Remote Learning:  Thursday, April 9, 2020


Religion: Draw a Cross.  Decorate it with beautiful colors and write (or have someone help you write) 

Jesus is Risen.  Cut it out and hang it in your window.

Math:  Make a T-graph. Using your graph, sort items by 1) color, 2) shape, or 3) size.

Forks and spoons

Colored legos


Count the items on each side of the graph.

Write these numbers. Which side has most? Least?

Discuss most vs. least

Have someone call out a number and do that many bunny hops.

Literacy/Language: Write your first and last name in Easter Colors.  Cut out the letters and glue them in order on a piece of paper.

How many words can you rhyme with:  Egg, candy, bunny, jelly, bean.

Science/Math:  Dye Easter Eggs with your family.  

Count out the number of eggs you are going to dye.

What would be one more? One less?, 2 more? Etc.

How many different colors can you make and mix for your eggs. Can you make the colors darker??

Sort your eggs by similar colors.

**Storytime and a craft with Mrs. Gillespie and Mrs. Truskowki.

                                                Jelly Bean Prayer

Red is for the blood He gave.

Green is for the grass He made.

Yellow is for the sun so bright.

Orange is for the edge of night.

Black is for the sins we made.

White is for the grace He gave.

Purple is for the hour of sorrow.

Pink is for our new tomorrow.