St. Joseph Catholic School

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Mrs. Julie Feely » Posts


We had our very first round of centers!  At our sensory table, it was Chicka Chicka letter fun discovering letters hidden in the sand and recognizing the ones in our names with our friends.  We also worked on out fine motor skills with coloring our alphabet letters.  At the yellow table, after singing "Head Shoulders Knees and Toes" we made our very own puzzle using fine motor skills (coloring and cutting) and spatial recognition as the children had to reassemble the puzzle in the correct order.  At the rug, social skills, imagination and friendship blossomed as the children played with legos and animals.  With Ms. Nash, the children discovered that they make heat called friction when they rub their hands together.  We used our warm hands to form Sculpee clay into special backpack decorations to show our love and pride for St. Joseph School.