Remote Learning:  Tuesday, April 7, 2020


Math:  Recognize/create Patterns. Create a pattern using things in your house (blocks, legos etc), using 3 colors.

Write the letter Ss 8 times.  Cross off many are left.  Cross off 4 how many are left? Etc.

Literacy/Language:  Sun begins with S. Go on a Letter Scavenger and find 5 things around your house that begin with letter Ss.  Make the letter sound, trace the letter in the air with your finger, write the letter S (upper and lowercase) 4 times.

Science:  Water Walk: Properties of Water. 

Take a piece of paper towel.  Using a blue or green marker, carefully draw a raindrop and color it. Cut out the raindrop. Spray/sprinkle with water and watch the paper towel fibers absorb the water and the marker colors spread out (capillary action).  When dry hang in your window. (You can also make a sun, heart, etc)

Get Up and Go:  Go outside (ask permission first) and do 10 jumping jacks, run in place for 1 minute and do 20 big arm circles and 20 small arm circles

**Tuesday Storytime and a craft with Mrs. Gillespie and Mrs. Truskowski.