St. Joseph Catholic School

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Mrs. Julie Feely » Posts


Centers were a lively time today in our room.  At the sensory table we had colored rice, red pom poms, red cups, tweezers and blue metallic shreds!  Lots of giggles were coming from this station!  At the red table, the children did an amazing job recognizing and coloring word family rhymes!  The green table had the children Writing the Room - Dr. Seuss characters.   The class has to move their bodies all around the room to search for the words they need to record. This activity gets the children to practice their writing and handwriting. Write the Room also helps the children focus on beginning letters and sounds. Write the Room is a good way to build your students vocabulary and can be utilized as a assessment.  At the rug, it was non-standard measurement with paper feet.  Each child is measured and they record the amount of feet tall they are.  Afterwards, they measure all kinds of wonderful things around the classroom. With our parent helper it was all about getting ten apples on top of our own self portrait just like in the story of Ten Apples on Top.