St. Joseph Catholic School

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Mrs. Julie Feely » Posts


We did a science experiement with yummy gummy bears today.  First, Luke helped us measure our bears to find that they are one inch long.  Next, we made all the different solutions for our bears to soak in (baking soda water, salt water, vinegar and plain water).  Vinegar reminds us of Easter eggs.  Salt water reminds us of the ocean. Baking soda water reminds us of our apple volcanoes!  We kept one gummy bear out on the tray to see what the air will do to it. We made predictions as to what could happen to the bears once they are soaking.  Some friends thought the bears will explode, others thought they would change colors or turn into rainbows.  One friend guessed that the bears will turn into dinosaurs!  Now, we have to be patient and observe what happens over time!  Stay tuned!