Week at a Glance 4/1/24-4/5/24

Week at a Glance

Week of April 1-5, 2024

Happy Easter! We are an Easter people, and Alleluia is our song!


Math: Students will continue the chapter they started before Spring Break, which is all about data collection and analysis. Students will work to analyze bar graphs by answering questions about sets of data. They will also learn how to make a table (chart) to help solve problems, and they will show data points on line plots.

Phonics (FUNdations): We will start our new Phonics Unit (Unit 13), which includes spelling patterns for words with the long /o/ sound. More specifically, we will work on writing and reading words with oa (boat), oe (toe), ow (snow). Our trick words for the week are: Monday, Tuesday, cousin. (For these trick words, students should focus on tapping out the sounds that do what they are supposed to do and focus on remembering the tricky parts by heart, e.g., Monday → M_nday → tricky part is the o.) 

Reading and Writing (Wit & Wisdom): We will continue studying legends about the American west. We will identify story elements in the first version of John Henry we read before the break, and we will compare this version to a second version of the story. We will also work on revising our writing for topic-specific words, and we will also work more with collective nouns.

Science: None - see Social Studies

Social Studies: As we return to learn more about Social Studies, we will begin our chapter on the topic of Civics. This week’s essential question is “How can one person make a difference?” We will identify problems and possible solutions in various communities, and we will also identify the contributions of individuals to U.S. history and culture.

Religion: We will continue preparing to receive First Communion, and the next chapter we will study is on the topic of receiving. We will discuss how the early Christians gathered together to remember Jesus and how we receive the sacrament of Holy Communion. We will also explain that we are united with each other when we pray the Lord’s Prayer (the Our Father prayer).

Tests and Quizzes:

  • No tests or quizzes this week

Additional Reminders:

  • Happy Easter!
  • Classes resume Tuesday, 4/2 - We are looking forward to welcoming everyone back! 🙂
  • All School Mass = Tuesday, 4/2, at 8:30am in the church
  • Please take note of the following important dates of the upcoming events related to First Communion (more information to follow):
    • Tuesday, 4/30 (evening) = Eucharistic Prayer Service
    • Friday, 5/3 (12:30pm during the school day) = Godparents’ Day prayer service
    • Saturday, 5/4 (10:00 am) = First Communion Mass