break it phonemes, letter sounds, focus on letter sounds.  Initial and ending consonant sounds and letter names.  Concepts of print:  title, author, illustrator, punctuation marks, beginning and ending place while reading, sweeping left to right.  Blend and segment words.  Use complete sentences in a discussion.  Shared reading and story comprehension.  What’s my word: Respond appropriately to a text.  Answer questions about a story.  Letter hop through the alphabet.  Letter of the week:  Zz.

Math:  Sharing fairly, sharing fairly without leftovers, sharing fairly with leftovers and making 10 with our hands and feet.  Identifying the numbers in our phone number.  2D shape sorting.  Concepts of biggest and smallest.  Making a new shape from pattern blocks Sequencing making a birthday cake.

Science:  The children will also observe and identify living and nonliving things we see outside.  What makes something living?  It grows, it breathes and can move.

Afternoon Enrichment:


Tuesday:  Focus Letter Z.  We will continue our study of letter Z.  We will look for the letter around the room.  How many z words can we think of?

Wednesday:  Counting 0-20.  One to one correspondence.  One more and one less.   Patterning and sequencing. Ten Frames

Thursday:  Bushel of Books:   We will some Click Clack Books by Doreen Cronin.  We will learn about the author that wrote these fun books.  Concepts of Print, Sequencing and retelling of a story.

Friday:  STEM:  We will continue our study of our Moon.  Why are there craters on the moon?  Can we see the moon during the day?   The boys and girls will make moon dough.