Monday, 10/25/21, Homework

1. Read 20 minutes
2. Math lesson 3.3 Homework pages - 2-digit addition
*Students may use the standard algorithm as we reviewed in class today or they can use another tool that they find helpful (e.g., tens and ones chart).
3. Practice spelling words - test = next Tuesday, 11/2
Spelling List = Bossy r words (r-controlled vowels)
  1. dark 
  2. start 
  3. party
  4. storm 
  5. forget 
  6. morning 
  7. dirt 
  8. thirsty
  9. under 
  10. person 
  11. turn 
  12. purple
Additional Reminders:
  • Socktober = now through the end of the month (10/29) - Please send in new socks for the food pantry and other Saint Joseph organizations.
  • Food Pantry Collection = Thursday, 10/28 - Thank you in advance for your generosity!
  • Halloween Class Party and Dress Down Day = Friday, 10/29
    • Students may dress in costumes, as per the guidelines set forth from the administration. You should receive these guidelines in the coming days.
    • Students may not pass out candy. (Students will get snacks at the party after lunch.)