Thursday, 2/22/24, Notes

1. Read 20 minutes (or more)
2. No written Math homework --> We continued to review for our test today.
*Assessment = Friday*
3. Practice reading and spelling words with ai, ay ("double vowel syllables")
*Assessment = next week*
4. Religion - Keep checking in with your child about his/her Lenten promises. Let's keep reflecting on the following: How are we growing closer to God this Lenten season in ways of fasting, prayer, and almsgiving/charity?
Additional Thoughts: 
  • Thank you for your generosity to the Food Pantry!
  • Thank you also to those who participated in the McTeacher's fundraiser!
Good News to share: When we were in Media class on Wednesday, Mrs. Hoglund complimented the class on how well they were writing complete sentences and organizing their ideas. They are really working hard on their reading and writing, and it's fantastic to see the skills and knowledge translate to other subjects and with other teachers! :)